It seems that you think Musk and Tesla are a GOOD thing. That AI-narrated video was from 2018... You do realize the whole "climate change" narrative is BS, right? Okay, I won't pound it into you, but... hmmm. I think this is definitely a distraction, and btw-- ELON is sending thousands of satellites into space so we can be further irradiated while they spy on us 24/7. Just sayin.

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You seem to think Rockefeller's oil, Rockefeller's vaccines, Rockefeller's UN & WHO, and the Federal Reserve, IMF & World Bank are a good thing? Climate Change was invented by the Rockefeller Foundation. Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Oil, Saudi-Aramco/Chevron, Russia's EXXON & WEF are the one's that invented global warming, climate change, carbon taxes, carbon capture, carbon allowance, eco-terrorists and smart cities. (Not Al Gore) https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/rockefeller-funds-climate-change-carbon-taxes-capture-credits

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I HARDLY think anything about Rockefuckingfeller is a good thing!! lol

Or any of the other listed stuff there.... Surely you can't think that Elon is a "good guy"?

Well, whatever.

But no. Nothing you list there is anything good, in my opinion.

It's not a secret that Elon is sending thousands of satellites into the ionosphere. Look into it. Sorry to bring bad news, but he ain't our friend.

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Elon has very little to do with a Tesla. The motor is Nikola Tesla's. It's certified for 1 Million Hours of continuous operation. The Battery is Nikola Tesla's. The Remote Control is Nikola Tesla's. The Wifi is Nikola Tesla's. The Fluid Dynamics in the heating and cooling system is Nikola Tesla's. The Heat Pump is Nikola Tesla's. In an ICE car, the Reciprocating Engine is Nikola Tesla's. The Electrical Igniter For Gas Engines is Nikola Tesla's and even the Spark Plug. In the Prius, the DC Dynamo motor is Nikola Tesla's. Lets not get into VTOL, MagLev or Scramjets. Those are Nikola Tesla's too.

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It is my understanding that Nikola Tesla invented a machine that pulled energy RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR. It is also my understanding that no batteries, no fuel at all, are needed. We aren't yet able to do what Tesla did because it would be the END of the stranglehold that these big companies, oil & gas, energy monoliths, etc etc have on us... and an end to their continuing wealth. Dr. Judy Wood has delved into this issue whilst working on the 9/11 puzzle (she solved that, too) and what we are NOT BEING TOLD is that we could all be driving, cooking, heating, cooling, doing all manner of things we now do, without having to pay ANYONE for the energy, and it's clean energy. Why don't we already? Because MONEY. We are NOT being told what Tesla actually discovered. That is why his notes and work was destroyed, thank you Edison, et al.

TESLA is the name of Elon's CAR COMPANY. That's as far as the connection goes.

Check out my post "How to Save the World." You'd probably, hopefully, find it interesting.


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That's right. Pulled the energy out, directly to a million hour motor and saved to a millions mile Lithium/Mica battery. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/tesla-battery-day-pary-3-ft-ev-battery https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/ev-motor-mania-strengths-and-weaknesses

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I don't recall anything about Tesla having a BATTERY involved, but it's been a while since I read about it. I just remember that ANYBODY could easily afford to have this "box" and that nobody would have to PAY for heat, cooling, electricity, you know... EVERYONE could have power and whatever for refrigeration and all the home stuff. Dr. Wood. I don't retain a lot of details about stuff like this because it's not my purview. I retain generalities.

DId you read my post? I think that's where I put a link to this video/movie whatever, which I think you would find VERY interesting! I did.

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