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AIDS was the Clinical Trial for Covid Hoax ft CovAIDS, Long-VAXXX & Fake Virus (

Trump's Covid-Tzar pushing for FEMA camps and kill you with Paxlovid-AZT, Cov-AIDS & Long-VAXXX

Trump's Covid-Tzar pushing fake covid, fake aids, fake tests, fake asymptomatic illness, fake asympotmatic spread of fake virus's in order to put you and your family in a FEMA camp and kill you with Paxlovid-AZT, Cov-AIDS & Long-VAXXX. January 16th 2024 Fake Epidemics, Tests & Drugs with Rebecca Culshaw-Smith

January 18th 2024 Long-COVID (Log-VAXXX) signatures identified in huge analysis of blood proteins

January 18th 2024 Patients, experts take center stage at Senate long-COVID (Long-VAXXX) hearing

Dr Sam Bailey
Fake Epidemics, Tests & Drugs with Rebecca Culshaw-Smith
Rebecca Culshaw-Smith is a medical researcher and author of the book The Real AIDS Epidemic. After starting her academic career with a mathematical focus she became drawn into the area of HIV/AIDS and quickly discovered that it was a world built upon deception and mistruths. Rebecca is motivated to end the harm being done to vulnerable individuals who a…
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January 13th 2024 “Long Covid ‘is HIV’?”

Rebecca Culshaw-Smith is a medical researcher and author of the book The Real AIDS Epidemic. After starting her academic career with a mathematical focus she became drawn into the area of HIV/AIDS and quickly discovered that it was a world built upon deception and mistruths. Rebecca is motivated to end the harm being done to vulnerable individuals who are being used to sustain sales of bogus “anti-viral” pharmaceutical products. 

Here is what she had to say about:

  • discovering that the HIV/AIDS model was scientifically bankrupt

  • going public with her book and the repercussions/smear campaigns against her 

  • how the COVID-19 “pandemic” is related to the AIDS “epidemic”

  • the scandal of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) drugs for a virus that does not exist

  • the misunderstandings concerning probability and medical tests

  • the pitfalls of antenatal “screening”.


Follow Rebecca on her Substack HERE

  1. Why I Quit HIV – Rebecca Culshaw on Lew Rockwell Website (2006)

  2. Science Sold Out – Rebecca Culshaw (Amazon)

  3. The Real AIDS Epidemic – Rebecca Culshaw-Smith (Amazon)

  4. Open letter to FB from 50 LGBTQ organisations

  5. How a Drugmaker Profited by Slow-Walking a Promising H.I.V. Therapy (New York Times Article on Truvada 2023)

  6. False positive Down syndrome screening — more common than you think – Substack

  7. When They Warn of Rare Disorders, These Prenatal Tests Are Usually WrongNew York Times

  8. Newborn screening blood tests kept by NZ Police

  9. The Origin, Persistence and Failings of HIV/AIDS Theory – Henry H. Bauer

  10. When AIDS Began – Michelle Cochrane (2003)

November 14th 2023 Trump pushes HIV is AIDS Hoax ft Fauci's AZT Telomere Terminator
January 1st 2023 Trinary Weapons - HCQ Bleaching, Ivermectin + AZT Antivirals
July 26th 2022 PCR Genetic Testing Fraud & Nasal Swabs for Bio-Specific Weapons
February 19th 2022 Ted Kaczynski The Perfect Bomb - Vaccine BioWeapon Imperative NIH
February 10th 2022 Covid Hoax is Over Effective Immediately R.I.P ft You Got Vaccine Induced CovAIDS
January 21st 2022 Telomere Terminator Vaccine ft Telomerator Chromosomal Terminator
December 31st 2021 17 Vaccines did not cure a Disease ft 13 Cures + AIDS & STD HOAX

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