Breaking: RFK Jr's Congressional Hearing Live. RFK just told Bernie Sanders that he said that the 'Covid Vaccine Was The Deadliest Vaccine In History'. Submitted as evidence to the Senators on the hearing by Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0: RFK Jr. refuses to accept that COVID vaccines saved lives When asked by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., if he agrees the vaccines saved millions of lives, Kennedy said, "I don't know. We don't have a good surveillance system, unfortunately.”
RFK cited the VAERS & VSAFE with number of deaths and injuries at the government voluntary, Vaccine Adverse Reporting System in the U.S., was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the deaths and injuries would be 20-100X that number. That would be 1M-5M deaths and 15 Million injuries or 1/20 people. Just in the U.S. The UK's 'Yellow Card' system shows similar numbers.
Therefore, this is pre-meditated mass murder. Then, he cites the VSAFE reports on vaccine injuries from the Ron Johnson Senate Hearing on Covid Vaccines, that 7.7% of the vaccinated were hospitalized within 15 days. Worldwide, that would be 25-100M deaths (VAERS) and 350M injuries (VSAFE). That's from their own reporting systems.
January 29th 2025 Moderna Stock Falls After Goldman Downgrade. Vaccine Sales Are a Worry.
January 29th 2025 Our Study Confirms: Keeping COVID-19 'Vaccines' on the Market Constitutes Mass Negligent Homicide
January 26th 2025 This free online resource provides EVIDENCE that the mRNA platform is a biological weapon delivery system and its ongoing and expanded use constitutes a grievous crime against humanity.
In law, you can sue for $100K per inquiry leading to a $5.6 Quadrillion lawsuit vs Covid Measures and Crimes Against Humanity. According to the Nuremberg Codes, aiders and abettors who pushed all the government lies also get the Death Penalty.
Let's see if Donald Trump or the entire fake news media reports on this clip. No one died from any Covid. They were murdered by the Covid Protocol and Vaccines. All 3 of my dad's died, fully vaccinated! 1.5M to 5M deaths and 15M injuries, just in the U.S. - VAERS & VSAFE... You ever heard of the Covid Protocol? Of Remdesivir (Cyanide), Melazodam (Fentanyl) and Ventilators. 95% of your grandma's and Grandpas were killed with the Covid Protocol. Remdesivir used to be called 'The Suicide Drug'. It killed 50% of the patients in the study Fauci cited as 'safe and effective'. Then, they wrote 'Covid-19' as the cause of death, with no autopsies, and got $53K in extra cash. But, that's not all, they sold all their body parts at $1-4M per body they labeled as 'Covid'.
BAAL Gates "Final Solution" = Covid-19 "Cures" as the new Zyklon B! Chemistry of Zyklon B is contained in the ingredients of Covid-19 Vaccines + HCQ.
Hitler's Gas Chambers 2.0: HCQ | Ivermectin | Chlorine Dioxide | Antivirals | Poison Pills | Monoclonal Antibodies | Remdesivir + HCQ = Zyklon B = (Hydrogen Cyanide) | DDT
Largest Crime In History! $5.4 Quadrillion vs Covid-19 VAXX Harm
November 18, 2022 by the Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
May 30, 2024 VAERS & VSAFE 20-100M Dead!
December 6, 2023 Cambridge: 25% who took Pfizer jab had unintended immune response
July 31, 2023 All Posts Vaccine Side Effects is Long-Covid Part 2 ft Blame It On The Rain
January 2, 2022 Nuremberg 2.0: Fuellmich on VAERS Data 100% Deaths from 5% Batches!
From a legal perspective, it is inescapable evidence of premeditation. Once there is evidence of premeditation, there is no immunity for anyone.
These findings in particular have immense legal repercussions – immense, because once you arrive at the conclusion that they’re doing this deliberately, intentionally or as Martin Schwab puts it maliciously, once you arrive at this conclusion, the floodgates are open in the United States for punitive damages. You can probably go up to 21 times the actual damage, which is added on top of the actual damage. In these cases, in fact, you may be able to go up to a 1,000 times because these people got so badly injured. This could be enough to dismantle the entire industry.
August 9th 2022 HHS VAERS Throttled Data Release Artificially Makes Vaccines Look Less Dangerous
Plannedemic 3.0: Debunking NY Times' "Trust The Science" of Bird Flu B.S. (
Nuremberg 2.0 comes to an end with Biden's pre-emptive pardon of Anthony Fauci back to 2014 for "Crimes Against Humanity"? ft "All I Do Is Win!" by Chief Justice (
MAHA.SHOPPING Daily News December 2024 - RFK's Make America Healthy Again ft Artificial Coloring, Sell by Dates, Corn Syrup, Cooking Oil, GMO, Animal Fats & Aluminum Foil
Pfizer & BioNTech Vaccine is EUA ONLY, have not been approved or licensed by FDA, but have been authorized by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) (
Nuremberg 2.0 Daily News December 2024 ft Quad-Demic? Scamdemic planners push Bird-Flu B.S. (Animal to Human) to Quarantine RFK's choice for Milk Policy, Mark McAfee of Raw Farms (
RFK Jr. ally filed petition to revoke FDA approval for polio vaccine ft POLIO FROM DDT & VACCINE INDUCED POLIO w/ Pfizer Polio VAXX in Sugar Cubes for Children (
RFK Jr. Role At HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH & USDA + ChildrensHealthDefense.Org on Nuremberg 2.0 vs Covid Measures, Vaccines vs. Supreme Court & Facebook Censorship (
The Plannedemic: RFK Jr ATTACKED For Saying COVID-19 Pandemic ‘May’ Have Been Planned?! Featuring Pre-Planning at Event 201 & Predictive Programming (
Trump taps RFK Jr. to lead HHS: CDC, FDA, NIH & USDA + Make America Healthy Again to protect from chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceutical industrial complex (
Proof Fauci, Pharma RICO Criminal Conspiracy (Reiner Fuellmich & David Martin) (
May 27th 2021 #NUREMBERG #CODE NMC Code of Conduct; Nuremberg Code:
What has happened to informed consent? Where is the informed consent for masks? Where is the informed consent for tests? Are you aware that Dr Reiner Fuellmich has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity and violations of the Nuremburg Code? Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, "mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person" are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a serious breach of the Convention. The "experimental" vaccine violates all 10 Nuremberg codes which carry the death penalty for those who try to break these international laws".
Inaugural Covid Committee: Dr Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0
November 14th 2022 Reiner Fuellmich Covid ICIC “International Crimes Investigative Committee”
February 5th 2022 Reiner Fuellmich's Corona Investigation Committee Public Grand Jury Hearings Days 1-7 | OPENING STATEMENTS | YouTube
Reiner Fuellmich's Crimes Against Humanity Tour ( w/ Public Grand Jury Hearings Crimes Against Humanity Tour Fuellmich Grand Jury + Fauci Missing ( Logistic support is provided to the proceedings by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee: website (German) or website (English). Grand Jury’s website:
June 28th 2021 Nuremberg Code Point 1 on Informed Consent by Chief Justice
June 26th 2021 10 Points of the Nuremberg Codex Explained by Chief Justice
June 25th 2021 Legal Cases citing Nuremberg for Covid-19 by Chief Justice
June 12th 2021 100 Questions for Fauci & Gates on Nuremberg Code by Chief Justice
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