Hey idiots! Your 3 years late and $13 Trillion short... I predited 33 aspects of this scam on December 22nd 2019, and produced a podcast on December 26th 2019 at 1AM, https://www.bitchute.com/video/CoYNr5FxEQrQ/ the day before covid was even given a name. https://facebook.com/riseofthejedi That's right, Trump's Emergency, Governor's "orders", the fake virus, the vaccine bio-weapon, ... all of it ... You can't fool me with your bullshit!! Chris Edwards, editor-in-chief of TeslaLeaks.com Facebook Timeline PDF from Jan-Dec 2020 ft Rise of the Jedi Podcast & Predicting the Covid Scamdemic on February 25th 2020 https://img1.wsimg.com/isteam/ip/918f07ac-1db0-4331-beb6-38981fc22c54/Coronavirus%20Hoax%20Banned.JPG

Chief Justice predicts 33 aspects of the Covid Scenario on the Rise of the Jedi Podcast 12/26/19 at 1AM https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/teslaleakscom-fb-timeline-jan-dec-2020-ft-jedi-podcast-covid19?blogcategory=Predicting+Covid-19 https://www.bitchute.com/video/CoYNr5FxEQrQ/ https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/918f07ac-1db0-4331-beb6-38981fc22c54/downloads/Nuremberg%202%20Timeline%20December%2022nd%202019%20to%20May.pdf?ver=1644823821735

(SNIP) February 25th 2020 Coronavirus Hoax "CoronaVirus" & "Test Kit" Hoax to stop Tesla Giga Shanghai Part 1: 1) Coronavirus Hoax was invented the day after the Rise of the Jedi Podcast Launched, December 26 2019 https://facebook.com/riseofthejedi AND December 30th 2019, same day Tesla Giga Shanghai began production Tesla delivers first China-made cars from $5bn Shanghai factory. https://theguardian.com/technology/2019/dec/30/tesla-delivers-first-china-made-cars-from-shanghai-factory 2) Coronaviruses are types of viruses?? 3) Viruses are too small to see with a light microscope — only seen with Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) detector in a scanning electron microscope 4) See these examples of HIV imagery. If some images are colored for scientific purposes, and others altered for aesthetic reasons, how can a viewer tell the difference? #NASA #PHOTOSHOP https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/symbiartic/youve-never-really-seen-a-virus-until-you-see-this/ 5) October 2017, A method for accurate quantitation of virus particles has long been sought, but a perfect method still eludes the scientific community. 6) There is only 1 claimed "real" photo of Coronavirus in Google Images https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus 7) Coronavirus originated by an "illegal" "fish market" in China. OH SURE!! 8) Sounds like Long John Silvers & Walmart have a hand in this one; to "stop the wildlife trade"? A "wet market" in Wuhan, China, is catching the #blame as the #probable source of the current coronavirus outbreak that's sweeping the globe. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/19/health/coronavirus-animals-markets.html 9) All pathogens can be killed with UV lights in the air, on surfaces and in water (Nikola Tesla) https://facebook.com/groups/teslaleaks 10) All pathogens can be killed by purifying the blood with electric fields (John G Trump, MIT, 1978) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wozw24RACZ8 Updated Feb 25, 2020, 10:12 AM

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The only "international criminal court" is controlled by the same people who turned Nuremberg 1.0 into a kangaroo court. Here are the chances of an indictment and a guilty verdict that could be enforced:


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I searched for Mark McGowan and was pleased to see his name. Here is more evidence: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/genocide-denial-now-occurring-in

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Reiner Fuermich started the Nuremberg trials but was persecuted and now is in trouble. This is a global mafia we are dealing with.



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No he didn't. I started the first trial on July 4th 2021. He started his Grand Jury over a year later.

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Ok, but his trials were doomed to fail cause he got some bad partners... Have you acted on the law of the land?


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Correct. That's why this Nuremberg 2.0 is an International Public Grand Jury. With no special interests. 100% funded and produced by me. I only play A Chief Justice on TV.

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Nov 11, 2023
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Read my book, websites including 4thReich.com and blog posts on Nuremberg 1.0. My Nuremberg 2.0 & Reiner Fuellmich's "Grand Jury"/ICIC.law are both International Public Grand Jury's. So far, the people and courts around the world are agreeing, politicians are being thrown out and civil and criminal cases in all areas of the covid measures, including censorship are ongoing. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/ols/products/rise-fall-of-hitlers-4th-reich-e-book-by-the-chief-justice-of-nuremberg-20

A grand jury is a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought. A grand jury may subpoena physical evidence or a person to testify. A grand jury is separate from the courts, which do not preside over its functioning.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_jury

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