Who invented the idea of a "Nuremberg 2.0" a new International Public Grand Jury vs Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity - Recap
Chris Edwards acting Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 was first to be censored by the Biden White House; first to be removed under the ministry of truth; and #1 on the White House Disinformation Dozen
July 4th 2021 Zoom Meeting at NurembergTrials.net entitle'd "Nuremberg 2.0" that reached 300,000 viewers on that day, after proposing the idea of Nuremberg 2.0 on February 9th 2021; and registering the website on May 13th 2021; the anniversary of the Covid Scamdemic Lockdowns. Infowars' Greg Reese did a video on Nuremberg 2.0 in June 8th 2021, a month after the website was launched garnering 1.5M views. Giving no credit to the inventor of the idea of course. The last thing these fools want to do is mention my websites. It puts their bullshit out of business... I offered Alex Jonestein $1 to buy is InfoWhores website; which is now bankrupt. And, Reiner Fuellmich, stooge of the 4th Reich, is in prison. You will find that I'm the first to coin the idea; and first to develop a website, and first to publish the actual method of a public grand jury. Reiner Fuellmich didn't start his "Grand Jury"; copying the text on my website; over a year later. Of course, not mentioning my website. Besides the fact that I predicted the entire Covid Scamdemic scenario, on December 26th 2019 at 1AM on my Rise Of The Jedi Podcast, a day before Covid was given it’s name Sars-Cov2; and the page was created on December 22nd 2019, a day after the first report of a mysterious pneumonia patient in China. All Whilst the rest of the "truth" community was hiding under their bed from the boogyman dreaming about Santa Clause. You all give “Grifting” a bad name. No wonder BAAL Gates wants to off all of you. https://nurembergtrials.net/who-is-the-chief-justice
The idea of a nuremberg trail over covid measures was mentioned first in early 2020 by an international politician; her name and links are published on one of the Reiner Fuellmich Grand Jury final compilation posts on the Nurembergtrials.net website. Also published are the other few who mentioned the idea of nuremberg trials over mandatory vaccines, prior to February 9th 2021, using a Google Search by date. February 6th 2021 “A grand jury trial begins into crimes against humanity" involving a fabricated coronavirus pandemic. But, Fuellmich did not refer to it as a Nuremberg 2.0 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/10/facebook-posts/viral-video-simulation-does-not-depict-real-grand-/
However, the idea of a "Nuremberg 2.0" and it being an International Public Grand Jury was first published by me on the daily news page of TeslaLeaks.com; and the announcement of an upcoming Nuremberg 2.0 trial; is available on a post on the website, at archive.org; and on one of the PDF archives for download. This, immedialy was proceeded by the ruling on February 16th 2021 by the judges at The Hague in the Netherlands, that the Covid Measures were "not an emergency" and "illegal". This ruling is what cemented the idea of a Nuremberg 2.0. https://www.usnews.com/news/world-report/articles/2021-02-16/coronavirus-curfew-in-netherlands-must-be-lifted-immediately-court-rules
February 25th 2023, on the Anniversary of Chris Edwards making his famous post entitled “Coronavirus Hoax” on February 28th 2020; that garnered 1000 likes and 1000 shares “Nuremberg 2.0 Public Trial Begins vs Top 100 Wanted for Covid Crimes Against Humanity” as the Chief Justice presents the evidence on their Most Wanted posters for printing and distribution where legal and lawful. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-public-trial-begins
The Nuremberg 2.0 Zoom Meeting on July 4th 2021 was deleted by Zoom the following day citing “racism”, “violence” or hatred etc. their standard cancellation policy. Zoom permanently blocks Nuremberg Trials 2?
July 3rd 2021 Nuremberg Trials 2.0 Public Zoom Itinerary by Chris Edwards, Chief Justice https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nurembergtrialsnet---nuremberg-trials-20-public-zoom-itinerary
However, the chat for the Zoom hearing was published on the website for verification. The audio and video and chat are available from Zoom. JULY 4TH 2021: Live Zoom Nuremberg Trials 2.0 Introduction: "The 10 Points of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation and how it relates to Covid-19 Explained" by Chief Justice https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nurembergtrialsnet---10-points-of-the-nuremberg-codex-explained -- Live Chat: https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nuremberg-20---july-4th-2021-live-zoom-public-grand-jury-chat
On QAnon-affiliated Telegram groups, users shared a website with a Zoom link to watch the trial, which it claimed would start on July the 4th 2021 .. . https://www.vice.com/en/article/reiner-fuellmich-nuremberg-2-why-covid-conspiracy-theorists-see-this-lawyer-as-their-saviour/
Chris Edwards’, the acting Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 was the first to be official censored under the Biden White House; first to be removed under the new ministry of truth; and #1 on the White House Disinformation Dozen. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/white-house-secret-dirty-dozen-covid-19-hoax-chief-justice-1
Later, at the Ron Johnson Covid Vaccine Hearings, according to attending witness, the words “Nuremberg” were not to be mentioned in the hearings.
Nuremberg 2.0 Opening Statement by Chief Justice vs Hitler's 4th Reich for Crimes Against Humanity vs Covid Measures, July 4th 2021. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nuremberg-trials-20---chief-justice-opening-statement-the-nwo
Representing the United States, Chief Justice, Chris Edwards' Opening Statement at the public Nuremberg Trials 2.0 on July 4th 2021
Zoom Meeting for Nuremberg Trials 2 open to the Public @
https://zoom.us/j/91093480545 Live July 4th 2021 @ 8AM PST for 8 hrs. Zoom Meeting for the Chief Justice, Grand Jury & Investigators with up to 500 participants will begin at 9AM PST for 8 hrs with opening statements by Chief Justice for Coronavirus measures. https://zoom.us/j/91694731643
Thanks for joining us today. Today is July 4th 2021, a federal holiday. Therefore, we're here as a public trial presenting the public evidence against the coronavirus measures. These Nuremberg Trials 2.0 have been in development here since February 9th 2021 when enough evidence had been compiled for submission to the ICC at The Hague, Netherlands and the world.
WORLDWIDE EVENT: For Immediate Release, March 20th 2021
The website 4thReich.com begins the "4th Reich" Nuremberg Trials in 2021 for Coronavirus Hoaxers, Crimes Against Humanity & Other Crimes. Grand Jury selection begins today the 1st Anniversary of Act 1, Worldwide Martial Law by Government, Rockefeller & NIH "Lock-step" and illegal Presidential Directives and other "Orders". The Zoom public trials by the Grand Jury are set for July 4th 2021! The 4th Reich is the 1000 year hypothetical future Nazi Reich that is the successor to Adolf Hitler's Third Reich (1933 ヨ 1945). March 13th 2021 The Nuremberg Trials website will have features for 4th Reich or Patriot subscribers such as 1) Evidence for Legal Case 2) Create a profile for your favorite Hitler Brownshirt or Hitlarian business 3) Vote for who belongs in Hitler's Cabinet 4) How to open up your business under Covid 5) Legal help 6) How to declare medical exemptions 7) No-Mask business directory 8) Local barter 9) Daily Covid News 10) Wolfenstein 4D https://teslaleaks.com/nurembergtrialscovid.html Nuremberg Trials for Covid Hoax Timeline: ) March 12th 2021 at Midnight, selection process begins for Grand Jury ) March 13th-July 3rd 2021, Evidence compiled, Inquiries made and Subpoena's served vs 4th Reich members ) July 3rd 2021, Public vote for Grand Jury members ) July 3rd 2021, Public vote for 4th Reich Members on Trial ) July 4th 2021, Grand Jury convenes on public Zoom meeting with Opening Statements against alleged members of the 4th Reich PUBLIC EVIDENCE PRESENTED FOR NUREMBERG TRIALS: 1) Covid-19 Hoax Introduction 2) Crimes against humanity 3) Medical & privacy rights 4) Businesses under Covid 5) Legal Cases for precedent 6) Risk vs Benefits under Covid? -- - Emergencies/ Authorization/Vaccines 7) Vaccinology used in Vaccines 8) Contageon Theory & False Science 9) Mandatory Vaccines & Injuries 10) Cures & Solutions https://teslaleaks.com/nuremberg-trials-evidence.html
LETTERS AND LAWSUITS PRESENTED VS CORONAVIRUS HOAX: https://teslaleaks.com/nuremberg-trials-legal-case-lawsuits.html
April 30th 2021 #NUREMBERG #TRIALS The Nuremberg Doctors Trial and Modern Medicine メ s Panic Promotion of the FDA メ s Experimental and Unapproved COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Should Medically-degreed physicians in the NIH, the CDC, the NIAID and the FDA (all of whom presumably pledged the hippocratic oath at the beginning of their medical careers) who then vigorously promoted the untested (long-term), experimental emergency use authorized (EEUA) Covid-19 Vaccines, be subject to the Nuremberg Code of Ethics? https://www.globalresearch.ca/nuremberg-doctors-trial-modern-medicine-panic-promotion-fda-unapproved-eeua-covid-19-vaccines/5743983
April 7th 2021 The Significance of the Nuremberg Code: The Universal Right of Informed Consent to Medical Interventions by ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION https://ahrp.org/the-significance-of-the-nuremberg-code
The Nuremberg Code provides legal justification to litigate violations of informed consent. The first and foremost principle is unequivocal: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential". The United States Military Tribunal established the Nuremberg Code as a standard against which applies to all citizens ラ soldiers as well as civilians." "the universally accepted norm in customary international law regarding nonconsensual medical experimentation." The 4thReich members and their aiders and abettors are responsible, whether they know it or not, violating the Nuremberg Code as a Crime Against Humanity. 1) "a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient's consent commits an assault for which he is liable in damages." 2) "responsibility for violations of informed consent rests upon individual doctors, government officials and their aiders and abettors each of who can be prosecuted for crimes against humanity" 3) "any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests" "Of special interest to this Court, the Nuremberg Code, at least in significant part, was the result of legal thought and legal principles, as opposed to medical or scientific principles, and thus should be the preferred standard for assessing the legality of scientific research on human subjects. ? Under it, duties to research subjects arise. The Nuremberg code [i]s a summary of the legal requirements for experimentation on humans The Code requires that the informed, voluntary, competent, and understanding consent of the research subject be obtained. Although this principle is placed first in the Code's ten points, the other nine points must be satisfied before it is even appropriate to ask the subject to consent. The Nuremberg Code is the 'most complete and authoritative statement of the law of informed consent to human experimentation.' ? It is also 'part of international common law and may be applied, in both civil and criminal cases, by state, federal and municipal courts in the United States." Cases in Point: The case involved Pfizer which conducted an unapproved, trial of its experimental antibiotic, Trovan on children in Nigeria. The court found Pfizer guilty. -- Rabi Abdullahi, et al. v. Pfizer, Inc., 562 F.3d (2d Cir. 2009) 1) "Among the nonconsensual experiments that the tribunal cited as a basis for their convictions were the testing of drugs for immunization against malaria, epidemic jaundice, typhus, smallpox and cholera. Seven of the convicted doctors were sentenced to death and the remaining eight were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment. The American tribunal's conclusion that action that contravened the Nuremberg Code's first principle constituted a crime against humanity is a lucid indication of the international legal significance of the prohibition on nonconsensual medical experimentation." Telford Taylor explained,"Nuernberg was based on enduring [legal] principles and not on temporary political expedients, and this fundamental point is apparent from the reaffirmation of the Nuernberg principles in Control Council Law No. 10, and their application and refinement in the 12 judgments rendered under that law during the 3-year period, 1947 to 1949." "When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the prime minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that, in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code".
On March 1st 2021, Isaac Legaretta, a New Mexico Detention Center Officer filed the first US Lawsuit Over Mandatory Covid Vaccines. DOCKET: No. 2:21-cv-00179 On March 7th 2021 an Israeli citizens group filed a a petition to the International Criminal Court charging the Israeli Government with violating the Nuremberg Code with its mandatory Vaccination policy. "When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the prime minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that, in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code".
On March 19th 2021 a group of researchers from Norway have filed a lawsuit charging the Norwegian government corona policy is a Crime Against Humanity. under the leadership of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team of investigators and lawyers. Read the English translation here or download the official document (in Norwegian) here. https://ahrp.org/the-significance-of-the-nuremberg-code/
Four days later, On March 24th 2021 Fact Check-International Criminal Court has yet to assess Israeli anti-vaxxers submit ethics complaint to International Criminal Court citing Nuremberg Code. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-icc-israel-covid/fact-check-international-criminal-court-has-yet-to-assess-merit-of-a-claim-regarding-israels-covid-19-vaccination-programme-idUSL1N2LM2FS F
WORLDWIDE EVENT: July 4th 2021 #INDEPENDENCE #DAY #WW3 The most powerful person in the world, Joe Biden & richest man in the world, Bill Gates face Nuremberg Trials 2.0 at https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/july-4-2021-independenceday-biden-gates-nurembergtrialsnet
The International crime syndicate also appears on Hitler's 4th Reich TO 100 "Most Wanted" list at
President Biden, facing a slowing rate of vaccinations and a hope for near normalcy by Independence Day, said the government would shift from mass vaccination sites to local settings. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/04/us/politics/biden-vaccination-strategy.html
Chris Edwards is the self proclaimed Chief Justice. He is the one to predict coronavirus within hours of it's announcement on his Rise of the Jedi Podcast December 26th 2019 at 1AM, he made the first Facebook post on February 25th 2020 with 10 points, calling it the Coronavirus Hoax; 3 weeks before the lockdowns on March 13th. This post and the entire Tesla Leaks Admin account containing 10,000 posts, was deleted without warning by Facebook on January 5th 2021, the day before the false flag, stand down at the Capitol on July 6th 2021. This censorship of January 5th 2021 was still during the Trump administration.
Then, he went on to develop the official coronavirus timeline from that date, until today. Here today we will remove the mystery and the conspiracies of The Coronavirus Experiment and replace it with facts and knowledge. Later, on January 5th 2021, he predicted the False-Flag, Stand Down at the Capitol. His "Tesla Leaks" Facebook Group Admin, was removed by Facebook, on that same day. The backups of that data have been compiled and posted here. Consider this evidentiary trial the "Informed Consent" necessary for medical experiments in the Nuremberg Codex.
June 28th 2021 Nuremberg Code Point 1 on Informed Consent by Chief Justice
June 26th 2021 10 Points of the Nuremberg Codex Explained by Chief Justice
June 25th 2021 Legal Cases citing Nuremberg for Covid-19 by Chief Justice
June 12th 2021 100 Questions for Fauci & Gates on Nuremberg Code by Chief Justice
WW2 was staged to create the United Nations & WHO: Justice Robert H. Jackson's Opening Statement to the four-nation International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg on November 21 1945 -- "At the end if these Nuremberg Trials against Hitler & the 3rd Reich, you'll all be begging for a United Nations" https://www.roberthjackson.org/nuremberg-event/justice-robert-h-jacksons-opening-statement/
November 28th 2021 All I Want For Christmas Is Nuremberg 2.0 ft Reiner Fuellmich https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/all-i-want-for-christmas-is-nuremberg-20-before-fauci-jabs-santa
November 14th 2022 Reiner Fuellmich Covid ICIC “International Crimes Investigative Committee” https://t.me/ICICommittee
February 5th 2022 Reiner Fuellmich's Corona Investigation Committee Public Grand Jury Hearings Days 1-7 | OPENING STATEMENTS | YouTube
Reiner Fuellmich's Crimes Against Humanity Tour (crimesagainsthumanitytour.com) w/ Public Grand Jury Hearings Crimes Against Humanity Tour Fuellmich Grand Jury + Fauci Missing (nurembergtrials.net). Logistic support is provided to the proceedings by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee: website (German) or website (English). Grand Jury’s website: www.grand-jury.net http://www.corona-ausschuss.de/ or website (English) https://corona-ausschuss.de/en/
November 15th 2023 Poland House of Representatives’ Investigation Committee: inauguration with dr Reiner Füllmich
Featuring: The Complete Covid-19 Daily Timeline (2019-2024)
The International Grand Jury vs Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humaity Updated: Nuremberg 2.0 - The Year In Covid 2023 https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/merry-christmas-free-ebook-nuremberg-20-year-in-covid-2023

The Covid Saga Continued into 2023... Revelation after Revelation. Psyop after Psyop. And will continue, as long as you continue to believe in the contagion myth. During 2023, we were introduced with the fact that the Covid Plannedemic was a worldwide military operation against the free people of planet Earth. Otherwise known as World War 4. All while the Covid Criminals squirm their way out of a Nuremberg 2.0 with the "Safe Haven Act". The update to the book is set for release on the 4th Anniversary of the Chief Justice predicting the Covid Scenario, to Immortilize the book "Nuremberg 2.0: International Criminal Grand Jury vs Covid Crimes Against Humanity" by the Chief Justice and will cover major events in the Covid Scamdemic through the year 2023.
Top Stories of 2023: The Guardian: 2.5 Billion People Now Believe Covid Is A Full-Blown Hoax by Chief Justice https://bitchute.com/video/oR9qe9uVJ9hi/ -- Black Pilled! Everything You're Taught in Schools is a Lie by Chief Justice https://bitchute.com/video/BO5zCXzPcwXI/ -- Theme Song for Covid 2022: Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 vs Covid Hoax ft 33 Ways "All I Do Is Win" https://www.bitchute.com/video/m38BhFJs2mIF/
Ebook by the Chief Justice: Nuremberg 2.0 (Rise & Fall of the 4th Reich) December 26th 2019-December 26th 2022 https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/918f07ac-1db0-4331-beb6-38981fc22c54/Rise%20and%20Fall%20of%20the%204th%20Reich%20-%20260%20%20Pages.pdf
Covid-Hoax Rewind:
Covid Scamdemic Day 1 - Fake Pictures, Deaths & Dummies, Medical Kidnapping & Killing of "Suspects". Covid Scamdemic Day 1 in Wuhan featuring Fake & Staged Pictures of Fake Deaths, Fake Dummies on Gurney's, Robot Doctors, Medical Kidnapping, Killing of People & Animals "Suspected" of having Covid, Forced Quarantine & Isolation of those "Suspected" of any Illness, Fake & Staged Newscasts, Fake Asymptomatic Diagnosis, Contact Tracing of Fake Cases, Fake Testing Procedures, Useless Medical Counter-Measures for a non-existent Virus, Spraying DDT directly on the Public, Shutting Down Businesses, Starving the Public, Robbing the Public, and a plethora of never-ending bullshit for you stupid people! https://www.bitchute.com/video/mkcRFHGaabVw/ -- Chief Justice predicts the Covid Plannedemic, Declares WW4, Wins WW4, Rejected Amnesty and 42% of the U.S., if not 85+ if they were given all available information, would be for a Nuremberg 2.0 Trial vs Covid Measuers & Crimes Against Humanity. https://www.bitchute.com/video/w8yAIeAJHr8A/
Covid Plannedemic 2023:
December 22nd to 27th 2022, the Twitter Files on Covid-19 were drip-drip-drip leaked to the public. The investigation revealed that the White House, DHS, FBI, Pfizer and others were censoring people on social media and elsewhere over factual vaccine information and questioning election fraud. That censorship was later deemed Unconstitutional and Illegal. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/merry-christmas-free-ebook-nuremberg-20-year-in-covid-2023
BREAKING: LIVING IN THE 4TH REICH AND THE MASS EXTERMINATION GOING ON NOW https://bitchute.com/video/8YvDNBrJQWho/ (MIRROR) -- Ebook: Nuremberg 2.0 vs 4th Reich ft Covid-19 Intro + Timeline https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/ebook-nuremberg-20-vs-4th-reich-ft-covid-19-intro-timeline
It was time. The time was neigh. Covid-19 War for the Worldbegan December 26th 2019 at 1AM, the time George Washington was crossing-the-Delaware; and while you were sleeping & dreaming about Santa Claus. At that moment, Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 was prepared to single-handedly defeat the PTB (powers that be); The 1000 year reign of the 4th Reich. Or 1000 years of peace? The Cabaland the Covid-19 Hoax. WW3 being the worldwide war on terror or the war for terror; if you ask GHW Bush Jr. And in this case, YOU are the Terrorist, the Plague and the Leper. YOU were presented with a Soul Contractby the Italian mob-boss, Fauci, the name meaning Sickle Maker,of the Grim Reaper, BAAL Gates & the 7 Headed Hydra; called The Faucian Bargainaka The Devil's Bargainwith the idea of a Fake Alien Invasion of Satan's Snakeexecuted by the 4 Hoaxmen of the Apocalypsis; the Black Pope, & Jesuits; Masons, Red Cross & Switzerlandetal; The Shadow Government of Global Vaccine Regime Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF, the CDC, GAVI, USAID, and the World Bank... using Omicron; the all-knowing, omniscient and invisible entity; in order for the Satanic Cultand the Mask Cultto take over the human body and steal your soul. The MK-NAOMIblack magic mind control program of Virologyis designed for you to commit suicide by vaccine, the suicide gene? and by suicidal thoughts. See Exorcising the Devil: "Drink the poison yourself" from the magic of the ancients. See Cambridge University on "Ancient medicine between hope and fear: Medicament, magic and poison in the Roman Empire". Ala Black Magic. Ala Flattening-The Curve; despite curves can't be flat; for the Woke. A self-sacrifice to the Devil, otherwise known as Baphomet, organ harvesting, KidneyX project, and child sacrificeto Moloch and be doomed forever into Hades. The Covid Plot? Tim Truth presents The Pied Piper Of Roman Mythology A Burnt Offering... The resultant solution to Virologyof the need for Mark of the Beast Vaccine'sfor everything comes from the word Pharmakon(Pharma) being defined as Poison from original Greek aka a Witches Brew& The Devil's Chemists. This is the Apocolypsis, the Unveiling, the Revelation!Versus the Covid Cultof a Godless Modernity, Nihelism Evolution vs Helocentrism and Parochial & Pathological Altruismthat leading to the prisoner's dilemma of social loyalty, obediance a fealty. WW4 and the next pedal-to-the-metal Great Reset began as the Last Survivor of WW2 Died, January 5th2022. Their next trick, The WEF reveals the -ongoing agenda- for Davos 2023. This year’s event was titled “History at a Turning Point”. If you disagree, you're the terrorist: By January 2021, at the beginning of the vaccine roll-out British State Deployed Counter-Terrorism Unitto crush social media and scientific dissent on vaccines and lockdowns. On February 7th20022, The U.S. DHS puts out a National Terrorism Advisoryfor people who disagree with Covid-19 measures from vaccines to masking.
Fast forwarding to June 30th 2022, the FDA will not require clinical trial data to authorize redesigned COVID boosters. That was their goal all along, no safety testing, no ingredients list and no official approvals for the vaccines or the 20 Fake Teststhat don't look for a "virus" in nature; other than Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). PCR & Antibody Covid "Cracker Jacks Box" Testsare frauds ft 10 points On-The-Box that prove it. And, that wasn't all. On June 15th 2018, CJ posted on Facebook the NY Times article "deleting your online DNA data is brutally difficult"; even previously, knowing they were coming for your DNA and your data and then you! How? With Bio-Specific Vaccinesthat target the Telomere Terminatorin DNA synthesis and simultaneously your Red & White Blood Cells further leading to disruption in male and female reproduction and including Anti-Fertility Vaccines. SATAN is targeting your blood stream. Make no mistake. – “The life of the flesh is in the BLOOD.” (Leviticus 17:11). COVID spelled backwards is DIVOC. Divocin Hebrew means “Possession of the evil spirit.”. How to deal with Woke-Covid Cultistsala Zombies. Sorcery is a derivative of the Greek word “Pharmakeia” and this is the word from which we get the word “Pharmacy.” Sorcery also implies “Witchcraft.” They’re luring your soul with their spells and rituals to break the connection between you and your spirit (GOD) because they know that you’re the TRUE TEMPLE OF GOD.” PHARMAKEIA AND SORCERY - SafeGuardYourSoulPHARMAKEIA (Pharmaceia) was the Naiad-nymph of a poisonousspring near the river Ilissos of Athens (southern Greece). She was a playmate of the maiden Oreithyiawho was abducted from her spring by the north-wind Boreas. - Plato in Iliad and the Odyssey.