Pretty crazy stuff this "Bubble Boy" genes story.

Maybe you don't get enuf credit cuz people feel weird thanking "Chief Justice Nuremberg".

Just use your real name.

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Answer: I could care less about what dopes, stooges and morons think. My real name is on all the posts and websites, including the July 4th 2021 Zoom Meeting at NurembergTrials.net entitle'd "Nuremberg 2.0" that reached 300,000 viewers on that day, after proposing the idea of Nuremberg 2.0 on February 9th 2021; and registering the website on May 12th 2021; the anniversary of the Covid Scamdemic Lockdowns. Infowars' Greg Reese did a video on Nuremberg 2.0 on June 8th 2021, https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-experts-call-for-nuremberg-2-0-following-covid-crimes-against-humanity/ a month after the website was launched garnering 1.5M views. Giving no credit to the inventor of the idea of course. The last thing these fools want to do is mention my websites. It puts their bullshit out of business... I offered Alex Jonestein $1 to buy is InfoWhores website; which is now bankrupt. And, Reiner Fuellmich, stooge of the 4th Reich, is in prison. You will find that I'm the first to coin the idea; and first to develop a website, and first to publish the actual method of a public grand jury. Reiner Fuellmich didn't start his "Grand Jury"; copying the text on my website; over a year later. Of course, not mentioning my website. Besides the fact that I predicted the entire Covid Scamdemic scenario, on December 26th 2019 at 1AM on my Rise Of The Jedi Podcast; a day before Covid was given it’s name Sars-Cov2; and the page was created on December 22nd 2019, a day after the first report of a mysterious pneumonia patient in China.. Whilst the rest of the "truth" community was hiding under their bed from the boogyman dreaming about Santa Clause. The Tesla community does the same thing. How many of the Tesla community do you think mentions or cites Nikola Tesla? Given that the car is named after him, the Tesla Logo is a slice of Nikola Tesla's A/C induction motor, the Lithium battery and even the remote control. Answer = Zero. The whole world is packed with abject morons. No wonder BAAL Gates wants to off all of you. https://nurembergtrials.net/who-is-the-chief-justice

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Wow, I wasn't aware of your work even before now. I'll try to keep up.

Sometime in 2020 I dropped a post on Researchgate suggesting Nuremberg Tribunals and promptly got email from the proprietors suggesting I remove it - or get removed!

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Very good young Jedi. The idea of a nuremberg trail over covid measures was mentioned first in early 2020 by an international politician; her name and links are published on one of the Reiner Fuellmich Grand Jury final compilation posts on the Nurembergtrials.net website. Also published are the other few who mentioned the idea of nuremberg trials over mandatory vaccines, prior to February 9th 2021, using a Google Search by date. However, the idea of a "Nuremberg 2.0" and it being a Public Grand Jury was first published by me on the daily news page of TeslaLeaks.com; and the announcement of an upcoming Nuremberg 2.0 trial; is available at archive.org; and on one of the PDF archives on the website. This, immedialy was proceeded by the ruling on February 16th 2021 by the judges at The Hague in the Netherlands, that the Covid Measures were "not an emergency" and "illegal". This ruling is what cemented the idea of a Nuremberg 2.0. https://www.usnews.com/news/world-report/articles/2021-02-16/coronavirus-curfew-in-netherlands-must-be-lifted-immediately-court-rules

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