Trump & Musk to "Delete" Department of Education and bans interference with parents rights on curriculums, records, physical examination & unlawfully practicing medicine, diagnoses or treatment.

'Working Weekends Is a Superpower': Elon Musk Says DOGE Works '120 Hour' Weeks While '4th Branch Of Government', 'Deep-State', 'Swamp Creatures' & 'Bureaucratic Opponents' Work 40 (

February 13th 2025 DOGE rips through Education Department, cutting contracts, staff and grants

February 11th 2025 We Were Right All Along: Blue State School Closures Led to Catastrophic Learning Loss

February 8th 2025 Inside DOGE's takeover of the Education Department

February 7th 2025 Musk team’s access to student loan systems raises alarm over borrowers’ personal information

February 7th 2025 Multiple members of Congress were denied entry to the Department of Education on Friday

February 6th 2025 Elon Musk’s DOGE is feeding sensitive federal data into AI to target cuts

February 5th 2025 Satisfaction with public education at record low: Gallup

February 4th 2025 Trump Moves To Dismantle Department of Education With New Order

  • The order would direct the Education Secretary to draft a plan to scale back the department.

  • Trump also seeks congressional approval to dismantle the department entirely.

  • Similar proposals in the past, including one in Trump's first term, failed to gain traction.

  • The Department of Government Efficiency, led by Elon Musk, is also targeting the agency.

  • Dozens of employees were placed on leave amid efforts to remove those linked to DEI initiatives.

February 4th 2025 Musk Team Scrutinizes Education Department Operations

February 3rd 2025 Long COVID (Vaccine Side Effects) impacting more than 1 million children: CDC study suggests; vaccinating children that have a zero chance of death of MMR, Covid-19 or Polio

February 2nd 2025 Hysterical Meltdowns As Elon Musk’s Elite DOGE Team Gets To Work

February 1st 2025 Which “identity” would you toss out?

January 29th 2025 Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling EXECUTIVE ORDER January 29, 2025

January 29th 2025 Students aren’t recovering from covid. Test scores are getting worse. Takeaways from new federal data on student math and reading achievement detail the long and damaging road back from the pandemic.

“Woke” Ideology of “Patent Troll” Thomas Edison & “Theorist” Albert Einstein

Jan 23, 2025 Milei & Trump Leave WEF Speechless on Wokeness; the creators of The Great Reset & Covid-19. It's Now or Never.. The 4th Branch of Government "Bureaucrats" and their aiders and abettors... Wings of freedom over tyrants leading to unimaginable growth and prosperity. The WEF and WHO will crumble under the light of the truth… Freedom of private property, expression, religion…

Black Pilled! Everything You're Taught in Schools is a Lie + Flattening The Curve

The German Prussian Education System in the U.S. With No Independent Thinking And The Government Owns Your Children To Create A Slave Class

Tesla vs Edison - Who Really Invented the Light Bulb?

BREAKING: We finally banned the piece of crap, 5% efficient Edison Incandescent Light Bulb, after the Repubican's extended the edison bulb ban for 127 years. Nikola Tesla's incandescent carbon button lamp (Ruby Laser) he patented in 1891, was 10X more efficient, wirelessly powered and today similar Halogen & LED are 50X longer lasting than the edison bulb. So much so, the manufacturers refuse to make them.

Tesla vs Edison - Who Really Invented the Light Bulb?

The Great Light Bulb Conspiracy: Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison by Chris Edwards

Trump says Elon Musk is like Thomas Edison: ‘He’s one of our great geniuses’

Elon Musk interview reveals whether he prefers Nikola Tesla to Thomas Edison

Joe Biden claims Thomas Edison didn't invent the Light Bulb, A Black man invented the light bulb. But Lewis Howard Latimer made it better.

Thomas Edison: The Elon Musk Of His Era?

Elon Musk is our Thomas Edison in that he's an overrated huckster who put his name on a bunch of other peoples' inventions.

Thomas Edison Was a “Patent Troll” and took credit for the inventions of his employees

October 11th 2021 It’s Time to Face the Facts on School Closings: Schools are now FEMA Camp prisons where kids learn absolutely nothing; are currently being flattened (the curve) contact traced, quarantined, tortured, nasal or anal raped with an Swab, Jabbed and poisoned, sterilized & eventually killed. It is also well known that "temperature checks" are a useless and ridiculous tool to determine is someone has "Covid". It’s Time to Face the Facts on School Closings

Featuring this Week: School Camp FEMA :: Artificial Scarcity Hoax :: Build Back Better Hoax

February 9th 2021 The Plannedemic Timeline + 66.6 Ways Coronavirus is a Full Blown Hoax

SNIP: School Camp FEMA

Point #22) Temperature readings of 98.8, is not an accurate determination of a disease for a man, woman, child, any individual and even if it's hot or cold outside. Testing machines are also faulty. The human body is not uniform in its temperature; thus, measurements at different locations can yield varying results. The most accurate way to measure temperature is to take a rectal reading. See special reports on China Anal Probe & Nasal Swab "test" for Covid. Or you could consider the "Covid Sniffing Dog" to determine if you are sent to Camp FEMA

October 17th 2021 California parents, teachers plan statewide walkout to protest school vaccine mandate

October 17th 2021 Parents threaten to keep children out of school to protest vaccine mandate

October 17th 2021 School staff vaccine verification mandate takes effect: What are rates in your school district?

October 16th 2021 Letter to the editor: Attend the school board meeting to catch the schools and doctors in all their lies and rewriting history

October 16th 2021 Karin Ruhkala: 'We the Parents' will not remain silent while the education establishment lies to our children

October 15th 2021 With 99.9% Survival Rate of Children From Covid, Biden Buys Vaccines For Children?

October 15th 2021 Florida Withholds Entire School Board’s Salaries in Feud Over Mask Mandate

October 15th 2021 School district quits National School Board after letter asks Biden to label parents as ‘domestic terrorists’

October 15th 2021 Students' mask mandate protest met with locked doors, expletive-ridden emails from university employees

October 14th 2021 The next battle over vaccines is about vaccinating children, and all indications are that it will be ugly.

October 13th 202 WATCH: Dinesh D'Souza says there's no way Biden's AG can stop parents from standing up against school boards

October 12th 2021 How much "Vaccine" are the "Doctors" actually giving you?? A family took their kids to get flu shots. They say Walgreens mistakenly gave them adult doses of the COVID vaccine instead.

October 12th 2021 To Keep Americans Healthy, Dr. Fauci Should Step Aside

October 11th 2021 "Flattening the Curve": If one child "allegedly" has Covid, then the entire school must be quarantined, tortured, poisoned, sterilized and eventually killed. Parent sues Wisconsin school district after child contracts Covid

October 11th 2021 Hundreds of families crowd Stanislaus education office to protest student vaccine mandate

The Publishing Oligopoly:

Your school books are owned by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, the “publishing oligopoly”. The U.S. Department of Education is invested into by Dubai, Blackrock/Blackstone and the water and video game company Vivendi. A gaggle of companies who are not intersted in your education. Ted Cruz (R-TX), is the chairman of the U.S. Science Committee, but does want to shut down the Department of Education or Common Core. It's also been revealed that U.S. states have local un-elected educational boards that reviews and approves the public and private school books. Meaning, the public and parents have no-say in what information is included in school books. These people is what led to our current communistic, "woke" education system that doesn't include Nikola Tesla.

Voted by some as "The Most Epic Retort In Internet History" written by Chris Edwards

Some think that everything online about Tesla, is made up! Much of it is! But, how could you know "everything"? Have you read all the top secret documents in every country on Earth? You must work for the CIA! In fact, you must have written the entire un-redacted FBI File and the other 3 files referred to in the FBI File. Do you have the Alien skeletons too? And the real pictures of Space, not the 100% fake Photoshop pictures NASA puts out. Only "Space Raven" knows for sure. To his credit, Tesla invented Photoshop in 1899 with his composite picture of him sitting there inside his Colorado Springs Lab. Either way, the Tyrannasaur bone, rock, fossil fuel tooth looking thing you have might catch $10M on eBay. The 800,000 documents, newspapers, articles, Library of Congress and 900 patents and Inventions at the Tesla Museum; much available online to find in 5 seconds is "made up"? You must have also worked for the 13 companies Doctor Tesla owned, have his 600 missing patents and Inventions (900 FBI File) and read the 400,000 documents locked up at the Tesla Museum. You also must have worked at the Tesla society in 1915 during WW1, worked at his Museum that was bombed in WW2 and worked at the one that Bill Clinton bombed in 1999. It must have been a miracle that you survived the 10,000 tons of depleted Uranium NATO dropped on Serbia. Was it you that compiled the Colorado Springs Experiments Notes in 1955, published in 1978, from events that took place in 1899, or is it 1889 according Tesla at his Wardenclyffe appeal case. You must be sure "he had it all in his head". Of course it also helps to have the other 400,000 documents, 40 trunk's, 30 bundles, a safe and a multi-decade resistance box you were able to impossibly crack. Instead it was people who called themselves "government officials" and John G Trump who admitted reviewing the information in Tesla's NY storage unit. While you were there, you must have seen the two pictures of everything the FBI said they took. Sava Kosanovich told the FBI under oath that the 200 page notebook Tesla was writing before his death (hoax), was also missing. You must have snatched that too!

Even beyond that, you must have gotten access to Einstein's brain held in (according to Tesla, non destructive) cryogenic freezing at CERN. And of course you are aware that Tesla has the earliest patent for superconductivity "Means for increasing electrical intensity using cold temperature" in 1900. As you know, CERN gets it's superconductive gasses like Krypton using a Westinghouse Nuclear Power Plant or Tesla's Electrical method using his 1897 Patent and Apparatus for producing Ozone and other gasses. The point being, with Einstein's brain you can figure out Nuclear Power and the Nuclear Bomb Hoax, since, according to UN and US law, Nuclear is considered "classified on birth". It's a benefit if you can speak and write 13 languages, because his Serbian handwriting is terrible. They should have brought you in to analyze the Tesla papers, instead of the FBI bringing in Deforest. If you we're right there like his Assistants Marconi, Hammond, Kolman Tzito Father and Son, Lowenstein, Scherff, Hettinger or agents Spanel & Fitzgerald, you might have seen it all. Were you the get away driver in the movie "Fragments from Olympus" that tells the story of real-life FBI agents P. E Foxworth and Dennis Haberfeld, who died on January 15, 1943 during the posthumous investigation of Nikola Tesla's property? The mission described by FBI documents as being part of "a secret mission of critical importance"; the two were killed on their way to General Eisenhower when their military transport mysteriously crashed. The cause of the crash was never ascertained. It must have been the faulty Autonomous driving technology that crashed the 2 truck loads of Tesla's effects. Like other great minds study scientists before them, it's also great that you have the 1000 points of lights and tubes that Tesla said he had in a separate room on the Wardenclyffe property up until 1907, under oath in his 1922 Supreme Court foreclosure appeals case. Each light he said "described a unique scientific discovery". We're all glad you have that, because, it's been missing since mentioned in the Wardenclyffe appeal. Since Fitzgerald told the FBI director in 1945 that because the Russians had access to the "Entire Tesla Collection" behind the Iron Curtain, and because of experiments going on at Hill AFB, that he was soliciting Army Intelligence and "Wealthy Backers" like the Ford Foundation, to accumulate all they can on Tesla's effects and turn them into "Idea Factories". You being a double-agent for the Army and the Air Force, and a Russian agent would be the coup de gras; you might even get to work for Alex Jones at Infowars. If you could return those audio recordings of Tesla's real voice and videos of the real person, since they are also ALL missing, that would be great. If you could just fallaciously go back in time like Einstein said, then you could have asked Tesla's financier in Radio, Peck, his financiers John Astor & JP Morgan, his last co-designer in Wardenclyffe, the famous Stanford White, friend witness and politician Mark Twain, or even President William McKinley who was shot immediately after touring the Westinghouse, Tesla Hydro-electric plant at Niagara Falls; what they knew about Wireless Power and the Death Ray, because they were all assassinated.

Within the same year, Nikola Tesla told JP Morgan that the Niagara electric company already approved Tesla using 10,000 horsepower from the Niagara Falls generators for wireless power. Tesla even offered the electric company stock in his company. Tesla told Morgan that he, Tesla, had secured all worldwide rights to his and the only practical method to generate, "Trillions" of simultaneous, secure, pulse-width and pulse-position modulated (Terrestrial GPS) radio signals. By March 8th 1907, prior to the 1907 stock market crash that bankrupt Westinghouse & Tesla, Tesla secured "all" patents on what he calls "Tuned Lightening", the processes, appliances, generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, direction, storage, regulation, control and economic utilization. Two months later after the stock market crash in 1907, the patent office accepted his refilling of his patent for the Wardenclyffe Tower Structure, but did not approve the patent until 1914. This delay gave time for the Federal Reserve Act to be passed to create a Fiat money system, and when WW1 started. Then, in WW1, the supposed entire world attacked Tesla's hometown, Serbia. But, you knew all that! Granted, a few years earlier, Tesla did tell JP Morgan that if he did not provide the next $250,000 or more to finish Wardenclyffe that you, JP Morgan would "Never see that machinery" (the final pieces that included the high tension UV generator to be placed in the Wardenclyffe Tower Cupola and Spark-Gap controls within the Tower structure). Since Tesla mentioned to Morgan that he, Tesla, was responsible for more than $60 Billion in sales to industry based on his inventions by 1904, that this venture would work as sure as "my name is Tesla". But later in Tesla's 1919 Autobiography in Electrical Experimenter, he wanted to dispel a rumor in the press about the destruction of his tower, Wardenclyffe, he said "They were building more of them". In the same Autobiography he states "every one of my Inventions prior to 1919 worked 100% as he prescribed". Fortunately, in Tesla's last publication in the 1920 Electrical Experimenter, Tesla gives credit to John Hays Hammond for his June 22nd 1917 patent which he says "makes wireless power possible". Days after Tesla dies, in a letter to the FBI director, Tesla tells Fitzgerald that his experiments in conjunction to the transmission of electrical power had been "completed and perfected" wireless power transmission and that the main goal of Tesla's latest works was to provide electricity to the world absolutely for free. Is Tesla lying? If you think so, prove it up! (Now you're looking for the secret, but you won't find it, because of course, you're not really looking, you don't want to work it out, You want to be Fooled!) - Ending sequence in The Prestige

Updated Dec 17, 2020, 12:12 PM