Ray Kurzweil allegedly invented "Remote Viewing" by citing Nikola Tesla's Remote-Control Patents. VR Glasses using "Virtual Encounters" w/ TeleAutomation cites Nikola Tesla (TeslaLeaks.com)
Elon Musk: AI is summoning the demon. Holy water will not save you.
DWave Founder: Through AI, Lovecraftian Old Ones are being summoned in the background and no one is paying attention and if we’re not careful it’s going to wipe us all out.
They already do it with music. AI will be exponentially worse.
David Crosby: we conjure demons into the masters of music records so we can cast spells on people through music. DWave Founder & Musk: "AI Is Summoning the Demon". Same With Music Industry, Watch til the End: https://old.bitchute.com/video/sDrmHNs2D5BN (5:39mins)
Summoning the AI Demon: Chatbot Tells Child (To the Astonishment of His Parents) He is A Benevolent Nephilim—Son of An Enoch Fallen Angel: https://old.bitchute.com/video/CHblsEoL6xxE (4:39mins)
AI, Remote Control & Robotics in Agriculture and Mining can replace humans 1000 to 1. You can always pick up a shovel and dig in one of Alex Jonesenstein's 5 mile deep coal pits.
Obviously, that's the point. Were you trying to be insulting? Do you imagine I don't know Alex is a part of the control grid? If so, count me as confused...Where exactly do you think insulting your readers' intelligence gets you?
"The big political and economic question of the 21st century is: what do we need so many humans for. … The elite doesn’t need you. There is nothing you can do that is beneficial to the political or economic system —Yuval Noah Harari
“Interesting and provocative," Obama told CNN's Fareed Zakaria [on Harari’s book, Sapiens], who asked him to recommend books that he read while on vacation in Hawaii. “It’s a sweeping history of the human race, from 40,000 feet," Obama said. "It talks about some core things that have allowed us to build this extraordinary civilization, that we take for granted."
“I’m drawn to Yuval for his clarity of thought,” —Jack Dorsey
When Mr. Harari toured the Bay Area this fall to promote his latest book, the reception was incongruously joyful. Reed Hastings, the chief executive of Netflix, threw him a dinner party. The leaders of X, Alphabet’s secretive research division, invited Mr. Harari over. Bill Gates reviewed the book (“Fascinating” and “such a stimulating writer”) in The New York Times.
Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.
Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full): https://archive.is/rWLoO "
Yeah obviously they DON'T NEED US. Let's rock their models by fighting back in ways they do not expect and cannot predict.
I'm fully aware of the situation. However, Alex Jonesenstein and his Rifkinite friends were protesting light bulbs in the late 1890's. He would rather you burn down your house with lamp oil and burn trees in your house. The reason we have a fire department in the first place.
That's next level and is absolutely backwards. To the extent anyone was arguing against WIRING every single house on the block with an electric control grid which among _many_ things would lull the populace into dependence on it making them stupider and less resilient as a result...
You know what, why bother.
Here's some ancient wisdom for you: as technology advances mankind's agency and robustness diminishes. Those children LEARNED to be careful with those lamps. Lessons lost in time in an age of Twitter and Tik-Tok, where now, todays kids can't even use a canopener: https://old.bitchute.com/video/dxA9zUt67NG8
Some lessons in life need to be hard learned. Otherwise you create a society ripe for takeover which is where we are.
You have an enormous weakness in seeing the bigger picture. Whatever causes discomfort and concern, makes you stronger - and the electrical grid is a weapon they will soon wield against us as SOFT TARGETS created by said electrical grid.
More info:
Elon Musk: AI is summoning the demon. Holy water will not save you.
DWave Founder: Through AI, Lovecraftian Old Ones are being summoned in the background and no one is paying attention and if we’re not careful it’s going to wipe us all out.
They already do it with music. AI will be exponentially worse.
David Crosby: we conjure demons into the masters of music records so we can cast spells on people through music. DWave Founder & Musk: "AI Is Summoning the Demon". Same With Music Industry, Watch til the End: https://old.bitchute.com/video/sDrmHNs2D5BN (5:39mins)
Summoning the AI Demon: Chatbot Tells Child (To the Astonishment of His Parents) He is A Benevolent Nephilim—Son of An Enoch Fallen Angel: https://old.bitchute.com/video/CHblsEoL6xxE (4:39mins)
AI, Remote Control & Robotics in Agriculture and Mining can replace humans 1000 to 1. You can always pick up a shovel and dig in one of Alex Jonesenstein's 5 mile deep coal pits.
Obviously, that's the point. Were you trying to be insulting? Do you imagine I don't know Alex is a part of the control grid? If so, count me as confused...Where exactly do you think insulting your readers' intelligence gets you?
"The big political and economic question of the 21st century is: what do we need so many humans for. … The elite doesn’t need you. There is nothing you can do that is beneficial to the political or economic system —Yuval Noah Harari
“Interesting and provocative," Obama told CNN's Fareed Zakaria [on Harari’s book, Sapiens], who asked him to recommend books that he read while on vacation in Hawaii. “It’s a sweeping history of the human race, from 40,000 feet," Obama said. "It talks about some core things that have allowed us to build this extraordinary civilization, that we take for granted."
“I’m drawn to Yuval for his clarity of thought,” —Jack Dorsey
When Mr. Harari toured the Bay Area this fall to promote his latest book, the reception was incongruously joyful. Reed Hastings, the chief executive of Netflix, threw him a dinner party. The leaders of X, Alphabet’s secretive research division, invited Mr. Harari over. Bill Gates reviewed the book (“Fascinating” and “such a stimulating writer”) in The New York Times.
Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.
Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full): https://archive.is/rWLoO "
Yeah obviously they DON'T NEED US. Let's rock their models by fighting back in ways they do not expect and cannot predict.
I'm fully aware of the situation. However, Alex Jonesenstein and his Rifkinite friends were protesting light bulbs in the late 1890's. He would rather you burn down your house with lamp oil and burn trees in your house. The reason we have a fire department in the first place.
That's next level and is absolutely backwards. To the extent anyone was arguing against WIRING every single house on the block with an electric control grid which among _many_ things would lull the populace into dependence on it making them stupider and less resilient as a result...
You know what, why bother.
Here's some ancient wisdom for you: as technology advances mankind's agency and robustness diminishes. Those children LEARNED to be careful with those lamps. Lessons lost in time in an age of Twitter and Tik-Tok, where now, todays kids can't even use a canopener: https://old.bitchute.com/video/dxA9zUt67NG8
Or know that you can eat lemons off of lemon trees: https://old.bitchute.com/video/FMT7jPIdnBbF
Some lessons in life need to be hard learned. Otherwise you create a society ripe for takeover which is where we are.
You have an enormous weakness in seeing the bigger picture. Whatever causes discomfort and concern, makes you stronger - and the electrical grid is a weapon they will soon wield against us as SOFT TARGETS created by said electrical grid.
Remote Viewing"is real