Merry Christmas! Free Ebook: Nuremberg 2.0 International Public Grand Jury vs Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity by Chris Edwards, The Year of QuadDemics in 2024 (

Breaking: Trump transition team plans immediate WHO withdrawal, expert says. Joe Biden Pardon's Anthony Fauci for Crimes Against Humanity?

The Plannedemic Saga Continued into 2024... Revelation after Revelation. Psyop after Psyop. And will continue, as long as you continue to believe in the contagion myth, germ theory and vaccines. For all of 2024, we were circle-jerked back to Bird-Flu B.S. They want you to believe that a random migrating bird can infect a chicken, then the chicken infect a cow, then the cow infect a human by drinking raw-milk, then the human infecting a Tiger at a Zoo. As-if, the human was interacting with a Tiger at a Zoo. Only an abject-moron would believe such a thing; with no proof; and the "Trust The Science" of "Probably", "Could-Be", "May Be", "Possibly", "Officials Say", "Experts Agree" and "Simon Says". And all while the Covid Criminals like Anthony Fauci get pardoned by Joe Biden and squirm their way out of a Nuremberg 2.0 with the "Safe Haven Act". The update to the book is set for release on the 5th Anniversary of the Chief Justice predicting the Covid Scenario, to Immortilize the book "Nuremberg 2.0: International Criminal Grand Jury vs Covid Crimes Against Humanity" by the Chief Justice and will cover major events in the Covid Scamdemic through the year 2024.

Ebook by the Chief Justice: Nuremberg 2.0 (Rise & Fall of the 4th Reich) from December 26th 2019-December 26th 2022

Ebook by the Chief Justice: "Nuremberg 2.0" Year In Covid 2023

Breaking: Joe Biden Pardon's Anthony Fauci for Crimes Against Humanity

Breaking: December 24th 2024 How America lost control of the bird flu, setting the stage for another pandemic

Covid-Hoax Rewind:

Covid Scamdemic Day 1 - Fake Pictures, Deaths & Dummies, Medical Kidnapping & Killing of "Suspects". Covid Scamdemic Day 1 in Wuhan featuring Fake & Staged Pictures of Fake Deaths, Fake Dummies on Gurney's, Robot Doctors, Medical Kidnapping, Killing of People & Animals "Suspected" of having Covid, Forced Quarantine & Isolation of those "Suspected" of any Illness, Fake & Staged Newscasts, Fake Asymptomatic Diagnosis, Contact Tracing of Fake Cases, Fake Testing Procedures, Useless Medical Counter-Measures for a non-existent Virus, Spraying DDT directly on the Public, Shutting Down Businesses, Starving the Public, Robbing the Public, and a plethora of never-ending bullshit for you stupid people! -- Chief Justice predicts the Covid Plannedemic, Declares WW4, Wins WW4, Rejected Amnesty and 42% of the U.S., if not 85+ if they were given all available information, would be for a Nuremberg 2.0 Trial vs Covid Measuers & Crimes Against Humanity.

HCQ & Ivermectin: Pick Your Poison!

The Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 has made many posts since early 2020 on the Covid Protocol and Fake-Cures pushed by the right wing media, such as Hydrochloroquine, Ivermectin & Chlorine Dioxide and even the recommendation to take your entire "Medicine Cabinet" - Alex Jones. That's right, they want to kill you, one way or another. Pick Your Poison! Pfizer sells vaccines, HCQ, Ivermectin and the repurposed drug for Chemotherapy called "Paxlovid". The point is, there is no virus! Therefore, no medical counter-measure is needed to cure you from the boogyman. In the post below, ALL of the alleged Covid-19 deaths can be diretly and exactly attributed to the medical countermeasures and fake cures; that are all nothing but poison.

The Latest: December 20th 2024 Hydrochloroquine study retracted on ethical & scientific grounds ft Ivermectin Poison Pushers

Elon Musk shuts down Plannedemic Planning & Funding for Censorship:

For some good reason, Musk realized that the government funding bill included many aspects that funded pandemic planning, legal protection for Big Pharma and even funded the White House Censorship office. Fourtunately, those parts were all removed from the final bill. But, that doesn't mean "were out of the woods yet". Because the bill did extend the Covid Emergency until 2029.

President Musk shuts-down The Swamp. The Deep State Strikes-Back

DDT & Vaccine Induced Polio:

It's been well known since Day 1, that the use of DDT was causing polio-like side effects. It's also been well known since Day 1, that the so-called polio vaccine was causing twice as many polio-like side effects than so-called natural polio. That's besides the fact that the number of polio cases dropped to less than 200 and just 3 deaths by 1958, 4 years before the nasal polio vaccine was available to the public.

RFK Jr. ally to revoke polio vaccine ft Vaccine Induced Polio

QuadDemic Covid, Bird Flu, Malaria & Disease X:

The World Health Organization is pushing a QuadDemic of fake Covid, fake Bird Flu, fake Malaria and ficticious Disease X. Thus, the reason the U.S. funding bill extended the Covid Emergency until 2029. Bird Flu is being used to ban organic foods, ban private farms with chickens, and replace beef with lab grown #Whatchamacallit. Malaria is being pushed to get you to take Hydrochloroquine and Ivermectin, prophylactically, and to make you think there is some disease coming from Mosquitos; which you have no defense against. Disease X is vaccine injuries. Despite their push for another plannedemic, Donald Trump's transision team is allegedly going to remove the U.S. from the WHO "on day 1". But, that just means each country can determine which emergency measures to take on their own, instead of a directive from on-high.

Nuremberg 2.0 News December 2024 ft QuadDemic? Bird Flu, DiseaseX

Health Cures by Nikola Tesla:

The Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 is also the Editor-In-Chief of Tesla Leaks, The WikiLeaks of Nikola Tesla. Since 2009, he has been publishing on medical cures invented by Nikola Tesla. The ones that have been banned by Rockefeller Medicine for over 100 years. You won't find any of these cures at the average hospital. They only have vaccines, chemotherapy, surgery and antibiotics; none of which actually cure the underlying condition.

CovAIDS VaXXX Cures by Tesla w/ Electrotherapy, X-Ray Cures, UV Cures, RF Surgery, Radionics, Ozone Therapy, CBD...

Animal Vemom, Satan's Serpent:

Since it was admitted that Viper Venom was to be used in Covid Vaccines; it's been clear that animal venoms are being used as so-called "cures"; when it's actually a bite from the Sikle of Satan's Snake. Pictured in the WHO and Hospital logo's. As-in, it's right in front of your face. But, you can't see it. Because, you're blind!

Ozempic is Gila Monster Venom inspired by Viper Venom in Vaccines

The Swamp Fact-Checking RFK Jr.:

Kennedy Jr. accused the pair in his 2021 book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” of launching "a historic coup d'état against Western democracy" by exercising outsize influence over the media and public health. The so-called Covid virus had a death rate of .2%, not 2-3% claimed by Fauci & Gates. The alleged deaths “with” not "of" Covid, only affected the elderly of 83 years old with many pre-existing conditions. Australia for example, had zero deaths of children from so called “Covid-19”. None. Every form of death was considered “Covid-19” including the cold, the flu, pneumonia, car crashes, shark bites, gunshots… The deaths from so-called “Covid-19”, in the death count graph is 1) The Covid Protocol 2) HCQ/Ivermectin 3) Vaccine Deaths 4) Ivermectin. No one died from “Covid-19”. And, there is no “Long-Covid”. Thats a made-up word to cover up for vaccine injury called “Cov-AIDS”.

Chief Justice Fact Checking NY Times RFK Jr Conspiracy Theories on the Plannedemic

Viral Transmission & Masks Prevention Debunked:

A rapid review report published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) investigated if high-quality masks, such as the N95, KN95 and FFP2 coverings, protected clinically vulnerable people in the community from catching Covid. It was unable to find a single piece of scientific research which had usable data. “The review did not identify any studies for inclusion, and so could provide no evidence to answer the research question,” the authors said. “No studies matching the inclusion criteria were found, so no evidence could be presented.”

Mask Cult God of Silence UK "no evidence masks stop transmission"

5000 Years Of Plannedemics:

1000 Years of Scamdemics (1177-2019) - Flu-1918, Cholera-1818, Plague-1718... (

1000 Years of Plannedemics - Covid-19, Flu-1918, Cholera-1818, Plague-1718, Lazarets-1630, Plague-War of 1508-16, Plague-1436, Fleas-1377, Lepracy-1348, Lepracy-1177

1000 Years of Scamdemics Part 2 - Gates Pandemic Firing Squad & Covid Smoke Detectors (

1000 Years of Plannedemics Part 3: History Shows, Vaccines Never Did Anything But Harm -- ICIC.Law

The Plannedemic: RFK Jr ATTACKED For Saying COVID19 Maybe Planned

FOIA No Evidence of any Virus or Contagion:

Christine Massey's "germ" FOI NewsletterCDC's official FOIA confession: we have no scientific evidence of feline viruses or contagion... & no record of a "viral genome". The Great Narrative: Mass Formation Psychosis Doesn't Exist ft Project MK-NAOMI & MK-ULTRA Mind Control Programs. Mass Psychosis Memes Censored by Google, Banned by Facebook & Hated by Mainstream Media. See: Crowd Psychology, Crowd Formation, Psychosis, Stockholm Syndrome, Fear Tactics, Social Psychology, Herd Mentality, Mass Delusion, Hypnosis and Cognitive Dissonance.

CDC FOIA "No evidence of feline virus, genome or contagion"

Putting the finger on the scale for RFK Jr.:

Trump taps RFK Jr. to lead HHS: CDC, FDA, NIH & USDA + Make America Healthy Again to protect from chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceutical industrial complex ( Pfizer's Worst Nightmare: Moderna And Other Vaccine Maker Stocks Implode After Trump Taps RFK Jr. As HHS Head. Pfizer drops 3%, Moderna 6% & BioNtech 7%. As of 12/26, Moderna is down 66.6% in the last 6 months, Pfizer is down 66.6% from all time highs in 2021.

Trump taps RFK Jr for HHS. Trump AG vs Covid Crimes & WHO Treaty

RFK positions on Health:

Trump posted on social media Thursday afternoon. “For too long, Americans have been crushed by the industrial food complex and drug companies who have engaged in deception, misinformation, and disinformation when it comes to Public Health.” Nearly every medical organization is lying about the clinical trials and safety and efficacy reports of vaccines. sued the HHS and other oganizations to get them to show the public the clinical trials for the 72 childrens vaccines “pre-licensing placaebo controlled trial”. None were provided.

RFK Jr Role @ HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH, USDA, Vaccines & Nuremberg 2.0

WHO Pandemic Meeting (Media Blackout):

World Health Organization member countries resumed negotiations Monday to finalize an agreement on pandemic prevention, with outbreaks of mpox, Marburg and H5N1 stressing the urgency of reaching an agreement without repeating the deadly mistakes of COVID-19. Their solution? Faster Lockdowns, Harder Enforcement and Longer Vaccine Mandates. HHS stated that “any communicable disease event” - this means a single case of anything they claim “communicable” anywhere in the world (for example, a single cow in the forest that “tested positive” for “avian flu”), once announced by the WHO, can qualify for forced testing, tracing, detention and injections of humans or animals in any town or village in any state of the US!

November 5th-14th WHO Pandemic Meeting (Media Blackout)

All Vaccines and their Ingredients are Poison:

RFK Jr. wants federal health data so he can show vaccines are unsafe, Trump transition co-chair says. RFK is not anti-vaccine; he's pro-vaccine calling for "clean" vaccines. Despite all 300 of the adjuvants, antigens and carriers are poison.

RFK Jr says Trump to give him control of CDC to cancel Vaccines

Who invented the idea of a "Nuremberg 2.0" International Public Grand Jury:

July 4th 2021 Zoom Meeting at entitle'd "Nuremberg 2.0" that reached 300,000 viewers on that day, after proposing the idea of Nuremberg 2.0 on February 9th 2021; and registering the website on May 13th 2021; the anniversary of the Covid Scamdemic Lockdowns. Infowars' Greg Reese did a video on Nuremberg 2.0 in June 8th 2021, a month after the website was launched garnering 1.5M views. Giving no credit to the inventor of the idea of course. And, Reiner Fuellmich, stooge of the 4th Reich, is in prison. You will find that I'm the first to coin the idea; and first to develop a website, and first to publish the actual method of a public grand jury. Reiner Fuellmich didn't start his "Grand Jury"; copying the text on my website; over a year later. Of course, not mentioning my website. Besides the fact that I predicted the entire Covid Hoax scenario, on December 26th 2019 at 1AM on my Rise Of The Jedi Podcast, a day before Covid was given it’s name Sars-Cov2; and the page was created on December 22nd 2019, a day after the first report of a mysterious pneumonia patient in China. Chief Justice predicts Covid @ Rise of the Jedi Podcast 12/26/19 All Whilst the rest of the "truth" community was hiding under their bed from the boogyman dreaming about the coal they just got from Santa Clause.

Who invented the idea of a "Nuremberg 2.0" vs Covid Measures?

Bubble Boy Predictive Programming:

Bloomberg & St Jude's Fake Hospital Use Predictive Programming, Just Months Prior To The Covid Hoax To Push For Everyone To Live In A Bubble, With The Only Solution Is MRNA GENE THERAPY. August 17th 2019 ‘Bubble Boys’ Cured in Medical Breakthrough Using Gene Therapy

Busting Germ Theory With Bubble Boy Hoax - Predictive Programming

4 HoaxMen Apocalypsis ft "Bubble Boy" "Flatten the Curve" meaning

Gates & Bourla Subpoena over Vaccines:

According to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, the seven “corona skeptics” sued Gates last year, along with former Dutch prime minister and newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, and “several members” of the Dutch government’s COVID-19 “Outbreak Management Team.” According to Dutch independent news outlet Zebra Inspiratie, the plaintiffs allege that Gates, through his representatives, deliberately misled them about the safety of the COVID-19 shots, despite knowing “that these injections were not safe and effective.”

Judge: Gates & Bourla Face Netherlands Court Over Vaccine Injury

The 4th Reich:

Direct from Hitler’s Germany of the 4th Reich at A Pact with the Future Why the Pandemic Agreement is Mission Critical for Humanity (Media Blackout). November 4-15th 2024 Twelfth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

Politicians unite in Hitler's Germany for WHO Pandemic Agreement

Bird Flu Summit 2024 (Media Blackout)

Plannedemic 3.0: Bird Flu Summit Oct 2-4th 2024 (Media Blackout) & Covid Panel Subpoenas NIH ‘FOIA Lady’ for Deleting Emails. Does the Bird Flu Summit on October 2nd-3rd indicate that another pandemic is being orchestrated? Bill Gates on the No. 1 thing that keeps him up at night: 1) Pfizer & Moderna Vaccine Uptake Collapsing... ‘If we avoid a big fake and staged war...then, yes, there will be another plannedemic, most likely in the next 25 years.”’. BAAL Gates will make sure of it!

Bird Flu Summit 2024 & Covid Panel Subpoenas NIH ‘FOIA Lady’‘foia-lady’

Facebook Censorship:

Zuckerberg admits censoring for Joe Biden in bombshell letter to to the House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan. Elon Musk brands Facebook revelations a 'first amendment violation'

Zuckerberg admits censoring Covid19 Content in letter to Congress

Only the Vaccinated Died:

200 years ago, Louis Pasteur created 3 "vaccines" before Microscopes, or Isolation nor Causation could ever be determined. His vaccines were made of sewage from the infirmary, puss from other sickened people, scabs and body parts from the dead, and unknown poison concoctions.

Major Oxford Study: Only vaccinated children died of Myocarditis

Bird Flu Pictures are all Fakes:

Is the Bird Flu "Virus" a Straight Line or a Circle? In this article from 2011, Anthony Fauci and friends push the Bio-Lab Narrative, the Bioterrorist Narrative, along with the Nuke Hoax Narrative, for something that doesn't even exist. This is the type of story that should reveal to you that it's all a scam. None of it is real.

Will The Real Bird Flu Please Stand Up ft Armageddon Virus Hoax

The Supreme Court is Captured:

Supreme Court issues major ruling on First Amendment in social media case; allowing for viewpoint discrimination. Supreme Court allows White House contacts with social media platforms; but failing to address the underlying free speech questions and "coersion". So, next time the Government censors you, and your business, you just keep believing the Fake News on TV. Next time they shut down your business and call you 'non essential', Go Bankrupt, and go file for Disability... Next time they want to inject you with Poison with Unknown Ingredients, you double-jab, 10X Covid Jabs. Like a Heroin Addict. Next time they want to put you on a Quarantine Camp, bend-over for the Anal Swab from Bubba wearing a dress, using a fake test that doesn't look for a 'Virus'. I'm glad I'm not a slave like you.

Supreme Court allows White House, Government & Pharma Censorship

Pfizer Lawsuits over Vaccine Side Effects:

Kansas Attorney General and 5 other states file a lawsuit vs Pfizer for making false claims of Safety and Efficacy as they concealed the Myocarditis that affects men and boys, excess spontaneous abortions affecting women and the 10's millions of deaths reported to VAERS and 100's millions of injuries reported to VSAFE. They are charged with 10+ crimes including censorship of said facts, that were already known by February 2021. The Kansas DA is asking all states to join the lawsuit in order to expand the disclosure of their Crimes Against Humanity.

Kansas AG & U.S states file lawsuit vs Pfizer over Vaccine Claims

Censorship under Trump & Biden:

The Trump Censorship Program… The censorship of dissenting Covid narratives started all the way back in late January-early February 2020, with Fauci implicated in the censorship as early as February 2, 2020. The Committee tacitly acknowledges this by requesting documents dating back to 2019, even as it frames the inquiry politically as a “Biden Administration censorship” problem.

Trump Censorship Program: Fauci admits censorship of Nuremberg 2

Bird-Flu Fake Cases:

What to Know About Bird Flu Vaccines... They put the unknown adjuvant poisons in the chicken eggs... You're eating the "vaccines". Previous FDA testing of 297 retail dairy samples yielded negative results for the virus... That's because "there is no virus", there's only THE VACCINES.

Nuremberg 2.0 Daily News June 21-27th - MSM Bird Flu Casedemic 2.0

Casedemic 2.0 Awaits:

Bird Flu Outbreak: Why Experts Say Egg Prices Could Skyrocket. ‘We’re Flying Blind’: CDC Has 1M Bird Flu Tests Ready, but Experts See Repeat of Covid Missteps

Nuremberg 2.0 News June 14-20th ft Scamdemic 2: Bird Flu Boogaloo

Great No-Virus Debate:

Great No-Virus Debate w/ Dr Andrew Kaufman & Steve Kirsch ft Covid Virus never isolated. 56 Million Gene Sequences made-up in Computer (AI) Simulation. Then, turned into a Synthetic Vaccine in 3 days. Virology Debunked by the FDA ft Free Cracker-Jack Covid PCR Test w/ 10 Proofs Derived From & "On-The Box" of the Vaccine or Test Insert by Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 (Sent-In for a Nobel Prize)

Great No-Virus Debate w/ Dr Andrew Kaufman & Steve Kirsch

It's not the Beagles, it's The Secret Of NIMH:

Elon Musk Doubles Down Attacks on Serial Liar Fauci: “You’re All Beagles to me Anyway… Crimes Against Humanity” at the International Criminal Court. But, this isn’t about Beagles. It’s about Fauci’s NIH Experimental Rat Studies using innoculations and sterilization vaccines then later applied to Human Overpopulation in the book “The Population Bomb” and the basis of the movie THE SECRET OF NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) Elon Musk on X: "" / X

Elon Musk & Donald Trump for Crimes Against Humanity vs Fauci

WHO Lies about Bird-Flu Death:

BREAKING: Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer on Thursday denied an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) that a man's death in Mexico was caused by a strain of bird flu that had never before been found in a human. Stating that the man died from Kidney Failure and other issues. WHO claims by (Using Chicken Poop & Cow Dung) first fatal human case of bird flu A(H5N2). Bird Flu is #FakeNews. Bird Flu Hoax intends to ban sharing equipement and ban being employed in a farm unless everyone is wearing a Moon Suit. Just like under Covid, "Depopulation" is "health security". White House Senior Director for global health security and biodefense, told USA TODAY. Slowing the outbreak of bird flu among poultry under his leadership, federal agencies instituted an approach described as "defend the flock." Now, Panjabi said, we need to "gird the herd."

Nuremberg 2.0 News June7-13 - WHO Lies ft Bird Flu, Do Not Comply

Remote Paralysis by Injection:

BREAKING: Electroporation of mRNA by Injection can now cause Remote Paralysis or Death and Drug Delivery, Remotely Using An Electric Field of Energy, Frequency & Vibration! ( The Perfect Bomb, Unabomber aka "Telomere Terminator", Bio-Specific Weapons & Darth Vader's Choke!

Electroporation of mRNA by Injection can cause Remote Paralysis

The People's Convoy vs WHO Pandemic Treaty:

UN Set To Ann ounce New Bird Flu Pandemic, Repeat of Lockdowns, Forced-Injections to Stop Trump & Pass Pandemic Treaty. USA's National Statement The United States Mission to Geneva published the following official statement regarding the adoption of the amendments to the International Health Regulations. The World Health Assembly’s Adoption of the IHR Amendments Paves the Way for Endless ‘Public Health Emergencies’.

Nuremberg 2.0 News June 1-6th ft Road To Geneva People's Convoy

WHO Agreeement or Treaty?

The WHO changed the name of their document from a "Treaty", which requires voting by participating countries, into an "Agreement"; which doesn't mean anything. World unprepared for another pandemic as WHO treaty talks push on. WHO “Pandemic Treaty” is “Dead for Now”: Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act? Defund the U.N.

Nuremberg 2.0 News May25-31st - Deadline to WHO Agreeement Treaty

Bird Flu Vaccines Incoming:

Fake News: Bird Flu Virus Found in Beef Tissue; with a fake test; in order to get you to stop eating beef and instead, eating mystery meat produced in a vat. Fake News: Raw Milk Containing Bird-Flu Virus Can Sicken Mice, Study Finds. Fake News: A Michigan farmworker is diagnosed with bird flu in 2nd U.S. case tied to dairy cows. Bird Flu Cases Spur Retail Trader Rush Into Vaccine Stocks. Bird flu in your toilet? Wastewater monitoring in Texas picked up an early signal of the bird flu outbreak. Ruling Class “Advances” Its “Plan” To Produce 4.8 Million Bird Flu “Vaccines”. FDA Says Bird Flu Found In Cows Milk. FDA noted that it "believes" the viral particles were detected by (unknown) highly sensitive lab tests.

Nuremberg 2.0 News Mar18-24th ft Bird Flu Casedemic 3.0

WHO Pandemic Agreement Delayed!:

Japan and Africa Oppose WHO Global Coup! WHO's Fascist F**kery: "Homicidal Racketeering Scheme Masquerading As Disease Prevention. UK Government refuses to say whether Parliament will get a vote on the WHO's Pandemic Accords. Australian Senators and MPs Demand Government Reject WHO Pandemic Treaty.Nigel Farage joins campaign to reform the WHO and stop 'terrifying' pandemic treaty. WHO aims to monitor and control the global food supply.

Nuremberg 2.0 News Mar11-17th ft WHO Pandemic Agreement Delayed!

Bird Flu Fact Checkers:

Here comes the Fact Checkers... Q&A on H5N1 Bird Flu

May 4th 2024 No, it's not the "Pink Eye", it's now "Eye Bleeding". Mr "Trust The Science". Is there any proof of any of this other than an unconfirmed picture? Texas farmer diagnosed with bird flu from cow had intense eye bleeding, gross new photo shows.

May 4th 2024 Bird Flu in US: What We Know, What We Don't. Like "Possibly" being transmitted from cow-cow.... Trust The Science of "Possibly"!

May 4th 2024 Exactly. Make humans fear birds, bats, cats, cows and all animals on Earth.

Nuremberg 2.0 News May4-10th - Here comes Bird Flu Fact Checkers

Plannedemic 3.0:

Plannedemic 3.0, Plannedemic 2.0 being the MonkeyPox Emergency: WHO Circle Jerking back to the Bird Flu Hoax ft Kill All Pets, Ban All Animals (Just like they do with the Chickens) with fake bird-flu! To Force Pandemic Treaty by May 10th.. My last post on this issue nearly a month ago, was removed In the last 2 years, bird flu has been blamed for the deaths of millions of wild and domestic birds worldwide. But in reality, they CULLED 100 Million chickens, they didn't die of "Bird Flu".

Circle Jerking back to the Bird Flu Hoax

Virus Transmission by Computer Models:

May 3rd 2024 Contact tracing with fake PCR genetics test for "Bird Flu" incoming... What a US farmworker’s case of bird flu tells us about tracking the infection

May 3rd 2024 Computer generated "models" of pure bullshit! New Mutations Identified in Bird Flu Virus

Nuremberg 2.0 News Apr27-May3 ft Covid Transmission with Models?

Reiner Fuellmich & Scientology:

Covid-19 was an end-times, death-cult Scientology Op. under MK-NAOMI; military psyop of Biowarfare & Vaccines. Scientology admits the COVID-19 crisis as “the current hysteria” and “planetary bullbait". "In the Crosshairs of Scientology" - Reiner Fuellmich and an operation to silence a CoS-Critc. More interestingly, by January 26th 2022 Reiner Fuellmich was exposed by the Chief Justice for claiming "of course the Covid Virus exists", and identified him as a top mover in "The Truther Dirty Dozen".

Plandemonium: In the Crosshairs of Covid-19 Scientology Operation

Medical Cult of Covid Protocols:

Germ Warfare – The Internecine Battle Over Germ Theory is Ratcheting Up! The other medical death cult. All of you well informed readers know that many of the reported covid deaths in the US were due to profitable but horrific hospital protocols that were instituted with the onset of covidcon.

Nuremberg 2.0 News Apr20-26th ft Battle Over Germ Theory

DNA Testing Fraud by 23andMe:

April 19th 2024 23andMe Saved From Collapse After DNA testing is exposed as a fraud, like PCR testing...

The Covid Protocol Killed Granny:

April 19th 2024 Up to Half of Excess Deaths in U.S. Nursing Homes Were Due to Lockdowns and Mitigation Measures

Viral Transmission Debunked:

April 18th 2024 After COVID, WHO defines disease spread 'through air'; but provides no proof of any disease spreading through air

No One Knows Whats In Any Vaccine:

April 17th 2024 The 4th Reich: E.U. Pres. Ursula Von Der Leyen on Pfizer CEO ft VAXX "Untested" & "Never Approved". Thanks Bourla for fast-tracking the vaccines and working with the Germans to manufacture them (like a compartmentalized Manhattan Project; where no-one knows what's in the vaccines... and then distrubute them around the world from the EU.

April 17th 2024 Did Ursula von der Leyen & Albert Bourla Mix Business with Pleasure? Why does the EU Commission refuse to release texts discussing EU's vaccine deal?

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Did Ursula von der Leyen & Albert Bourla Mix Business with Pleasure?
In February 2021, EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen exchanged dozens of secret text messages with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, in which they apparently discussed the details of the EU Commission eventually purchasing 1.8 billion doses of Pfizer-BioNtech’s ineffective and dangerous gene therapy shot in order to inflict it on the people of Europe…
Read more

April 17th 2024 Will a false bird flu pandemic be the end of animal agriculture and usher in food rationing?

Ivermectin Cult:

Cult members pushing Ivermectin include Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Todd Callender, Vladimir Zelenko, Peter Mccullough, and many more. They also push HCQ, Bleach, Vitamin D3 (Rat Poison), Ivermectin (RAID & Roach Motels), Quercetin (nano aluminum, nano glass); giving you the same side effects as the Covid Vaccines, brain damage and blood clots. Leading medical consultants have been asking the government to mandate the use of Ivermectin, Prophalactically (before you have any symptoms).


April 12th 2024 COVID Propaganda: Your Definitive Guide to Bird Flu Terror

Armageddon Prose
COVID Propaganda: Your Definitive Guide to Bird Flu Terror
The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class…
Read more

Chief Justice Predicted Bird-Flu Hoax in April 2023:

May 22nd 2023 Moscow introduces quarantine in 16 city districts amid "asymptomatic" bird flu outbreak -- May 21st 2023 Hitler's EU agrees to bird flu vaccination while 75% of countries will reject imports of vaccinated birds. US, remain reluctant mainly because of the trade curbs this would entail. -- May 19th 2023 Fake News as birds are culled, story blames it on the flu. LDC to begin vaccinating birds with poison.

They want you to kill all animals! - Lost In The Forest Of Fakery

Chief Justice Predicted Bird-Flu Hoax May 2023

Biden Prepared To Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty:

Disease X: Critics say Biden admin selling out US sovereignty with WHO treaty. Department of State and the Department of Health and Human Services on Negotiations Toward a Pandemic Accord. Tedros the Terrorist at the WHO asks faith leaders and communities to commit crimes against humanity. WHO’s proposed IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty will create perverse incentives to declare pandemics.

WHO Pandemic Treaty Failing As Biden admin selling US sovereignty

Supreme Court Hears Censorship Case:

BREAKING: Supreme Court considers whether White House etc. censored social media - 3/18 (FULL AUDIO STREAM)..As, I have had 9 accounts on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Zoom,... removed or blocked, and including business accounts; for providing links to government websites, the FDA, WHO, etc. The policy being they can remove truthful information so as long as it doesn't contest the official narrative by the White House, Government, Pfizer... The point being, if your Facebook accounts haven't been deleted yet, then your posting nothing but mind controlled government approved propaganda.

Nuremberg 2.0 News Mar17-23 ft DOJ: fraud & death is U.S. policy

Chief Justice Predicts Presidential Winner:

Elon Musk tells gas companies, vaccine companies, Ford, GM, VW & Disney to "Go Fuck Themselves". Trump admits defeat of Gas. Trump admits defeat to Tesla. Trump admits defeat to China. Trump admits the Grid was not designed by Rockefeller Inc for EV's. Trump lies about EV charging, range and longevity. While ignoring the wars for oil, stealing the oil, petro-poison everywhere, fracking every water supply in the world, clear-cutting the Amazon and burning-food for "bio-diesel" and ethanol; It seems as if Trump is "addicted to oil" like Bush said, a heroin addict. Heroin addicts like to lie, steal, kill and inject themselves with Bleach too!

Elon Musk's EVs & RF's Vaccine Ban Will Decide Presidency!

The Reckoning:

Attorney Todd Callender: Global Tribunals Have Begun... Elites Can't Escape Nuremberg 2.0 "The Reckoning" - Nuremberg 2.0 Public Trial Begins vs Top 100 Wanted for Covid Crimes Against Humanity. Chief Justice presents the evidence on their Most Wanted posters for printing and distribution where legal and lawful. - Blog

Elites Can't Escape Nuremberg 2.0 "The Reckoning"

Woke AI Part 2:

Woke AI Part 2: Hydra warns no one will be able to escape the Claws of the AI Beast (AI Alien Robot Invasion), Supreme Court weighs in with "IA is the new censorship"; AI IS GOD! ft Go Fast And Break Things - Mark Zuckerberg. AI is the Beast: JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon warns no one will be able to escape the claws of AI—and that sets it apart from the dotcom bubble: ‘This is not hype’.

JP Morgan's Hydra warns "no one can escape the AI beast"

Censorship goes to Supreme Court:

Supreme Court sounds skeptical of controversial laws to regulate social media companies. Four takeaways from the Supreme Court’s landmark social media arguments. Can the government regulate what you say on Facebook? As long as it's not the White House, FBI or Pfizer actually hitting the DELETE BUTTON themselves, then it's perfectly legally to delete you from the Internet.

Nuremberg 2.0 News Feb24-Mar2 ft Censorship goes to Supreme Court

WHO's Tedros: "Obey" Next Time:


WHO Admits Defeat on Planedemic Treaty

WHO's Disease X:

DISEASE X & THE PANDEMIC TREATY! - The WHO Demands Compliance - Threatens New Global Lockdowns! WHO Chief Warns of ‘Disease X,’ Pushes for Pandemic Treaty.

Nuremberg 2.0 News Feb17-23rd ft Covid Cultists Want To Kill Pets Because of "Bird Flu"

February 6th 2024 The Pandemic isn't over until your buttholes say its over! - Scientific American. Rampant COVID Poses New Challenges in the Fifth Year of the Pandemic... If we look at wastewater estimates, the actual circulation [of SARS-CoV-2] is rampant in your toilet and up your butthole, says the WHO

Fact Checkers Debunk Themselves Over Vaccines & Autism:

Fact Checkers Debunk Themselves By Admitting That Vaccines Cause Autism: Viral Posts Misuse Rat Study to Make Unfounded Claims About COVID-19 Vaccines and Autism

Nuremberg 2.0 News Jan27-Feb2 ft Fact Checkers Debunk Themselves ft The Secret of NIMH

Emergency Dictatorship in Canada is Unconstitutional:

Court hands Trudeau embarrassing loss over Freedom Convoy crackdown: 'Not justified'. Trudeau Emergency Powers Act to End Canada Trucker Vaccine Passport ... Protests Deemed Unconstitutional. Trudeau Government Used Faked Intelligence To Illegally Frame Protesting Truckers As Violent Extremists. Rebel News Canada: "Tyrant" Justin Trudeau Called On To RESIGN IMMEDIATELY Over 'Abuse' Of Power.

Trudeau Emergency Powers to End Trucker Protests Unconstitutional

WEF: Rebuilding "Operation Trust":

“Building Trust”?: The World Economic Forum Is the West’s Perfect “White-Collar Euthanasia Agent” says Geopolitical Analyst. President Javier Milei – “Planting Ideas of Freedom” but is he just Rebuilding Trust For the WEF? Misinformation is the #1 concern at WEF: A concise guide on how to stop it. Hitler's Ursula von der Leyen hopes EU Digital Services Act will tackle WEF’s top concern. WEF PRESIDENT PONDERS HOW TO KEEP THE "POSITIVE SIDE" OF THE "OLD ORDER" IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER". The WEF Is Preparing For “DISEASE X” But That’s OK Because So Are “THE FRINGE” of Society…

Nuremberg 2.0 News Jan13-19th ft WEF Rebuilding Trust The Science

Dumpster Fires Coming in 2024

Very Weird 2024 The Year of Mass Deception. "It's A False, False, False, False, False Flag World": Luongo On Where Do We Go From Here In 2024, Part 1. More fake news to raise the price of chicken and eggs; while vaccinating Billions and murdering Millions of birds. Avian flu surges in Northern California, threatening national poultry, egg supplies. The WEF and WHO – Are They Running a Death Cult? A WHO / Pharma controlled Worldwide Tyrannical “health system”. Opposition to the 'official' COVID narratives is like taking on Goliath. Fauci Said He Didn’t Recall 666 Times On Many Details On Covid: House Panel Chairman.

Nuremberg 2.0 News Jan6-12th ft Dumpster Fires in 2024

That's Impossible by Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0:

Have They Ever Proven Virus Transmission? Simple, I cough on you, you get a disease, experiments have never been done to show transmission of any virus in human history. Fauci claims just "standing next to someone with Covid, you get infected by Covid". No study has ever proven such an idea. There is no "Superspreader" events. Nor his claims that you get AIDS from Kissing or Toilet Seats. Never happened!

If you don't get sick from your neighbor, with some alleged symptom, or if you have no symptoms, they simply -allege- "natural immunity" and now -allege- "asymptotic carrier", even if you have never been exposed to said virus and couldn't have immunity to the virus if you were never exposed to it. Even if their improperly used PCR test or inaccurate Antibody tests are negative; they still make the -claim- as the reason or cause as to why someone doesn't get the symptoms or disease when -coughed on- or -stood next to- or -sat on a toilet seat- as "natural immunity" or "asymptotic carrier". The real reason is that the virus is not transmitting and not infecting your neighbor. Keeping in mind, the vaccine is the bio-weapon; that they mandate you to take; not to protect you from a natural, real-world virus that's deadly.

No study exists that proves viral causation of anything by transmission or even infection from surfaces or toilet seats. The latest study shows the potential of "transmission" of a virus on a surface to a human to be 1/10,000. But that's not the rate of infection; nor rate of death by virus on surfaces. The rate of death from Covid on surfaces, based on a 99% survival rate; would be closer to 1 out of a Million. In the real world, that never happens! Cannot be proven! There's no such thing in reality.

If you have the 24/7 visual and the cause-and-effect reaction evidence of that virus, on that surface causes that exact infection that leads to some exact disease, in a double-blind study, showing some type of transmission (jump, leak, ebb, pop of nowhere...) virus turning into that specific disease, from human to human or human to animal, send it in to We'd all like to see it.

Since AIDS is supposedly a myriad of 30+ diseases, then it's going to be tough to prove that just the Toilet Seat caused your AIDS now isn't it? Or if proving Toilet Seats cause AIDS is easy, send it in!!

Please, don't send in the Tuskegee experiments; as we already know; the blacks were Injected with Syphilis, instead of just sitting on a Toilet Set with Syphilis On It or screwing a whore with Syphilis. Why would they need to be injected with it or injected with some unknown concoction; like all 330+ Covid-19 vaccine's, all with unknown, experimental, computer generated by software programs, patented or not and even trade-secret ingredients?

Don't send in any Vaccine efficacy studies; since they have no ingredients list, that anyone on Earth can prove exists in reality, like "what's in that vaccine anyway, Doctor. A computer code with some margin of error or what?". Aka "Computer AI Bullshit" (tm). And, it's been made legal for the drug manufactures to do their own studies and own conclusions. Sources of Pfizer studies previously posted. Then how could there be a publicly known "study" of any kind? And therefore, clearly there is no "Informed Consent" provided for in the Nuremberg Codex nor even an Emergency provided for by Presidential Directives. Put simply, if there is no real-world transmission, then there is no Emergency, no Vaccine Mandates and no Coronavirus Measures. - Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 on January 26th 2022 Chief Justice's "Truther" Dirty Dozen ft #1 Dr Joseph Mercola (

Virology Pseudoscience of Isolation, Transmission

Foreigner Inducted Into The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame ft Urgent, Emergency:

July 4th 2022 Remake of Urgent - Foreigner ft Died Suddenly of Pfizer, Boosted, Brain Fog, Covid, Cancel Culture, Lockdowns, PCR, Monkeypox, ... by Chris Edwards

Foreigner induction in the Rock&Roll Hall Of Fame, October 2024