WHO Press Conference The INB has decided AGAINST having a special session of the WHA in December 2024. NOW is the time for people around the world to SPEAK UP and and demand that the "Pandemic Agreement" be REJECTED. https://substack.com/@jamesroguski/p-151509128

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November 11th 2024 Circle Jerking back to Monkeypox? WHO to convene emergency meeting on mpox on Nov. 22 https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/who-convene-emergency-meeting-mpox-nov-22-2024-11-11/

May 20th 2022 Pandemic 2: Monkeypox-Smallpox Vaxx Hoax ft WHO Emergency Meeting https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/pandemic-2-smallpox-monkeypox-hoax-ft-cdc-public-health-urgency

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A massive leak of internal e-mails and memos from Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (federal agency and research institute for controlling infectious disease) reveals that the institute's scientists understood that virtually every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic response was NOT guided by science, but by political machinations to spread fear, control the population, and promote the experimental vaccines. On November 2, 2024, Professor Stefan Homburg gave a presentation on the leaked documents in the German Parliament.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have suspected that governments throughout the world were committing the greatest organized fraud in history, but I still found Professor Homburg's presentation to be absolutely breathtaking in the sheer ruthlessness of the lies and manipulation revealed in these leaked documents. Perhaps the most perfidious is a memo from September 28, 2020.

Translation: 28.09.2020: FDA approval [of COVID-19 vaccines] before the US Elections is not desired, also not by European authorities.

In other words, both U.S. and European public health authorities were afraid the COVID-19 vaccines—which had been heralded as the forthcoming saviors of mankind—could help to get Donald Trump elected if they were approved before the election. And so they found it expedient to withhold approval until after the election, even though they claimed the vaccines could save millions of lives.

I strongly encourage everyone to watch the video presentation (in German with English subtitles) and to share it far and wide.


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