Good luck with that because millions said NO. We will not comply.

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Jun 25Liked by Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0

Thank you! I'd like your post/URLS to be inscribed on my tombstone, if I ever have one, please, to try to warn others.

If this insanity isn't stopped, seems more likely I'll wind up (with many others) in the general algae pool, as Soylent Green, being fed to the unsuspecting so-far survivors, as a 'healthy alternative' to a steady diet of toxic, inflammatory chitinous insects.

Unfortunate that you aren't really the Chief Justice of Nuremberg; I like your attitude! Can I vote you into the position?

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Yes. Thanks. I only play a Chief Justice on TV. But, applications have been open for the position since July 4th 2021. https://nurembergtrials.net/who-is-the-chief-justice

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