Drone Psyop used to push the Nuke Hoax Part 7 ft DHS, FBI, FAA & DoD Joint Statement on Ongoing Response to Reported Drone Sightings (TeslaLeaks.com)


December 19th 2024 Nuclear bunker sales increase, despite warnings : NPR. This is because there is no such thing as nuclear bunkers nor nuclear buttons nor nuclear bombs. https://www.npr.org/2024/12/18/nx-s1-5232639/nuclear-bunker-sales-increase

December 19th 2024 "They Hate Trump" - Steve Quayle Fears 'Nuke False Flag' To Keep Him Out Of Office. But Musk & Trump love Nukes’ too! https://www.zerohedge.com/political/they-hate-trump-steve-quayle-fears-nuke-false-flag-keep-him-out-office

December 18th 2024 Mystery Drones Looking for Missing 'Radioactive Material': New Jersey Mayor https://www.newsweek.com/missing-radioactive-material-mystery-drones-new-jersey-mayor-2002671

December 17th 2024 Fact-check: Mystery Drones were not tracking missing radioactive material in New Jersey A shipment containing trace amounts of radioactive material has been located. https://abcnews.go.com/US/fact-check-radioactive-material-triggered-drone-theories-missing/story?id=116884712

December 16th 2024 10 Minutes Ago: Your Nuke Hoax Whistleblower is now dead. An explosion kills the head of Russia’s nuclear defense forces and his assistant in Moscow https://apnews.com/article/russia-explosion-head-of-nuclear-defense-forces-killed-9656bce946a9f552454df9debe5fbd18

December 16th 2024 Mysterious drones, 'loose nukes,' and baseless viral takes There is a worldwide epidemic of people without the slightest ability to reason and think rationally.

The Dossier
Mysterious drones, 'loose nukes,' and baseless viral takes
Social media is ablaze with speculation about the apparent mysterious drones flying over New Jersey and elsewhere in the U.S., with some coming to truly bombastic conclusions to explain the situation…
Read more

December 16th 2024 More on the 'Drone Dirty-Nuke CEO' story...

Jon Rappoport
More on the 'Drone Dirty-Nuke CEO' story...
Read more

December 16th 2024 Military contractor fears New Jersey drones 'are searching for nuclear warhead' https://www.the-express.com/news/us-news/157721/New-Jersey-drones-nuclear-warhead

December 16th 2024 Mystery Drones Could Be Trying to Find 'Radioactive Material'—Aerospace CEO https://www.newsweek.com/missing-nuclear-material-drone-sightings-new-york-new-jersey-2001189

December 16th 2024 DHS, FBI, FAA & DoD Joint Statement on Ongoing Response to Reported Drone Sightings https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/12/16/dhs-fbi-faa-dod-joint-statement-ongoing-response-reported-drone-sightings

December 16th 2024 Unidentified Drones In America’s Skies? Smells Like A False Flag… https://activistpost.com/2024/12/unidentified-drones-in-americas-skies-smells-like-a-false-flag.html

October 21st 2024 World Nuclear Association on Clean Energy Investments https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2024-10-21/world-nuclear-association-on-clean-energy-investments-video

March 2023 Advanced nuclear energy: the safest and most renewable clean energy https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2211339822000880

Nuclear Terrorism: More Lockdowns, More Masks & More Fake-News https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_terrorism

Nuke Hoax Part 7:

Put simply Gas, Oil, Coal companies want you to believe nuclear power is dangerous; so they create FEAR it can be turned into a bomb. Nikola Tesla proved "There is no energy in matter, other than from it's environment" and therefore there is no Big Bang no Big Bombs nor Evolution of Humans from Monkeys aka Blasphemy. As-in Energy is not Matter; E is not M. As-in Matter has no Energy in-of-itself. They are two different things in the dictionary; no matter what deceptions appear on your TV. There is no matter-maker nor matter-projector. Nikola Tesla asks Albert Einstein in reference to E=M ... quote "If I can send Energy 22 miles away, then why can't I send Matter?

Nikola Tesla Roasting Albert Einstein: "The theory is a mass of errors and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense. The theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.” –NT

There has been no radiological event, nor dirty bomb, nor satellite emergency in world history. No. Not even "Fukushima". But, laws, agencies and drills tell a different story. Are they ready to hit the "Nuclear Button" on the 2nd anniversary of Chief Justice predicting the entire Covid-19 scenario? Why? Because nuclear bombs are a Vatican Hoax, no matter how many TV shows you watch. And, nuclear power is not dangerous, despite what Alex Jones tells you. The nuclear hoaxers would love to destroy Christmas while simultaneously executing their pagan ritual.

Nuclear Weapons Don't Exist by Eric Dubay https://odysee.com/@EricDubay:c/NukeHoax:5

The Nuclear Bomb Hoax https://odysee.com/@Anon:96/The-Nuclear-Bomb-Hoax-:b

Vladimir Zelenskyy Explains Impending Nuke Hoax Part 6 -English Translation by Chris Edwards https://bitchute.com/video/Qwt7fLp9ess0/

October 16th 2022 Russian Hoaxes: Cuba Missile Crisis, Sputnik, ICBM, Nukes & Moon! https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/russian-hoaxes-cuba-missile-crisis-sputnik-icbm-nukes-moon

September 11th 2022 Trump's Nuke Secrets are all "Classified At Birth" Atomic Energy Act 1946. https://teslaleaks.com/f/trumps-nuke-secrets-classified-at-birth-atomic-energy-act-1946

July 12th 2022 Nuke Hoax Emergency - No Nuke Shelters no Nuclear Button ft Urgent https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nuke-hoax-emergency--no-nuke-shelters-no-nuclear-button-ft-urgent

March 21st 2022 Nuke Bomb & Nuclear Power Danger Hoaxes https://teslaleaks.com/f/russia-israel-alex-jones-nuke-bomb-nuclear-power-danger-hoax

February 23rd 2022 Nikola Tesla-Westinghouse invented Nuclear Power & Depleted Uranium + Heavy Watergate https://teslaleaks.com/f/tesla-westinghouse-invented-nuclear-power-depleted-uranium

February 13th 2022 Predictive Programming & Pre-Planning for Pandemic 2: Nuclear Hoax False-Flag Imminent ft DHS/FEMA/OSHA Drills https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nuclear-hoax-false-flag-imminent-ft-dhafemaosha-drills-jan-2022

October 16th 2021 Nuke Hoax "To The Moon? Tesla Says No" & OJ Simpson Capricorn One https://teslaleaks.com/f/nuke-hoax-to-the-moon-tesla-says-no-oj-simpson-capricorn-one

July 27th 2021 Debunking Einstein + Nuke Hoax 3 by Chief Justice https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/teslaleakscom-debunking-einstein-nuke-hoax-3-by-chief-justice

July 18th 2016 Russia's "Plastic Nuke's" How to expose a fake nuke without revealing what's inside https://www.newscientist.com/article/2097881-how-to-expose-a-fake-nuke-without-revealing-whats-inside/

Cuban Missile Crisis Hoax:

Mysterious Death of U2 pilot Roger B. Chaffee, who allegedly took the U2 pictures of the "Missiles" in Cuba. He is also the man who NASA killed by allegedly, accidentally, injecting the Apollo 1 capsule with too much oxygen https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/01/26/50-years-ago-three-astronauts-died-in-the-apollo-1-fire/ -- His Wikipedia includes pictures of the charred remains of the Apollo 1 Command Module, in which Chaffee was killed along with Grissom and White. In his Wikipedia, he's holding a Rocket With No-Wings (a bottle rocket). However, since there is NOT ONE "ICBM pictures in Space"; other than cartoons; ICBM's in Space are a Hoax and so are Nuke's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_B._Chaffee -- Gus Grissom "How do you expect to get us to the Moon if you people can't even hook us up with a ground station?"

Here's your U2 reconnaissance "clear pictures" of absolutely nothing:

Nuke Hoax ft Russian Tzar Bomba:

IN THE NEWS NUKE HOAX: Nuclear Bomb Hoax #SATIRE worshiped by the Vatican in Planet of the Apes:

-- "Does that Giant Golden-Dildo work on little boys?" - The Vatican

-- "Will my husband like me to use it on him?" - Nancy Pelosi

-- "Will Joe Rogan like it?" - Alex Jones

-- "Do little girls like it?" - Joe Biden

-- "A Bottle-Rocket with Wings? Mine no wings!" - Elon Musk

-- "E=MC2, of course Electricity = Rocks!, just like Oil comes from fossil Rocks!" - Albert Einstein & David Rockefeller

-- "That's better than our 1958 Sputnik Satellite Cartoon!" - Vladimir Putin

-- "ICBM's can be launched from anywheres? Go ahead and park them on Cuba instead!" - Soviet Union

-- "ICBM's can "FLY" in the Zero-Gravity, Vacuum of Space? That's not flying... they're "Falling With Style"" - Buzz Lightyear

-- "We use highly-paid Photoshop "Artists" & Money-Shot Photographer "Space Raven" in our CIA basement!" - NASA

-- "We have Nukes, but our first two sources on Wikipedia are broken-pages, Haha!" - Chiina

-- "Of course the 50Kt bomb dropped on Hiroshima, destroyed the whole city! Just like the 50Kt conventional bombs we have that destroy a whole city block, maybe?" - U.S. Military

-- "Nuclear Button? What Button?? We don't need no stinkin Button!" - Random Hispanic

-- "I'm running and hiding in my Nuke Shelter right now, oh wait..., there are no Nuke Shelters!" - Random American

-- "Beneath the Planet of the Apes? We have a Dungeon beneath Congress!" - House Democrats

-- "I killed them all with Hydrogen Bombs, and Covid with Scientology & Vaccinology!" - L Ron Hubbard & Anthony Fauci

-- "Nuclear weapons are illegal and pointless, (and don't exist), so we're going to protest safe Nuclear power" - Greenpeace

-- "Bending Space, in Einstein's Special Relativity, is akin to pushing something, against nothing; I refuse to subscribe to such an idea" - Nikola Tesla

-- "If Energy=Matter, then why can't I send Matter?" - Nikola Tesla

-- "Gravity is not a Force" "Einstein is a Confusion-ist" - The Dictionary, Nikola Tesla in the Einstein FBI File

Nuke Hoax Part 1 By Tesla Leaks:

PROJECT INDEPENDENCE: Just as Richard Nixon announced publicly, Project Independence on November 7th 1973, the Oil companies launch his Impeachment on October 30th 1973. Nixon declared that American science, technology and industry could free America from its dependence on imported oil, and establish its energy independence. He called for the construction of 1,000 nuclear power plants by the year 2000. Despite these initiatives, Project Independence failed to prevent the increase in American oil consumption after the 1973-74 embargo; its dependence on foreign suppliers rose from 36% to almost 50% in 1979,[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Independence -- 1) No one died at 3 Mile Island; "someone pulled the alarm on the city" https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/7053806 2) Chernobyl was sabotage to stop their Duga Radar (The Woodpecker) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duga_radar 3) Fukushima was sabotage with an offshore, underwater TNT explosion (Nikola Tesla's Tidal Wave for Defence) http://anengineersaspect.blogspot.com/2011/08/nikola-tesla-teslas-plan-to-create.html 4) No one died at Fukushima due to "Radiation", but 20,000 died in the evacuation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_Daiichi_nuclear_disaster_casualties What You Should and Shouldn’t Worry about after the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-to-worry-about-after-fukushima-nuclear-disaster/ 5) World Nuclear Association "Nuclear Power is the Safest Industry ever invented in human history". There have been no deaths or cases of radiation sickness from the nuclear accident, but over 100,000 people were evacuated from their homes as a preventative measure. Government nervousness has delayed the return of many. https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/safety-and-security/safety-of-plants/fukushima-daiichi-accident