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$7T Subsidies goto Ecocidal Maniacs that are Burning Trees, Burning Food, Oil, Propane, Coal, Offshore Gas while E.U. Fascists & German Big Auto are attempting to block or steal Lithium in Serbia?

Biofuel vs Food: Eco-terrorists protesting Tesla Gigafactory in Berlin are protecting an artificial forest used to burn trees for electricity (

It has been calculated by Chris Edwards that the U.S. burns 50 Billion boxes of Corn Flakes, 1 Billion Bushels each year, in gas tanks. Corn Ethanol producers admit, without the income from Ethanol, without the $40B per year in renewable energy subsidies, not only would they be out of business, but the price of Wheat, Corn, Soy, Sugar for Food would drop to $0.00. “catastrophically idiotic”

February 15th 2022 Chris Edwards previously reported. The Ethanol and Bio-Diesel is created from Trees & Food acounting for over 1 Billion Bushels of Corn being burnt in gas tanks and 300 football fields per minute are destroyed for Ethanol and "Bio-Diesel". Michal Jackson protested the clear cutting of tress for this purpose on the night he allegedly died in Earth Song Rehersales. The following months in 2009, Ethanol and Bio-Diesel were given the consideration of "renewable energy" and now get $40-$80 Billion in subsidies each year; on top of them burning your food to move around a 6,000 pund truck; looking for food! New study casts doubt on ethanol's climate benefits.

Latest: Breaking: September 6th 2024 Farmland & Photovoltaics: It Might Not Be What I Expected -- This fact is a revelation from Cleantechnica. It means we could get 100% of our energy needs from solar PV set up on 30 million land or water acres, 30 million acres of existing farm land, 30 million of acres of now unused farm land or even the 30 million acres for turning food into Ethanol; in all cases, solar could power the entire U.S. with just 30M acres land.

September 4th 2024 Wildfire destroys 20% of Brasilia forest, arson suspected. The terrorists who work for oil and gas companies are burning down forests to plant food crops to be used for Ethanol, Bio-Diesel and Wood Pellets to burn for Electricity. Don't tell Elon Musk, he doesn't want to hurt the terrorists feelings.

August 30th 2024 India now allows ethanol production from cane juice, sugar, rice and grains, not to be used as food.

August 22nd 2024 Lies: How Brazil dominates sugar production without burning fields August 24th 2024 Moments Later... Wildfires (set by farmers) in sugar cane fields in Brazil's southeast to clear-way for more sugar can for more bio-ethanol To fill the new railways they built to export sugar-can ethanol. Mounting Resistance to the Ferrogrão Railway in the Brazilian Amazon. Known as Ferrogrão, this 933 km railway would slice through the Amazon, gravely violating the rights of local communities and devastating forests. Tailored to serve the export of Soy and Corn and Sugarcane production that comes largely at the expense of the Amazon and Cerrado, the project would lock in ever-growing expansion of monocultures (generally used for Ethanol) for gas cars

August 22nd 2024 Bio-diesel and Ethanol terrorists burn down your forests to make way for planting sugar cane and beets to be burnt in gas cars. But, don't tell Elon Musk. He doesn't give a shit about the Amazon Rainforest. He's going to Mars! Federal authorities have asked the governors of Pará, Amapá, Roraima, Rondônia and Acre to decree a ban on the use of fire, which is often set by farmers to clear land.

August 22nd 2024 Teslarati lies and says the forest was for "cardboard". it's not. It's an artificial forest used for bio-diesel for gas cars and to burn for electricity generation. The entire Tesla community and Elon Musk is literally a bunch of jackass morons, just like the oil and gas companies. Tesla’s clearing of trees at Giga Berlin leads to misleading coverage of ‘green economy’

August 21st 2024 Don't tell Elon Musk, this is not a problem. He's going to "Mars"! or maybe he isn't! $280 Billion Oil Disaster Waiting to Happen: Toxic Ticking ‘Zombie’ Bombs Beneath American Soil

August 21st 2024 Facts alone fall short in correcting science misinformation on issues such as fluoride in water, (from Fracking and Petro-Chemical lndustrial Waste), GMO foods, Vaccines etc.

March 25th 2022 Hydro Fluro Silicic Acid In Drinking Water with Fracking and Industrial Waste! by Chris Edwards. Don't tell Elon Musk that they are blowing-up all your fresh water Acquifer's, the Amazon, the Ocean... and then dumping their waste into it. Musk doesn't want to hurt their feelings.

August 15th 2024 “Don’t Demonize Oil & Gas” - Elon Musk. I bet Elon Musk isn't worried about the clear-cutting of forests to create bio-diesel, growing artificial forests to be burnt for electricity, fracking in the Amazon or burning your food in gas tanks as Ethanol... More than 100 major companies are demanding new systemic changes from world leaders — here's what they want. Together, these companies and Business for Nature have created an open letter to world leaders demanding new and upgraded sustainability policies. One element of the letter includes the Biodiversity Plan, which calls for government officials to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.

August 12th 2024 British Energy Giant Reports Violating Toxic Pollutant Limits at Louisiana Wood Pellet Facilities

August 12th 2024 Logging industry’s wildfire claims are misleading the public; as they fund terrorists to set forest fires, then claim they need to burn down more forests; and get free money to do it!

August 7th 2024 EPA Probes Biodiesel Supply Chains as Fraud Concerns Mount. The Biden administration is following the paper trails of some biodiesel producers amid heightened concern the fuels are at times being made with deceptive ingredients that violate federal law. Palm, one of the world’s most widely used vegetable oils, is a bane to environmentalists and many countries because the industry is tied to labor abuses and is a key driver of deforestation in places like Indonesia.

June 27th 2024 It's not just Big Oil. Here's why Big Corn is going after Joe Biden Nearly 40% of the nation's corn crop goes in your tank. New EPA standards threaten that

Why Wood Pellets Are NOT a Green Energy Source. Biomass makes up roughly 60% of the EU’s renewable energy (subsidies), supported by large subsidies worth €13bn in 2020. Demand is growing – this year the EU is expected to burn 24 million tons of wood pellets. But there’s one major problem: burning wood is far from green. How does biomass damage the planet? Where do the EU’s wood pellets come from? How might this energy source threaten our ancient protected forests? Why are even US forests threatened? 

In “Can the World Still Feed Itself?WSJ’s Brian Carney touches a subject that I’ve been calling attention to for years: the Western fetish for turning cheap, efficient food into expensive, inefficient fuel. Biofuel vs. Food – Outside the Beltway

August 6th 2001 Ethanol fuel from corn faulted as 'unsustainable subsidized food burning' in analysis by Cornell scientist. Neither increases in government subsidies to corn-based ethanol fuel nor hikes in the price of petroleum can overcome what one Cornell University agricultural scientist calls a fundamental input-yield problem: It takes more energy to make ethanol from grain than the combustion of ethanol produces.

January 5th 2012 Ethanol Subsidies: Not Gone, Just Hidden a Little Better. A few years ago I called subsidies for corn ethanol “catastrophically idiotic.” And why not? Corn ethanol, it turns out, is actively worse for the environment than even gasoline, farmers responded to the subsidies by reducing the amount of farmland used for food production, and this drove up the price of staple food worldwide.

Tree Burner People Protesting Tesla Berlin

May 26th 2024 Protests have NEVER stopped Giga Berlin

May 26th 2024 Who's REALLY Behind the Anti-Tesla Protests in Brandenburg Germany?

Eco-terrorists protesting Tesla Gigafactory in Berlin are protecting an artificial forest used to burn trees for electricity. The Tesla Supporters on YouTube are have zero brains...No PR Department. I can find the facts in 1/2 second. Elon Musk too, for not mentioning this fact. And all of their stock holders. I pointed out this fact "as it happened, years ago".

They all left out this detail, or lied and claimed that the Brandenburg artificial forest next to the Tesla Gigafactory was to be used in the production of "paper bags".

What does this mean? This means Tesla and all of their followers are allowing terrorists to delay their factory, sabotage it's electrical supply, set it on fire and attack it; when these terrorists are literal paid morons who's bosses burn trees, clear cut forests, set them on fire, waste prime land for artificial forests, kills all the animals and poisons your rivers; and you let them get away with their scam; and allow them to avoid the issue of Ethanol and Bio-Diesel altogether.

The artificial forest protected by Eco-Terrorists is for wood pellets used to generate electricity. And while Hitler's coal plant nearby, uses 12X more water than the Tesla Factory.

The artificial forest protected by Eco-Terrorists is for wood pellets used to generate electricity. In 2009 alone, approx. 100 ha were newly planted in the German states of Saxony, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as part of the EU-funded OPTFUEL project.

Novak Djokovic Hoax to block world supply of Lithium in Serbia

July 29th 2024 Latest: Or is it Thousands of ex gas station attendants, eco-terrorists and general morons protest Serbia's deal with the European Union to excavate lithium 

July 29th 2024 Thousands protest Serbia’s deal with the European Union to excavate lithium. No protests against the 100,000 gas stations or 1,000,000 fracking locations or clear-cutting forests for wood pellets, ethanol and bio-diesel.

May 21st 2021 Djokovic supports Lithium protests in Serbia; NY Times: Why Novak Djokovic Is a Hero in Serbia (For blocking Lithium for Tesla's). June 14th 2021 Lithium in Serbia: What Can We Learn from Superman?

July 28th 2021 Rio Tinto commits $2.4B for Jadar lithium project; planning 58,000 tons/year lithium carbonate by 2029. Enough Lithium for 3 Million Tesla's Per Year.

DJOKOVIC HOAX: Djokovic was one of the FAKE ENVIRONMENTALISTS looking to block the largest Lithium supply in the world located in Nikola Tesla's hometown, Serbia.

January 23rd 2022 Novak Djokovic Hoax used to stop Lithium production in Serbia: Serbia REVOKES Australian lithium mining giant Rio Tinto's licences - just days after tennis star Novak Djokovic was deported and relations turned sour

Useful Idiots and Eco-terrorists for Rockefeller Oil & Coal-Plants RU's have a laundry list to block Renewables or U.S. supply of Lithium in Nevada to protect "dirt", "grass", "empty deserts", "bats that don't live in artificial forests", "dust", "it hurts my eyes", “random shrub, grass or flower", “random bugs", "random fish", “hurts the ground because the sun isn’t reaching the dirt”, “acoustic vibrational disease”, “Indian spirits”, “Indian bones”, ““dinosaur rocks”", “alien” bacteria, goat "trails", butterflies, coral, it's mere existance, lizards, snakes that don't live in an artificial forest, a River named Joe who now has protected “rights”, mice running around that would just move… and chevron's flying turtles ,,, or the Government will just delay the projects for 10 years.

Currently, Nevada is home to America's only operating lithium mine, in the Clayton Valley of rural Esmeralda County.

May 27th 2024 Lithium is mined with Diesel Trucks?: Rio Tinto (RIO), BHP Partner for Electric Truck Trials in Pilbara. The trials will begin in the second half of 2024 with two Cat 793 haul trucks, followed by the testing of two Komatsu 930 haul trucks starting in 2026 at mining sites in Pilbara.

Eco-Terrorist Protesting All Renewable Energy

November 29th 2021 Gas station attendants on horses & "conservationist" try to block a solar grid in an empty desert to protect "The Dirt". 100,000 gas stations spewing cancer causing poison everywhere, 100% approved! Despite the fact that solar panels reduce dust, not increase it.

Why Did The Turtle Cross The Road?

Answer: It Didn't. Roads To A Wind Turbine Or Solar Panels Are Banned Because Of Flying Turtles! In the case of the flying turtles, when Ivanpah Solar System near Las Vegas was only approved to be built by a Presidential Directive and an approval from the Department of Interior. A whole 20 turtles found at Ivanpah were moved to another spot near Red Rock, Las Vegas, then fed well and got their pictures taken. No turtles are ever harmed by Wind Turbines or Solar Panels. Environmentalist & Green Party Scam ft Chevron's Flying Turtles (

Protecting the Flying Desert Tortoise -

Laws Protecting Flying Desert Tortoises - Desert Tortoise Council

The Threatened Flying Desert Tortoise

Flying Desert Turtle Act Of 1994 H.R.518

Tesla Superchargers are still being ICE'd by the Deplorables

Eco-Terrorists setting Tesla’s on fire

Eco-Terrorist setting Tesla Gigafactory Berlin on fire

“Climate Change” Activists Dragged Out of New York Auto Show After Tossing Oil on EV

July 17th 2024 Proof the Eco-Terrorists use the "Indians" and "Environmentalism" to block Nuclear Power, Hydroelectric Plants, Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Geothermal Projects; but never a Gas Station...Tribes and Environmentalists Press Arizona and Federal Officials to Stop Uranium Mining Near the Grand Canyon

June 27th 2024 This is why the Eco-Terrorists working for the Rockefeller Foundation and Rockefeller's UN reject deep-sea mining as key UN meeting looms

June 25th 2024 A Bosnian dam pits green energy vs. eco terrorists

Fracking, Fluoride & Earthquakes

Alex Jones Lies About Hydro Fluro Silicic Acid In Drinking Water! Oil and Gas companies inject arsenic and fluoride in all your water supplies and then they dump the waste into your city water supplies "to keep your teeth clean".

Hydro Fluro Silicic Acid is added to drinking water to make you stupid. Petroleum Institute, Dictionary & Sierra Club know it's "Fracking" fluid that contains Hydrogen Fluoride & Frac-Sand that is poisoning every water supply in the world. There is over 1 Million fracked wells, just in the U.S. Do they add "Sand" to municipal water supplies. No, the Arsenic and Fluoride is already in the water, and cannot be filtered.

July 29th 2024 Texas Oil Regulator Opens Probe After Earthquakes Hit the Permian

June 19th 2024 Isn’t Engaging In Ecocide A Crime? Shouldn’t Corporations Be Held Accountable? Recognizable examples of ecocide include mining mountaintop erosion, bee colony collapse, earthquakes post-fracking, chemical defoliation, bird deaths due to pesticides, sludge spills, byproduct water and crop pollution, coral extinctions, and so many others. Ecocide includes acts of omission, too; after all, no one should go unpunished for destroying the natural world, right?

May 31st 2024 Lies: Like oil refineries, gas stations and fracking don't endanger lives? Eco-Terrorists working for Chevron. Planned solar farm threatens protected Joshua trees, other endangered species

May 29th 2024 Clean Fracking is like "Clean Coal" State's 'shockingly inadequate' policies allow Big Oil to abandon wells, poisoning family farms: 'An outrageous arrangement that needs to end'

Ethanol & Biodiesel

July 8th 2024 Chevron (CVX) Furloughs Biodiesel Workers Amid Market Flood. Would you be surprised that Exxon and Chevron (Rockefeller Inc) uses man-made forests like near the Tesla Gigafactory Brandenburg to manufacture Biodiesel; as opposed to clear-cutting half of the Amazon for "Ethanol"... First-generation biofuels are conventional biofuels, mainly generated from two types of edible feedstock, namely starch-based (e.g., p otato, corn, barley, and wheat) and sugar-based (e.g., sugarcane and sugar beet) feedstocks [23,24]. However, using edible food crops for biodiesel production, there is a reduced food supply, thus potentially increasing food prices [25]. Another concern is the diverting of agricultural land to fuel production. Using a significantly large amount of fertilizer and pesticides for agricultural production could negatively impact the environment [15]. 

Over three decades of oil drilling in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Chevron dumped more than 16 billion gallons of toxic wastewater into the rainforest. Oil and gas companies have clear-cut 1/2 of the Amazon. The other half is used to grown food for use in Ethanol for gas cars and “biodiesel”.  So much so, Ethanol uses Wheat, Soy, Corn and other foods up to 1 Billion Bushels of food is burnt in gas tanks. The ethanol industry admits that if they did not sell their food as fuel and get $40B a year in subsidies, they would be out of business and the cost of food would drop to $0.

July 29th 2024 Indigenous groups say Brazil plans Amazon grain train behind their backs in order to turn more soy into Ethanol and "Bio-Diesel" by clear-cutting even more forests.

July 29th 2024 Sugar Settles Higher on Production Concerns in Brazil as Bio-energy Manufacturers continue to use Food, Sugar, Soy, Wheat, Corn... to be turned into Ethanol & "Bio-Diesel"; leading to higher prices for food.

June 26th 2024 Europe's Top Airline To Introduce Surcharge To Cover Cost Of Clean Fuel (Burning Food For Fuel, just like Ethanol & "Bio-Diesel") SAF can be produced from non-petroleum-based renewable feedstocks including, but not limited to, the food (corn, wheat, soy, sugar cane...) and yard waste portion of municipal solid waste, woody biomass, fats/greases/oils, and other feedstocks.

June 30th 2024 How to Lie by Exclusion of Information. Chevron and friends have clear-cut half the Amazon for "Bio-Diesel" and use-up 1 Billion Bushels of food per year that are turned into Ethanol and burnt in gas tanks. So, lets just talk about the sacred Joshua Trees... California: Thousands of Joshua trees are being shredded onsite to make room for solar panels

June 20th 2024 BP to Take Control of Brazilian Biofuels JV in $1.4 Billion Deal, Clear-Cutting the Amazon to grow Sugar Cane to be turned into Ethanol for "Biodiesel". While your all fed the industrial waste fake sugar, Aspartame, that's synthetically manufactured with GMO modified E-Coli Bacteria that excretes Aspartame.

Offshore Oil & Gas Wells

July 30th 2024 North Sea oil and gas extraction can cause pollution to spike by more than 10,000% within half a kilometer around off-shore sites, a study has found.

July 30th 2024 Oil Spill Contained but Taking a Toll on Wildlife in Louisiana

July 26th 2024 Who owns rig that’s spilling natural gas condensate into Gulf of Mexico near Galveston?

It's well known that offshore oil and gas wells leak. Petro-chemical poisons affect fish and wildlife, extending all the way to the shore. So, the gas station attendant people put out fake-news that "it's the wind turbines" hurting fish; even though there are no off-shore wind grids in the United States. Zero. blame it for killing whales —something numerous scientific agencies say is not true. NOAA and BOEM are among agencies that say there is no link between offshore wind preparation and whale deaths.

Oil & Gas Subsidies vs EV's and Renewables

Tesla pundits are incorrect to think that EV's do not need subsidies. Tax credits mind you. The Government is robbing you as it is. You now owe $35T to the Federal Reserve, plus Interest. Less "taxes" just means they'll print more fiat currency. And, your not going to pay that anyway. Everyone knows oil, gas, coal, ethanol, biodiesel... all get a combined $7 Trillion per year in free money, limited risk and immunity. - IMF/ World Bank. So much so, the $1T U.S. Military is used to protect oil fields. You ever heard of a U.S. troop protecting a solar panel or lithium salt flat? Keep dreaming.

This petro-chemical system has been in place for over 100 years, getting 100's of Trillions of subsidies; where every Gas Station is a Super-Fund site, that requires $1M just to clean up the poison on-site. The entire system based on gas cars is pure junk. Every plug in your home could have been an EV charging outlet, every Light Pole, Vehicle to Vehicle Charging, Wireless Charging Roads, etc. was available 100 years ago. Nikola Tesla Wireless EV Charging To Moving Vehicles Coming to US

The 20 industries Tesla could destroy, are going to need to be bailed-out as well. The entire system needs to be replaced. That means, subsidies and support; as opposed to the road blocks, tarriffs etc. put in front of EV's and renewable energy.  The Video That Started The Covid-Hoax - "20 Industries Tesla Will Destroy" 12/18/19 ( ( 

Oil & Gas Are The Fascist, Hitlarian Terrorists!

Rockefeller oil and the Rockefeller foundation funds climate change, carbon taxes, carbon capture, carbon credits and 15 minute cities

May 23rd 2023 Rockefeller's Standard Oil funded Hitler with gasoline and supplies to IG Farben, laundered German money through Chase Bank and advised the Nazi's

Why Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was Axis Ally of Hitler & Nazis

May 31st 2021 Rockefeller Foundation launches action plan for increasing global vaccination efforts in order to reduce global population

Nazi Germany Set to Invade Russia, Analysing Hitler’s Access to Oil Sources. Altogether, 600,000 German oil-guzzling motor vehicles were being prepared to roll eastwards on Hitler’s order. From where did resource-poor Germany obtain the quantities of oil necessary, so as to launch the largest military operation in history?  Altogether, 600,000 German oil-guzzling motor vehicles were being prepared to roll eastwards on Hitler’s order. From where did resource-poor Germany obtain the quantities of oil necessary, so as to launch the largest military operation in history?

Michael Jackson Earth Song Rehearsal for This Is It Protesting the Clear-Cutting of Forests - The Last Dance!

Did the Tree burner, Coal plant & Gas station people kidnap Michael Jackson at 12AM after the final rehearsal video of Earth Song for This Is It, and then murder him by 9AM before he had a chance to pack his bags for the flight to the UK? OR, Did Michael Jackson get out of town, just in time? Within the month of Michael Jackson's alleged death, the U.S. and E.U. passed laws allowing the clear cutting of forests and burning trees for electricity to be considered "renewable energy" and get REC’s, renewable energy credits. If Michael Jackson would have succeeded in stopping them, they stood to lose Trillions.

The real meaning of "This Is It" by Michael Jackson -- "The Planet is sick, if we don't fix it now, we're at the point of no return. This is our last chance to fix this problem that we have. It's like a runaway train. THIS IS IT! ... People are always saying, they'll take care of it, government will take care of it. They who? It starts with Us, Us, or else it will never be done!" - Michael Jackson, ending speech for Earth Song -- Michael Jackson shot the war scenes for Earth Song in Bosnia/Herzegovina, which is now Nikola Tesla's hometown near Serbia. In 2011 the song was paired-up with the poem "Planet Earth" (previously released on Michael Jackson's This Is It, in 2009) and released as a song in the remix album Immortal. Following a rehearsal of the song in preparation for the This Is It concerts shortly after midnight on June 25, 2009, Jackson would suddenly die later that day, making "Earth Song" the final song ever performed by Michael Jackson. Earth Song - Wikipedia

Ethanol, Ethanol Everywhere, Time to Stop and Think

By Elon Musk, Co-Founder & CEO of Tesla Motors, September 6, 2006

Ethanol (a.k.a. alcohol) will certainly grow as a business and serve as a partial solution to our energy problem, particularly given that it is now taking the place of the gasoline additive MTBE. However, even if large-scale cellulosic ethanol technology is perfected, I don't believe it can become the primary solution to the world's energy needs.

The often-used example of Brazil does not apply to most parts of the world and may not even apply to Brazil if they see high economic growth with its attendant energy demands. Brazil is in the tropics with an all year round growing season and an enormous amount of arable land relative to its population food requirements and the number of cars on the road.

In contrast, domestic ethanol as the primary solution will definitely not work for the world's most populous countries, such as Japan, China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, etc. Those countries are either breaking even on domestic food production or are net importers. If you argue that ethanol is to be grown elsewhere and shipped, where are the vast tracts of unused arable land? And, bear in mind, the calories burned by two ton cars are much greater than those burned by 170 pound humans.

Let's consider the specific example of the United States vs. Brazil (production is taken from the Oil & Gas Journal and consumption from the BP Statistical Review, 2002 data). Oil consumption in the US is 27 barrels per person per year (BPY) vs. 4.2 BPY in Brazil, but the US also produces more oil at 11 BPY vs. Brazil at 3.35 BPY. Therefore, Brazil has to close a gap of 0.85 BPY, whereas the US has to close a gap of 16 BPY, resulting in a per person supply/demand imbalance 19 times greater than that of Brazil! Moreover, the US has a population 50% greater than Brazil, but has less arable land and a shorter growing cycle. If the US had the same per person oil usage as Brazil, it would be a major oil exporter. This is why the "Brazilian Miracle" is still limited to Brazil.

Photosynthesis vs. Photovoltaics

Another way to think about the problem is that plants are essentially just a very inefficient way to convert sunlight into stored chemical energy. Crops typically have a net efficiency of about 1/2% or so, compared with commercially available photovoltaics at 20% (35%+ in 2024). That means you need about 40 (80 in 2024) times more land area for crops than you do for photovoltaics to capture the same energy. Complicating the issue is that crops require arable land, which will apply great pressure to what little remains of unfarmed wilderness areas around the world. In contrast, photovoltaics can usually be installed on your home or business rooftop, efficiently delivering energy right where it is consumed and taking up no extra land at all.

If you want to use plants most effectively as an energy source for transportation, the best way is to burn them whole (no processing needed!) in a combined cycle biomass electric generator at 60% efficiency and use the output to charge electric vehicles. That requires no technology breakthroughs, uses the full energy content of the plant, and is far more efficient than refining a small part of the plant or even most of the plant, using cellulosic technology, into ethanol to power the 20% efficient internal combustion engines of cars.

Photovoltaics and Ethanol Efficiency

The map shows the relative areas required to offset 50% of the miles driven in the US for photovoltaics, cellulosic ethanol and corn ethanol. Compared to photovoltaics, cellulosic ethanol, which is still unproven at large scale, requires a huge land area, even when using the assumptions of its most optimistic proponents. That is why Tesla Motors will be co-marketing solar panel solutions from partners like SolarCity. With just a small 10 ft by 15 ft solar panel tucked away on the roof of your garage, you will generate enough electricity to travel about 400 miles per week in the Tesla Roadster. If you travel less than that, you will be energy positive with respect to transportation and the excess electricity will offset your home's power usage.

---- UPDATED SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 ----

Crop Efficiency

[From a discussion I had with Prof. Nate Lewis at CalTech]
The fastest growing crop, switchgrass, stores energy at a yearly averaged rate of 1 W/m2, for a peak solar efficiency of less than 0.5% (220 W/m2 mean latitude yearly averaged insolation). However, you would be lucky to get 0.2% after considering energy inputs and outputs. Wang and the Argonne GREET model are somewhat more optimistic, achieving about 0.3% net for taking the fastest growing crops and just burning them. Making ethanol is another story altogether, and if not negative, is less than 0.1% at best and more like 0.01% from current corn technology and maybe 0.1% from cellulosic if cellulosic is ever actually developed to work at commercial scale. There is an excellent paper by Pimentel, a professor at Cornell, and Patzek, a prof at Berkeley, in Natural Resources Research (Vol. 14:1, 65-76) on the energy yields of a variety of crops, including corn, switch grass, wood, soybeans and sunflowers.

The Future of Electric Energy Storage

Lithium-Ion batteries are the most efficient way to store electricity today, but I suspect we will find that there are even better technologies down the road. In fact, my original reason for moving to Silicon Valley about a dozen years ago, before I got distracted by the Internet, was to do a Ph.D. at Stanford in the physics and materials science of high-energy density capacitors, specifically for electric vehicle applications. Prior to that, I had worked for two summers at a small company called Pinnacle Research, which focused on ultra-capacitors. Capacitors have the advantages of a quasi-infinite cycle and calendar life, extremely low charge/discharge losses, and charge times measured in minutes (if you have high voltage and thick wire) for a car-size pack. If the capacitor energy density problem is solved, the gasoline vs. electric car contest goes from being a contestable fight to gasoline getting the Wrestling Smackdown.

The Taliban Hoax: Used by Oil & Gas To Sabotage Renewables

August 26th 2021 Chief Justice has published for almost 2 decades that Al-CIA-Duh, Taliban & ISIS work for Saudi Aramco Chevron, BP, Arco, Texaco, Phillip's 76, Russia etal. With no Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines; Taliban secures world's largest Lithium deposit

With no Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines; Taliban secures world's largest $1T Lithium deposit & $3T in Cobalt & $500B per year in Heroin

December  11th 2012 Why? California's lack of investment in (raising dams) water  storage infrastructure over the last 40 years. And of course, the  Taliban and Chevron and the Greenies sabotage the Dams... The outcome  was expected, but it was the latest in a political battle that has been  raging for decades. Even as the dam was approved in 1913 to assist  earthquake-ravaged San Francisco, environmentalists and nature lovers,  who said the valley's beauty surpassed even Yosemite Valley's, were  fighting its construction.

15GW  Ethiopian Dam provides electricity, flood protection, irrigation  for  farming, a dozen square miles of fresh drinking water, large lake,   fishery and runs on-demand all year around, can use pumped-hydro or   power-to-gas as a backup battery -- Noting the nation's fast tracking   demands for more energy, the Premier said the government would   aggressively work to raise the generation capacity to 15,000 MW by the   end of GTP II. The Dam is eco-friendly and allows downstream regulated   flow all the year round. In addition, inhabitants would benefit from   fishery and the accompanying infrastructural facilities undertaken in   the area, said the Premier.  -- Last month, Rwanda joined a global universal energy initiative,   Sustainable Energy For All, a United Nations-led scheme geared toward   actions that aim at positively transforming the world’s energy systems.

Taliban & Dam Attacks:

July 27th 2021 Iran: Drought, water shortages spark protests, as the Taliban attacks another dam

July 6th 2021 Gravitas: India's fears come true: Taliban targets Indian project

May  6th 2021 Taliban captures key Afghan dam as fighting rages Dahla Dam  provides irrigation to farmers via a network of canals as well as  drinking water for Kandahar province. 

March  4th 2021 Barrett authors first U.S. Supreme Court ruling, a loss for  environmentalists (looking to block hydroelectric power and other  renewables) 

Jan 9th 2021 Attack on Dam leaves Pakistan in the Dark

Dec.  31st 2020 A $3 billion, 2 Billion Watt pumped-water energy storage  project has been proposed along Isabella Lake that would help even out  power delivery from California solar and wind farms at a volume and  longevity dwarfing the large battery installations envisioned for  eastern Kern. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is reviewing a  Walnut engineering company’s plan to create a new reservoir above the  lake then use pumps and underground pipes to turn it into a rechargeable  dam and hydroelectric generator putting out a whopping 2,000 megawatts  of power for up to 12 hours at a time. He said the U.S. Department of  Energy has offered to cover 70 percent of the project’s cost.

October 27th 2020 Ethiopian Protests in 2020 were staged by those who lost the Dam issue.

October 25th 2020 Taliban attacked an army base, and seven policemen guarding a dam

October 23rd 2020

October 24th 2020 6 Killed, 2 Injured In A Militant Attack on Kamal Khan Dam

August 25th 2020 PoK locals up in arms against China & Pakistan’s Silk Road dams

July  15th 2020 World Wildlife Fund & Fish and Game & Save the So   and So...and friends all want to tear down all your free-energy,   free-water and free flood control for farming, 24/7 demand response,   24/7 backup power, boating, fishing etc. at Dams, Power-Gas, etc. and   replace all that power with COAL PLANTS> Even though there have been   Run of River, Fish Ladders since the 1930's and feeding rivers and  lakes  with fish, are all ignored. - (   -- "In the US and Europe, there are plans for the removal of   decommissioned dams to restore the connectivity of the rivers. Some  dams  have already been removed," says Barbarossa. "Our global maps can  help  to prioritize locations for restoration measures, such as dam  removal  and installation of bypasses."

July 7th 2020 Egypt hackers attack Ethiopian sites as Nile dam talks falter

June 1st 2020 #TALIBAN Facing drought, farmers plan for 'economic disaster'

May 16th 2020 9 militants killed, 2 soldiers wounded in water dam attack

April  2nd 2020 The Taliban attacked security outposts in the Dahn Dara Dam  area of Pashtun Kot District, killing two police officers and wounding  three others

March  5th 2020 "Thank You Taliban" - Donald Trump -- Sep 19, 2019  A  Taliban  car bomb killed and wounded dozens of people in ... Insurgents  have  also attacked power-transmission lines

March 4th 2020 Is Trump the same Terrorist as the Taliban?

March 3rd 2020, Trump blocks Ethiopia out of the Grand Renaissance Dam negotiations -- -- The Taliban and Republicans have been blowing up your free energy,   free water, free irrigation, steel smelting, gas production, demand   response, backup power dams in every country for over 50 years.

July  22nd 2018 George P Bush also congratulated Trumps Department of  Interior head, another Republican, Ryan Zinke, who was the one, along  with the greenies that want to tear down all hydroelectric dams, who  called for blowing up the Hechy Hechy Dam outside of San Francisco. When  Zinke was asked what will we do to replace the power and water, he  responded "Well think of something"! The Governor of Texas in also  Republican, and ERCOT Commissioner is from Austin, TX. As soon as their  piece of shit system fails, they blame Tesla electric cars (That are  banned in TX). Jones would have been more accurate to blame the  Abominable Snowman.

May 23rd 2017 Egypt politicians  call to sabotage Ethiopia's Nile dam project  -- Orgonite used to sabotage Mozambique Dam Mozambique: Orgone Warriors Out of Pocket - Mozambique: Police Contradictions in Cahora Bassa Case -

May 17th 2017 In Syria, ISIS fighters trade dam for their lives

Other Dams under attack by Terrorists: March 2nd 2017 (Ethiopia) says planned attack on flagship dam project foiled (Angola) (Capanda Dam): Construction of the dam was conducted under the  conditions of the ongoing Civil War in Angola. On November 4, 1992, the  site was captured by a UNITA military squad. During this attack about  20 Angolans - mostly police guarding the construction site and three  Russian specialists were killed. After the capture of the unfinished  hydro-electric site, it stood without any preservation or conservation  until 2000. -- (Philippines) 10.6-MW Pulanai hydropower plant being constructed in  Philippines was attacked by armed individuals on Feb 2017  (Afghanistan/India) (Salma Dam) "Green" groups attack Dams: -- Infrastructure and Irregular Warfare: A Good Year for Afghan Dams -- Dams Power Turkey's Conflict With the Kurds | Stratfor Updated Apr 16, 2017, 10:05 AM

July 23, 2016 Afghanistan blast: At least 61 killed at protest for a power line plan

July 8, 2008 Suicide Car Blast Kills 41 in Afghan Capital for power lines from their hydroelectric plants

In February 2007, the Kajakai Dam was the subject of fighting between NATO and Taliban insurgents, as part of Operation Kryptonite. [7] According to the governor of Helmand province, Assadullah Wafa,  over 700 Taliban insurgents (including Pakistanis, Chechens and Uzbeks)  coming from neighboring Pakistan fought against over 300 NATO troops.[8]  Most of the NATO troops were Dutch and British. The number of  casualties mentioned varies. The insurgents intended to destroy the  dam.[9] Despite the turbine being delivered onsite, over 7 years later  in September 2015 it has still not been installed, as its installation  requires 700 tonnes of cement which cannot be delivered to the dam due  to attacks by the Taliban.[11] February 4th 2017 "21 hydropower dams in  the pipeline" Using its hydel, solar, gas, wind and coal resources,  Afghanistan could become self-sufficient in electricity production and  irrigation, an official said Saturday.

Reasons to disappear Tesla in 1943: The Heroes of Telemark The Allied forces high command in London determined that the Germans must be stopped from developing an 1) atomic reactor, 2) power to gas 3) jet fuel 4) electrolysis (desalination), 5) synthetic ethanol 6) synthetic phosphates .. and nuclear bomb (hoax) at any cost. Other Dams under attack by Terrorists: March 2nd 2017 (Ethiopia) says planned attack on flagship dam project foiled (Angola) (Capanda Dam): Construction of the dam was conducted under the conditions of the ongoing Civil War in Angola. On November 4, 1992, the site was captured by a UNITA military squad. During this attack about 20 Angolans - mostly police guarding the construction site and three Russian specialists were killed. After the capture of the unfinished hydro-electric site, it stood without any preservation or conservation until 2000. -- (Philippines) 10.6-MW Pulanai hydropower plant being constructed in Philippines was attacked by armed individuals on Feb 2017 (Afghanistan/India) (Salma Dam) "Green" groups attack Dams: -- Infrastructure and Irregular Warfare: A Good Year for Afghan Dams -- Dams Power Turkey's Conflict With the Kurds | Stratfor

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