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Nuremberg 2.0 News March3rd-9th ft Tesla One, Tesla's Secret Weapon Revealed (

Defying The Laws Of Physics: When like-signs attract~~ & The Ministry Of AI Truth!

March 3rd 2024 Tesla One is the internal Tesla (TSLA) AI system software stack that models the different areas of the company, from manufadcturing to efficiency to business decisions. This is where Tesla has an unasailable lead as their motor efficiency, battery longevity, materials science and manufacturing methods are used on a millisecond to millisecond basis. Tesla One (AI), Tesla's Secret Weapon Revealed (

March 4th 2024 Unboxing Tesla's Compact Tech Marvels! Tesla One

March 2nd 2024 TESLA ONE Changes Everything! W/ Joe Justice

March 2nd 2024 Tesla One - Tesla’s best kept secret - Tesla's Secret Weapon Revealed 

Joe Justice Live, Paris, France. November 7 2023. @reacteev Agile HW&SW at Tesla and SpaceX

Inside Elon Musk’s "Agile" Empire: In-Depth Talk with Joe Justice

50% EV battery price cut in 2024! - Tesla Roadster is on the way - VW heading for trouble in 2025

Tesla CYBERTRUCK HARDCORE Bodykit Concept by Zephyr Designz 4K

Nuremberg 2.0 News March 3rd-9th

March 9th 2024 Donald Trump-Father Of The Vaccine: "The Vaccines Saved Us From COVID, No Longer Controls Our Lives" (Video)

March 9th 2024 Donald Trump's Post Angers Alex Jones

March 9th 2024 How Americans View the Coronavirus, COVID-19 Vaccines Amid Declining Levels of Concern. ew Research Center survey finds that just 20% of Americans view the coronavirus as a major threat to the health of the U.S. population today and only 10% are very concerned they will get it and require hospitalization.

March 9th 2024 Trump’s vaccine rhetoric sends chills through public health circles

March 9th 2024 Statistically, it's a 99.9999999% chance his vaccinations were a Placebo, if not, a Hoax. This man was never "vaccinated".

March 9th 2024 mRNA vaccines train T cells in waves, study shows. Did they just admit "Covid-19" is no more than "common cold coronaviruses", if anything...

March 9th 2024 Donald Trump Upsets His Supporters Three Times in 48 Hours. 1) Taking Credit for COVID-19 Vaccine

March 9th 2024 Four Years on, the Mysteries of Covid Are Unraveling. Solution? Make-Up A New Word "Superdodgers" aka the Unvaccinated...

March 9th 2024 The WHO’s Public Health Colonialism

March 9th 2024 Emotion-Tracking – AI on the job: Workers Fear Being Watched – and Misunderstood.

March 9th 2024 Puppeteers of the Globe: The Dark Influence of WEF Young Global Leaders

March 9th 2024 Health Care: Right, Privilege, or Neither?

March 9th 2024 The Playmobil Society vs. The Game of Nations

March 9th 2024 Corporations Are Losing The ESG Battle, Forcing Them To Hide Advocacy. Maybe you can't serve two masters?

March 9th 2024 The Coming Of The Police State In America

March 9th 2024 LEAKED: CDC releases 148 Blank Pages about COVID risks to fulfill FOIA request

March 9th 2024 Mark of the Beast | Why Did Musk Post? "Would You Still Love Me If I Was a Worm God Emperor Ruling the Universe?" "Gov Comes In & Says That I'm Going to Make It Easier for You. But, I'm Going to Need You to Have a Digital ID & Biometric Scanning

March 9th 2024 What happened when we asked chat GPT about the effects of lockdown?

Trust the Evidence
What happened when we asked chat GPT about the effects of lockdown?
What happened when we asked ChatGPT about the effects of lockdown? “The effects of COVID-19 lockdowns have been profound and multifaceted, impacting various aspects of society. Here's an overview of some of the key effects:” “Economic Impact: Lockdowns have led to widespread economic disruption, with businesses forced to close or scale back operations, r…
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March 9th 2024 Unmasking Medical Control: A Conversation with Dr McCullough and Kimberly Overton

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Unmasking Medical Control: A Conversation with Dr McCullough and Kimberly Overton
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Moms for America held their 20th Anniversary Summit and Gala Event February 29-March 2, 2024 in Dallas Ft. Worth and I was delighted to have a stage appearance with moderator Ms. Tonya Parus and nurse Kimberly Overton. We covered acute COVID-19 inpatient care, ambulatory prevention, and the ever expanding routine childhoo…
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March 1st 2024 First university to put gene-edited livestock into human food supply

March 9th 2024 Climate Change causes mass amputations from frost bite

Bill Rice Jr.'s Newsletter
Climate Change causes mass amputations from frost bite
According to the AP and ESPN, At least 12 fans who attended a January 13 playoff game between the Kansas City Chiefs and Miami Dolphins later had to have fingers and toes amputated because of frost bite they developed at the game. From the article: “Research Medical Center didn't provide exa…
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March 9th 2024 West Virginia lawmakers OK bill drawing back one of the country's strictest child vaccination laws

March 8th 2024 Investigation finds Colorado DNA analyst intentionally manipulated data

March 8th 2024 Google issues search ranking penalties through manual actions for attempting to do certain search engine optimization techniques

March 8th 2024 Elon Musk Issues ‘9/11’ (False-Flag) Warning; 320,000 Illegal Immigrants Secretly Flown Into US

March 8th 2024 Michael Brenner: The West’s Reckoning? The West has set itself on a path of collective suicide — both moral and economic.

March 7th 2024 Quick! We'll Be Late For Mind Control - The Gathering Tyranny Of Schools - David Icke Dot-Connector

March 5th 2024 DO THE LOCOMOTION How incredible 270mph plane-train hybrid (310mph with hydrogen fuel cells) ‘The Aérotrain’ lies ABANDONED after promising to change travel forever


March 8th 2024 Trump's Biometric Facial Recognition at Texas Airports. 'Trump’s ‘other border wall’

March 8th 2024 Notre Dame College Shuts Down After Failed Efforts to Combat “Declining Enrollment and Significant Debt”

March 8th 2024 Trump ‘Clearly Hasn’t Learned From His COVID-Era Mistakes,’ RFK Jr. Says

March 8th 2024 WHO’s Guilty of Fake News, Now?

March 8th 2024 ‘911’ Actor’s Lawsuit Over COVID Vaccine Firing Heads to Trial in Major Test for Studios

March 8th 2024 Four Years Later, BAAL Gates Isn’t Done With Us

March 8th 2024 Justin Trudeau, am I guilty of pre-crime?

March 8th 2024 Bill Gates is “inspired” by digital ID and smart farming projects in India

March 8th 2024 How Doctors Have Betrayed Patients

March 8th 2024 The State’s Psychological Experts Are Distancing Themselves From Behavioural Science – Is Brainwashing No Longer in Vogue?

March 8th 2024 The History of Public Health Colonialism. World Health Organization (WHO) now rebooted to promote just such approaches, and its calamitous Covid response having recently pushed former colonies further into penury, the stage is set for a return of the old order.

March 8th 2024 Watch: MSNBC Declares America "Could Be A Dictatorship Next Year"

March 8th 2024 DC Court Greenlights Flurry Of Jan. 6 Lawsuits Against Trump

March 8th 2024 New York AG Letitia James Sued For Overriding Transgender Sports Ban

March 8th 2024 How To Recover From The COVID Coup

March 8th 2024 Situation Update, Mar 8, 2024 –DNA Crime Labs Exposed As COMPLETE FRAUDS Used By Government To Convict INNOCENT People In The Name Of “Science!” - Mike Adams

March 8th 2024 CDC Releases 148-Page Report On Vaccine Injuries, But Redacts EVERY SINGLE WORD

March 8th 2024 What the Covid Response Did to my Father

The Real AIDS Epidemic
What the Covid Response Did to my Father
I’ve both wanted and not wanted to talk about this story since September 2022, when I received results that put the final nail in the coffin of the story of the “Covid tests” and their accuracy. I wanted to talk about it because it’s important to hear every story of what was done to every person affected by the Covid response, but that’s also part of why I didn’t want to talk about it. Everyone and their dog has a story. Mine has a very strange, but what will also be to some of you, unsurprising, twist—read on…
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March 8th 2024 Did politicians get saline injections? New Zealand MP Efeso Collins, who pushed COVID-19 Vaccines & Vaccine Pass dies suddenly at age 49 - how many politician deaths in the Five Eyes countries?

COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis
Did politicians get saline injections? New Zealand MP Efeso Collins, who pushed COVID-19 Vaccines & Vaccine Pass dies suddenly at age 49 - how many politician deaths in the Five Eyes countries?
Feb.21, 2024 - New Zealand Member of Parliament Efeso Collins died suddenly on Feb.21, 2024. He collapsed while participating in a charity event, a ChildFund “water run…
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March 8th 2024 Annenberg Public Policy Center Undermines US CDC VAERS

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Annenberg Public Policy Center Undermines US CDC VAERS
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Every week in clinic I make entries into the US CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as I catch up on years of injuries, disabilities, and deaths that have occurred after vaccination. Because federal fines and penalties are severe for false reporting, I only enter cases in which I have the vaccine card, the full clinical vignette, and my clinical impression that the vaccine either directly caused the problem or significantly contributed in the causal pathway to the new disease or injury suffered by the patient. I did a PUBMED search today and there are > 500 papers that have relied on VAERS for epidemiologic studies of vaccine side effects including death in 126 manuscripts…
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March 8th 2024 Memes by Themes #10: Courage

Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass
Memes by Themes #10: Courage
I’m doing something a little different with this Memes by Themes, which normally only goes to my paid subscribers. If you are a free subscriber, you can enjoy a sampling of the whopping 134 memes (+ videos) in this entry. I’ve also added samplers to all of my previous Memes by Themes, which you’ll find below…
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March 8th 2024 TTE the Week in Numbers (to the 7 March)

Trust the Evidence
TTE the Week in Numbers (to the 7 March)
£15.5 billion The annual salary bill for full-time Civil Service staff has increased from March 2016 to March 2023, rising by 60 per cent from £9.7 billion to £15.5 billion (60%) Nothing is what you will read about influenza in this week’s media, as…
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March 8th 2024 Can we get limitless green hydrogen by splitting seawater?

March 8th 2024 ‘The public is being lied to’: Elon Musk says major money funds like BlackRock, Fidelity ‘inflicted’ ESG on American investors — as states like Texas move to ban these policies, is he right?

March 8th 2024 A fascist, totalitarian future awaits us – my testimony to Congress

March 8th 2024 New method for mass-producing polymer solid electrolytes needed in batteries

March 8th 2024 NYPD’s Infamous Stop-and-Frisk Policy Found Unconstitutional

March 8th 2024 'This is not stop-and-frisk': I'm here to protect people, says NY gov. on subway plan

March 8th 2024 Kathy Hochul tells New Yorkers against subway bag checks by National Guard to "go home"

March 8th 2024 Tesla Protests In Germany Gather Strength - CleanTechnica



March 8th 2024 Should I be considered a ‘Covid writer?’

Bill Rice Jr.'s Newsletter
Should I be considered a ‘Covid writer?’
Author’s note: Please note several questions at the end of this article for a “Reader Open Thread” exercise. As always, reader feedback is appreciated. In recent weeks, I’ve noted with interest a discussion among some Substack readers that “Covid fatigue…
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March 8th 2024 Investigation finds Colorado DNA analyst intentionally manipulated data

March 8th 2024 Google issues search ranking penalties through manual actions for attempting to do certain search engine optimization techniques

March 7th 2024 Quick! We'll Be Late For Mind Control - The Gathering Tyranny Of Schools - David Icke Dot-Connector

March 7th 2024 Can we connect renewable energy hubs with electricity consumption hubs?

March 7th 2024 Free Speech Fails Canadian Teachers with 1984 Lesson

March 7th 2024 Todd Callender: Global Tribunals Have Begun... the Elites Can't Escape Nuremberg 2.0

March 7th 2024 Welsh Government brought in different pandemic rules for sake of it, Covid Inquiry told

March 7th 2024 The Hypocrisy of the BBC’s Misinformation War

March 7th 2024 mRNA injections could cause an epidemic of prion diseases – and not only in the vaccinated

March 7th 2024 Is long Covid just another name for anaemia?

March 7th 2024 For services to wrecking Britain, the covid conmen landing top jobs

March 7th 2024 To this point, four federal judges have found that the Biden Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the CIA violated the First Amendment in its ongoing collaboration with Big Tech to censor disapproved narratives, including those related to Covid, crime, and mail-in voting.

March 7th 2024 Technocrats Cut Ireland at the Knees

March 7th 2024 Technology: Weapon of the People

March 7th 2024 Mexico "Still Hasn't Seen Science" From US Proving Genetically Modified Corn Is Safe

March 7th 2024 How to Fight Student Vaccine Mandates

March 7th 2024 Russia is NOT Anti-NWO: Bans VPNs, Builds 15-Minute Smart Cities – Video #79

March 7th 2024 Navigating the Future of A.I., Digital IDs, & Digital Money – Derrick Broze (Envision Festival ’24)

March 7th 2024 Is Gene Editing the New Name for Eugenics? “Enter Bill Gates”

March 7th 2024 The Digital Revolution of Artificial Intelligence: Beneficial Economic Creative Destruction or Systemic Dehumanization

March 7th 2024 Big Pharma and Its Shills Are Having to Adjust Their COVID Fiction to the Facts

March 7th 2024 The Lockdown files message is clear: we must never again suppress democracy by giving power to power-hungry people.

Trust the Evidence
The Lockdown files message is clear: we must never again suppress democracy by giving power to power-hungry people.
It’s been a year since we published the Lockdown Files message. During this time, some government advisors have changed their minds and admitted their mistakes regarding care homes, the economy, and the harms caused by the lockdown. However, most of them have gone into hiding or moved onto more lucrative roles. Some members of the government have compl…
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March 7th 2024 The Land of Gibberish: my new metaphor for the spike protein lunacy

Jon Rappoport
The Land of Gibberish: my new metaphor for the spike protein lunacy
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March 7th 2024 RFK Jr. Exposes NATO as a Money Laundering Scheme for BlackRock

Vigilant News
RFK Jr. Exposes NATO as a Money Laundering Scheme for BlackRock
Here’s something the TV isn’t telling you. Robert Kennedy Jr. reports that whenever a nation joins NATO, it has to conform its weapon purchases to NATO standards. This is described as the “trap market” because conforming to NATO standards means buying your weapons from Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing…
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March 7th 2024 Full interview with Refuge of Sinners

Due Diligence and Art
Full interview with Refuge of Sinners
My readers will be mostly familiar with this material. We discussed the EUA Countermeasures, government lies and military involvement in the global killbox operation named “covid pandemic”. Please share with your friends and family. Art for today: Japanese Dragon, watercolor, available as print…
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March 7th 2024 Bitcoin came out of NASA's Seti At Home, that wasted your computing power and free energy in order to look for fake aliens and solve non existent "problems"

March 7th 2024 The Satoshi mystery: Who created Bitcoin and left a $70 billion fortune untouched

March 7th 2024 No drilling! No drilling!’: climate choir sings truth to power in parliament

March 7th 2024 Seth Meyers reads out Trump’s entire rap sheet in breathless opening monologue

March 7th 2024 Covid Litigation Conference II Update: Presenting Live from Las Vegas! Thursday, March 7th: 7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific

Steve Kirsch's newsletter
Covid Litigation Conference II Update: Presenting Live from Las Vegas!
This is going to be epic! I’ll be hosting live tonight from the Second Annual Covid Litigation Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada and giving my Substack audience a sneak peek into the biggest legal battlefield that exists today - Covid Litigation. The Covid Litigation Conference is the premier legal event where experienced lawyers in the Covid space come to…
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March 7th 2024 Free speech under attack: the weaponization of defamation law

Unreported Truths
Free speech under attack: the weaponization of defamation law
(PART OF A SERIES ON THE GROWING THREAT TO FREE SPEECH; FOR THE INTRODUCTION, CLICK HERE) (FIRST OF TWO PARTS: Why winning a defamation case in the United States is so hard, and the background on Michael Mann’s lawsuit against Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg…
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March 7th 2024 Norway's PM Jonas Støre says his country can power Europe (with Hydropower)

March 7th 2024 Why has ME/CFS Research Stalled for Four Decades?

The Real AIDS Epidemic
Why has ME/CFS Research Stalled for Four Decades?
In 1988, I began covering the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic—now referred to as ME/CFS in government documents and elsewhere—weekly at the New York Native newspaper. In 1992, I drew upon those weekly columns to write a book—America’s Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About The Chronic Fatigue Syn­drome Epidemic And Its Link To AIDS…
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March 7th 2024 ⚡🚗 Unstoppable: Tesla's Dominance Decoded 🚀

March 7th 2024  'No Tesla Is Safe' Anarchists Vow As 'Vulcan Group' Declare WAR On Elon Musk And Tesla

March 7th 2024 Harvard Ends COVID-19 Shot Mandate

March 6th 2024 COVID-19 Lockdowns Had High Health, Economic Costs: Swedish Study

March 6th 2024 There Is A War On Free Speech, And They Won't Ever Be Satisfied Until It Is Completely Eradicated

March 6th 2024 Plasmid DNA replication in BNT162b2 vaccinated cell lines

Nepetalactone Newsletter
Plasmid DNA replication in BNT162b2 vaccinated cell lines
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March 6th 2024 The Church of England after COVID: quo vadis?

March 6th 2024 Q&A WEBINAR - DR TOM COWAN

March 6th 2024 TSA unveils passenger self-screening lanes at Vegas airport featuring body xrays, biometric scanning and vaccine passports

March 6th 2024 Google Search Cracking Down on Mass-Produced AI-Generated Slime


March 6th 2024 The guys that ran the covid hoax, you're voting for them...

March 6th 2024 Ireland’s about to take women out of its Constitution

March 6th 2024 Microsoft AI engineer warns FTC about Copilot Designer safety concerns

March 6th 2024 Court bans popular but controversial pesticide

March 6th 2024 Elon Musk’s German Tesla plant suffers close to $1 billion in damages after attack by the ‘dumbest eco-terrorists on Earth’

March 6th 2024 ChatGPT may be coming for our jobs. Here are the 10 roles that AI is most likely to replace.

March 6th 2024 AI deepfakes are poised to enter court proceedings at time of low trust in legal system

March 6th 2024 The Public Is Rapidly Turning Against AI, Polling Shows

March 6th 2024 Anarcho-Medicine, Becoming Your Own Health Authority by Dr Andrew Kaufman & Germ Warfare

March 6th 2024 Analysing the failed experiment of lockdown

Trust the Evidence
Analysing the failed experiment of lockdown
OK, folks, so we learned that the Welsh First Minister (what used to be called the SoS for Wales) considered lockdowns a failed experiment. The remarks must be seen in the context of a major backpedalling exercise or the deadly syndrome of hindsight used to justify your actions. Let’s look briefly at what the “experiment” consisted of and what its conseq…
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March 6th 2024 Yes, the global elites are even stupider and more tone-deaf than you imagined As part of their never-ending effort to beclown themselves, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, and Jared Kushner stop by a $150 million (yes) party in one of the world's poorest countries

Unreported Truths
Yes, the global elites are even stupider and more tone-deaf than you imagined
Every part of this article will read like a parody. Only it’s real. Over the weekend, the richest man in India, Mukesh Ambani, spent about $150 million to marry off his youngest and fattest son, Anant, before various and assorted members of the global elite. It was the wedding of the year…
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March 6th 2024 Governments not keen on pushing citizen-facing AI services, for obvious reasons

March 6th 2024 Vaccine promoter and family of vaccine promoters, Colbert says he is 'ready' for AI to 'tell us what to do' as a society

March 6th 2024 Long COVID/Long VaXXX "could be" and "may be" to blame for the worsening headaches, nausea, fatigue and sweats

March 6th 2024 Fake News Award: Long Covid: Health staff go to court for compensation because they "believe" they first caught (fake) Covid at work during the pandemic and say they were not properly protected from the virus.

March 6th 2024 JK Rowling and the tyranny of preferred pronouns It is not ‘misgendering’ to call a man a man – it’s the truth.

March 6th 2024 AstraZeneca to build £450m vaccine hub in Liverpool in boost for UK

March 6th 2024 France Enjoys Electricity Prices 41% Cheaper Than Hitler's Coal Curtain In Germany 0r Russian Gas; Thanks to Nuclear Industry

March 6th 2024 Covid injections can cause kidney injury and renal damage

March 6th 2024 Bitcoin is the process of wasting computer power and wasting your free-energy into a ficticious coin which then turns directly into Inflation

March 6th 2024 Fake News Award! Russia, that sabotage's all nuclear power plants worldwide, is claiming they're putting nuclear power on the Moon. Nothing more bullshit than that!!

March 6th 2024 The New Normal: Job Openings And Hires Slide As Workers Quitting Their Job Plunge To Pre-Covid Levels

March 6th 2024 Vaccination video is emotional blackmail – and dishonest too

March 6th 2024 The Truth Business Leaders Need to Face

March 6th 2024 Australia to Face an Honest Inquiry

March 6th 2024 ‘Sudden’ and ‘Excess’ Deaths Worldwide Cannot be Ignored Anymore

The Eye Opener
‘Sudden’ and ‘Excess’ Deaths Worldwide Cannot be Ignored Anymore
According to a Canadian study, nearly 17 million people may have died from the Covid-19 vaccine within the first two years of its rollout. The preprint study, totalling 180 pages, is titled COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere…
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March 6th 2024 Top-5 Reasons for the Monster State

March 6th 2024 Emotion-tracking AI on the job: Workers fear being watched – and misunderstood

March 6th 2024 Why Are Young Americans Dying At Staggering Rates?

March 6th 2024 First, they bus immigrants to New York, next the bag search everyone, biometric scanning and vaccine passports to come...

March 6th 2024 Electric Cars could earn $12,000 in a single year with vehicle-to-grid tech

March 6th 2024 We're suing Springer Nature for $250M in punitive damages for the unethical retraction of our COVID harms paper Someone has to hold the journals accountable for unethical retractions of valid scientific papers. Otherwise, they will not change their behavior.

Steve Kirsch's newsletter
We're suing Springer Nature for $250M in punitive damages for the unethical retraction of our COVID harms paper
Executive summary The scientific journals have been getting away with unethical retractions for decades. They unethically retracted our paper, “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign.” Here are the bogus…
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March 6th 2024 Microsoft engineer sounds alarm on AI image-generator to US officials and company's board

March 6th 2024 Microsoft Copilot Generates Demons When Prompted for Abortion Rights Images, Employee Says

March 6th 2024 Hundreds of thousands of women have had cars impounded, as Iran uses floggings, fines and other punishments to enforce obligatory headscarf; no different than the west mandating face masks, face shields and social distancing bubbles...

March 6th 2024 First Amendment right to a drag show? Texas students ask Supreme Court for emergency ruling

March 6th 2024 The trans activist house of cards ought to be collapsing; But its followers seem to think no side effect is too severe to halt experimental surgeries on young people

March 6th 2024 Chemical Linked to Cancer Found in Acne Creams Including Proactiv, Clearasil

March 6th 2024 16 AGs slam YouTube for adding 'objectively untruthful' context disclaimer on chemical abortion video

March 6th 2024 Report: All-Ladies Pool Makes Decision On Transgender Swimmers allowing men in dresses to bathe with women

March 6th 2024 Tennessee state lawmakers advance bill that could ban the LGBTQ Pride flag in schools

March 6th 2024 All major Covid vaccines worldwide were once declared 100% effective, but zero actually worked ft How to lie with statistics.

The Dossier
All major Covid vaccines worldwide were once declared 100% effective, but zero actually worked
40 vaccine candidates worldwide were approved by governments to confer high levels of protection against Covid-19, but none of them actually worked. So how exactly did this happen? As we approach the Fourth Year To Slow The Spread of the rebranded flu, it’s time to start examining the methods through which the world was fooled into conforming to and comp…
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March 6th 2024 Legal Aid Group Sues Virginia School District In Preferred Pronouns Case

March 6th 2024 Florida's Republican's in the senate passes bill to block local regulations protecting workers from heat

March 6th 2024 Feds conducted 'broad' and 'unjustified' surveillance of Americans' private financial data: House Judiciary

March 6th 2024 Nigerians want Shell's (blood money) to clean up their poison. Shell is just another terrorist in the oil and gas industry!

March 6th 2024 New hydrogen producing method is simpler and safer, researchers say

March 6th 2024 Thanks to the Covid Scamdemic, Britain is already too far down the road to serfdom to turn back now

March 6th 2024 Right-wing boycotters take aim at another brand: Doritos

March 6th 2024 TSA is quietly rolling out facial recognition tech to 400 US airports in coming years... so is YOURS on the list? Trump's biometric scannnig and vaccine passports are next...

March 6th 2024 Russia, on behalf of the oil, gas and coal companies aka "terrorists"; Seizes Europe’s Largest Nuclear-Power Plant; For decades, it has supplied electricity to millions of households, not just in Ukraine, but in Hungary, Poland, Belarus, Moldova, Slovakia, and Romania as well.

March 6th 2024 Kentucky commemorates 4th anniversary of locking down an entire state for 1 "case" of fake COVID

March 5th 2024 Gas Cars Are OBSOLETE And It's Tesla's Fault

March 5th 2024 Canary - Senator Ron Johnson's Opening Remarks Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?

Canary In a Covid World
Canary - Senator Ron Johnson's Opening Remarks
Senator Johnson’s opening remarks are a must listen. An important political Canary who is a bright light in bringing truth on the Covid front to those that are willing to listen. Senator Ron Johnson’s Chapter 14 in “Canary In a Covid World; How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World” is titled…
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March 4th 2024 Federal judge rules on new voting laws requiring proof of citizenship

March 5th 2024 Chip Roy unveils bill to let Americans sue COVID-19 vaccine makers over injury, negative effects

March 5th 2024 9 Ont. nurses fired for refusing COVID vaccines should be reinstated, arbitrator rules

March 5th 2024 Cuomo spokesman responds to House committee subpoena over COVID-19 nursing home policies: 'Clowns'

March 5th 2024 Meet the ‘Transableists’: Able-Bodied Men Who Identify as Disabled Women

March 5th 2024 Excess Deaths Since 2022 Primarily in Vaccinated, Official Data Suggest

March 5th 2024 MPs write to ONS to ask them to do what they should have done years ago; provide a relevant analysis of deaths by vaccination status

March 5th 2024 It has been a year since Anthony Fauci confessed that covid vaccines could never have worked and it is still being ignored

March 5th 2024 Five Days of Reiner Fuellmich Trial Update: Court Hears Corona Committee Colleagues “Set Traps” in “Manhunt” Leading to His Arrest.

March 5th 2024 Growing Evidence That Pesticides Are Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

March 5th 2024 "No Tesla Is Safe": Eco-Terrorists (Working for Rockefeller & Chevron) Attack German Power Grid, Causing Outage At Gigafactory

March 5th 2024 Sign Petition To Hold US Military Accountable

March 5th 2024 The Seven Horsemen of the Pharmaceutical Apocalypse

March 5th 2024 AI Wars: Anthropic Trys To Upstage OpenAI With Claude 3

March 5th 2024 End Times: Microsoft's AI Claimed to be God and Demanded to be Worshipped 2024

March 5th 2024 Transgender Womb Transplants & Child Sex Dolls For Pedophiles: This Isn’t Progressive, It’s Satanic!


March 5th 2024 Aluminum nanoparticles make tunable green catalysts

March 5th 2024 Transgender Hormone Drugs Linked to Cancer

March 5th 2024 The many faces of a zinc anode: Configurations can make a difference in performance

March 5th 2024 Fairfax School District Sued for Allowing Transgender Students into Girls’ Restrooms, Locker Rooms

March 5th 2024 The young are growing up in a post-lockdown society riddled with entitlement

March 5th 2024 Breaking an electrolyte's charge neutrality

March 5th 2024 U.S. Announces Sale of Entire Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve (It's no longer needed)

March 5th 2024 World’s largest floating offshore solar power plant construction begins

March 5th 2024 Man dies after consuming too much vitamin D, (Rat Pioson) experts warn of risks: 'Cascade of problems'

March 5th 2024 Microsoft’s Copilot AI can now read your files directly, but it's not the privacy nightmare it sounds like

March 5th 2024 AI pervades everyday life with almost no oversight. States scramble to catch up

March 5th 2024 Newcleo starts plans to ‘decarbonise oil and gas’ and go nuclear instead

March 5th 2024 Startup revives 140-year-old tech to generate energy for remote areas: ‘Marks the beginning of a renewable transition’

March 5th 2024 My Tucker Carlson interview

Steve Kirsch's newsletter
My Tucker Carlson interview
Check out my interview on Tucker Carlson here (6.6M views, 100K likes): Full interview can be found here behind a paywall (just $6/month to support his work…
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March 5th 2024 Pathologist reports a stunning 52% increase in cancer risk for ages 15-59 who were vaxxed

Steve Kirsch's newsletter
Pathologist reports a stunning 52% increase in cancer risk for ages 15-59 who were vaxxed
Executive summary I just interviewed Ivana Pavic, a pathologist in Croatia. She did a careful study in Croatia and found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in that age group had one or more shots. If you do the math, it means that…
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March 5th 2024 Twenty Eight Mechanisms of Kidney Injury with COVID-19 Vaccination

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Twenty Eight Mechanisms of Kidney Injury with COVID-19 Vaccination
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH I had a patient this year who presented far along the path of chronic kidney disease requiring initiation of renal replacement therapy otherwise known as dialysis. I wondered if COVID-19 vaccination could injure the kidneys as it does the heart, brain, and so many other organs…
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March 5th 2024 A roundup of Trust the Evidence themes and problems

Trust the Evidence
A roundup of Trust the Evidence themes and problems
Since its inception in August 2022, the huge staff at Trust the Evidence (TTE) have produced over 500 posts, reading figures have steadily climbed, and so have the number of subscriptions. Some problems and issues have cropped up during that period, which we would like to share with our supporters and get your feedback on…
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March 5th 2024 Dr Anne McCloskey: This is the fight of our lives

Dr Sam Bailey
Dr Anne McCloskey: This is the fight of our lives
Dr Anne McCloskey had an established 40-year career as a family doctor in Northern Ireland. She has courageously fought against the draconian COVID-19 measures and vaccines since 2020. The so-called 'authorities' continue to throw multiple attacks at her as she holds the line against increasing medical tyranny…
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March 4th 2024 The Unregulated: 1) Nano-Particles 2) Vaccine Ingredients 3) GMO 4) AI...

March 4th 2024 585 million killed or injured and massive harm to pregnant women by covid injections, doctor says placing American medical organisations on notice

March 4th 2024 Senior Tory Politicians are ‘Entwined in the Workings of WHO and Gavi, Both Heavily Bankrolled by Bill Gates.’

March 4th 2024 The Power Behind the Throne and The Forever Wars.

March 4th 2024 I have never witnessed such harm as is caused by covid injections, cardiologist tells GMC

March 4th 2024 If the "spike protein" attacks the blood, it could therefore affect Iron production. Scientists may have finally found the cause of long Covid: Low iron levels after infection 'might be trigger of poorly-understood illness'

March 4th 2024 Police solve no burglaries in half of the country

March 4th 2024 The unbearable ignorance of the trans lobby

March 4th 2024 "You won't get covid if you take the first shot" - Joe Biden, Donald Trump....  Expect COVID-19 vaccine to operate like flu shot, with a new round in the fall

March 4th 2024 Free cracker-jacks fake COVID-19 test program to be suspended for now

March 4th 2024 One of the biggest, fake and staged "protest" using fake long-covid patiens (long Vaxxx) in order to force medical kidnapping and vaccine poisoning. Protest of CDC’s new COVID guidance planned for this month in Washington, DC: ‘Urgent need’

March 4th 2024 The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden

March 4th 2024 The Real Problem with Julian Assange

March 4th 2024 Life After Lockdown: Introduction

March 4th 2024 Nepal to Assign Unique ID Number at Birth as Part of Digital ID Program

March 4th 2024 Genetically Modified Ingredients in Most US Cheeses

March 4th 2024 New Podcast: The genocidal “sacred American institution” that must not be attacked

Jon Rappoport
New Podcast: The genocidal “sacred American institution” that must not be attacked
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March 4th 2024 Is it time to hit the brakes on healthcare research? A response to systemic bias and waste

Trust the Evidence
Is it time to hit the brakes on healthcare research?
Let's talk about why TTE is calling for a halt on all medical research and what it could mean for the future of healthcare. Thirty years ago, Doug Altman wrote about the Scandal of Medical Research in the BMJ, “We need less research, better research, and research done for the right reasons.” Altman considered vast sums of money were wasted on seriously…
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March 4th 2024 My Pensacola lecture on the First Amendment (part two) Why a handful of Covid skeptics on Twitter frightened leftist elites so badly they had to censor us

Unreported Truths
My Pensacola lecture on the First Amendment (part two)
(Second of two parts. Read Part 1 here.) (Note: Lot to write this week - more absurdity from the Centers for Disease Control, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates reach new heights of self-parody, etc… but having presented Part 1 of the lecture, I wanted to give you the second part before all of that…
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March 4th 2024 AI worm that infects computers and reads emails created by researchers

March 4th 2024 The Hallet Inquiry: lockdowns are a failed experiment, according to the Welsh First Minister

Trust the Evidence
The Hallet Inquiry: lockdowns are a failed experiment, according to the Welsh First Minister
The BBC reports that Wales' First Minister Mark Drakeford has said local Covid lockdowns were a “failed experiment.” He could have said it was a failed policy or intervention, but Drakeford chose to say lockdowns were an “experiment.” An experiment is a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery and test a hypothesis…
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March 4th 2024 Investors are pushing AI stocks to eye-popping heights because they think the industry will stay unregulated, Harvard economist says

March 4th 2024 Unboxing Tesla's Compact Tech Marvels! Tesla One

March 3rd 2024 How Did the West Become So Stupid? Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theory is now a conspicuous reality = Brain Eating Vaccines - Alex Jones

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
How Did the West Become So Stupid?
Almost exactly a year ago I wrote a Substack post about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s 1943 essay “On Stupidity.” At this time last year, I was concerned that Bonhoeffer’s observations seemed to be ever more pertinent to our own era. This morning, while reading that Russian intelligence intercepted a phone conversation between ranking German military officers ab…
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March 3rd 2024 Dates printed on your food aren’t about expiration: What they really mean

March 3rd 2024 A Brief Report on MAiD in Canada The slippery slope is already here

The Real AIDS Epidemic
A Brief Report on MAiD in Canada
I’ve had a few days to go through the Fourth annual report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2022 and I think I am finally ready to report on it. In fact, I have been so disturbed by this that I have been unable to report on AIDS, so I might as well get this over with…
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March 3rd 2024 Weaponized (Flying Vaccinators) Gene-Edited Mosquitos Released in Brazil: Dengue Vaccine Funded by Bill Gates Foundation. Will It Save Lives?

Michel Chossudovsky
Weaponized Gene-Edited Mosquitos Released in Brazil: Dengue Vaccine Funded by Bill Gates Foundation. Will It Save Lives?
Introduction There are several dimensions to the Mosquito Crisis. The Release of gene-edited male mosquitos, coupled with the development of a Dengue and Malaria Vaccine. But that is but the tip the iceberg. According to F. William Engdahl in 2018 the…
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March 3rd 2024 UK Maternal Mortality on the Rise Where’s Mummy?

Trust the Evidence
UK Maternal Mortality on the Rise
Of all the sad things in life, perhaps the saddest is a maternal death. A life snuffed out in its prime, motherless babies, wifeless husbands. For the survivors, the physical pain eventually goes, but the sadness never does. You can tell the bereaved (recent or not) because of the look in their eyes. Somewhere in there, something has gone, never to be re…
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March 3rd 2024 Just Ahead: Deep Fakes And Shallow Reality

March 3rd 2024 COVID-19 Vaccines Can Impact Menstrual Cycle, Researchers Find

March 3rd 2024 Politicians will have to face the decisions they made during the covid era

March 3rd 2024 BREAKING: 4x Vaccinated Youth 318% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers, Office for National Statistics Confirms

March 3rd 2024 Health Secretary Urged to Release Data That ‘May Link Covid Vaccine to Excess Deaths’

March 3rd 2024 Ministers Failed to Consider Long-Term Pain of Lockdown, Say Two-Thirds of Scientists; Nuremberg Code violations to include looking at the risks, and long term consequences of medical experimentations

March 3rd 2024 Hangovers suddenly worse? Researchers think COVID (vaccines) could be the cause

March 3rd 2024 Are People Getting Sick More Since the Covid Plannedemic?

March 3rd 2024 The (AI) mRNA (vaccine) "miracle workers"

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Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
Top 100 Love Songs Preformed by Chief Justice
Top 100 Love Songs Preformed by Chief Justice w/ Top 300 Wedding Songs & Top 300 Love Quotes for Lovers ft 1:Corinthians:13 performed by Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0