Elon Musk, Trump, all the main ALT media figures which many admire are players in the New Global Constrol System. They play the hegelian dialectic fake wars.



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I suspect without Musk acquiring Twitter, you would still be locked in a prison, and the Censorship case wouldn't have ever reached the Supreme Court. Two, what does Elon Musk have to do with Nikola Tesla's A/C induction motor or Nikola Tesla's "Condenser" battery made by CATL?

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See the American Intelligence Media and the American Innovation posts exposing Must as an agent of the British - fake Jews - Mongoloid Rhadanite Rothschild banking cartel.



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Tesla almost went bankrupt twice. Saudi Aramco, Google & Apple were all offered to buy Tesla for $5B. They all turned it down. That doesn't sound like he was supported by the "Rothchilds"... Trump came in and removed all EV and renewable energy subsidies to $0.00, and removed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, while oil and gas continued to get $7 Trillion in subsidies. There was "no plan" for an all electric EV. They had to re-invent it all from scratch, including the software and manufacturing methods.

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