March 20th 2023 Lamborghini CEO says ‘no more ICE vehicles’ past 2024. All the slow, piece of crap Lamborhini's will be in the junk yard and scrapped for junk! https://www.teslarati.com/lamborghini-ceo-no-ice-vehicles-2024/

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March 20th 2023 Lamborghini CEO says ‘no more ICE vehicles’ past 2024. All the slow, piece of crap Lamborhini's will be in the junk yard and scrapped for junk! https://www.teslarati.com/lamborghini-ceo-no-ice-vehicles-2024/

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March 20th 2023 California expected to move forward with diesel trucks ban, limit emissions by 2024 with new gas powered vehicles banned by 2035, if not much, much sooner... https://www.teslarati.com/california-diesel-trucks-ban-2023/

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This video is proof that 99.5% of Republican's are abject morons, total idiots, mass murdering morons (TM) and dogshit eating robots that work for Rockefeller Oil, Rockefeller Medicine and Rockefeller's U.N. You all need to take Trump's vaccine and die. No one needs you, not even the bugs!

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