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Nuremberg Trials 2.0 Weekly News June 28th-July 4th ft Protesters Have Gathered Outside Dr. Fauci’s Book Event in Culver City

Presidential Debate between Dumb & Dumber arguing about their Golf game and not Covid Measures or EV's and CNN excludes RFK Jr. from the Debate

July 1st 2024 Pandemic Preparedness: Arsonists Run the Fire Department

July 1st 2024 Savage Reservations tend to look to George Orwell’s 1984 (published in 1949) as the right model in terms of which one should understand the present drive for suppressive control we see all around us.

July 1st 2024 Our Version of a Theocratic State 2024 and Covid-19 Vaccines in Brazil

July 1st 2024 The ‘devastating’ case against vaccine-pusher Pfizer

July 1st 2024 Vote to stop politicians and corporations from meddling in food production and let farmers serve the country with good food

July 1st 2024 Major Medical Journal Publishes Article Showing Negative Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines

Okay Then News
COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness further discussed in major medical journals
I don’t like to say things are huge, but this is huge. As promised, my own little article on COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness (where the jab INCREASES one’s chance of COVID infection, hospitalisation, and even death) has been published in a major medical journal, the…
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July 1st 2024 Technocracy is failing everywhere – Keir Starmer should be terrified

July 1st 2024 'We need an ethical statement out there that doctors can get behind and say we need to return to foundational, ethical, medical principles' Dr @ClareCraigPath is calling for investigations into Covid-19 therapies.

July 1st 2024 "We're not sifting through enough toilets, butholes and feces"! - Scientists. Scientists wary of bird flu pandemic 'unfolding in slow motion'

July 1st 2024 What data? What Critics? Bird Flu Shot Hopes Dim as Tracing Woes Undercut Covid Lessons

July 1st 2024 "Trust The Science, Woes"! Bird Flu Shot Hopes Dim as Tracing Woes Undercut Covid Lessons

July 1st 2024 Keep The M omentum Going for The Right to Repair

July 1st 2024 US Election 2024: Setting The Stage For Climate Policy And Promises

July 1st 2024 Are you an Unvaxxed NYC DOE employee who just received an EEOC Right to Sue Letter?

July 1st 2024 Presented without comment—“Editing Wikipedia with an HIV-centric Lens”

The Real AIDS Epidemic
Presented without comment—“Editing Wikipedia with an HIV-centric Lens”
I have a few big projects in the works, so I have been less present here. That will soon change. For now, I present to you this almost too ridiculous to be real piece from The Body: What I Learned From Editing Wikipedia With an HIV-Centric Lens Yes, that headline is real. It isn’t a joke. From the piece…
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July 1st 2024 New Podcast: Exposing the fake office of US President

Jon Rappoport
New Podcast: Exposing the fake office of US President
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July 1st 2024 Death of a Snake Oil Salesman In a world filled with opposition, how much of it is controlled?

Jenna’s Side
Death of a Snake Oil Salesman
Elon Musk. Alex Jones. Candace Owens. Joe Rogan. Russel Brand. Robert Malone. David Martin. Donald Trump. Tucker Carlson. Bobby Kennedy. Ben Shapiro. Jordan Peterson. Julian Assange. To hear *some Substackers* say it, just about everyone who is out there shining even a lackluster light on the corruption, censorship, democide, and darkness all around us …
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July 1st 2024 The Legal Logic of Military Occupation Wall Street Journal Opinion about Julian Assange applies same reasoning as the German administration of occupied Poland in 1939-1945.

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
The Legal Logic of Military Occupation
The Wall Street Journal’s June 25 Opinion Julian Assange Is No Hero, reminds me of the German occupation of Poland in 1939-1945. As the WSJ editors wrote: Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo once described WikiLeaks as “a nonstate hostile intelligence service,” and the label fits. When the U.S. indicted Mr. Assange under the Espionage Act in 2019, Assistant …
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July 1st 2024 In this study, the researchers fused the ER luminal domain of the ER stress signaling protein PERK (PERK(LD) with green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and a peptide segment that tends to form hexamers (HOTag) to create a fluorescent reporting system.

July 1st 2024 Childhood Vaccine Injuries: HPV Gardasil Vaccine Caused Two Sisters to Have Infertility

COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis
Childhood Vaccine Injuries - HPV Gardasil Vaccine caused two sisters to have infertility (Premature Ovarian Failure)
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July 1st 2024 Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate”, False Flags, The Deaths of Children … and the Escalation of Warfare

July 1st 2024 My Corona Investigative Committee Presentation (7/1/22)

Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass
My Corona Investigative Committee Presentation (7/1/22)
Today is the two-year anniversary of my Corona Investigative Committee interview. Many of you may have read my presentation notes in A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation, but you probably haven’t seen the video (transcript included below courtesy of a reader who generously volunteered to tidy up the AI transcript…
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July 1st 2024 EV's hurt poor people? Dynamics of Electric Mobility Transition in Kenya will eventually put more money into their pockets and bigger smiles on their faces.

July 1st 2024 Third Of Nuclear-Plant Owners In Talks With Tech Firms To Power Up AI Data Centers

July 1st 2024 Tesla Robotaxi patent teases automatic sanitation system

July 1st 2024 EV's will take down The Grid? What grid? Transatlantic Energy Highway: Is a Global Power Grid on the Horizon?

July 1st 2024 OPEC: The World Cannot Run on Renewable Energy and EVs

July 1st 2024 EV driver shares photo of concerning scene at local charging station: 'This angers me so much'

July 1st 2024 Tony Seba says i's the end of the line for oil & gas as IEA reveals huge problem 

June 30th 2024 Mayorkas pushing the migrants are random terrorist with "potential" ISIS ties entering US in order to push for Biometric Scanning and Vaccine Passports at all Borders. Just like Hitler did with his ”gesundheitspass”;

The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden
Have you heard about the ”gesundheitspass”?
To be able to avoid the mistakes of the past, we must learn from history. We have many things to learn from the past. There are many who have lived before us that have made many mistakes, and to advance humanity we would be wise to learn from those mistakes, so that we can make sure to not do those things…
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now under a 100 day countdown for the 4th Reich in the EU's mandatory digital passports with fingerprints and facial scanning.

June 30th 2024 Drs Bailey Q&A 30 June 2024 Is Immunology a real science? (29:55)

Dr Sam Bailey
Drs Bailey Q&A 30 June 2024
In this episode we address the following: Terrain Treatment from Subscriber – Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (5:01) Living without a birth certificate (9:33) How to awaken medical people to naturopathic ideas (17:57) Weaning off medications for peri-myocarditis after a vaccine injury…
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June 30th 2024 "Virus hunters" are searching for bird flu in NYC, Mount Sinai and BioBus pay high school students who scoop up poop in search of sickness.

June 30th 2024 The Cult Agenda = Money No Object. $7T Went for Covid Measures, just in the U.S. - David Icke

June 30th 2024 Another State Sues Pfizer is seeking $20,000 in damages for each violation.

June 30th 2024 The Bird-Flu Hoaxers are itching for a return to "Covid" and drooling  on the possibility of slaughtering all your birds, and then you.

June 30th 2024 Bird flu is in 50% of our Milk? I would suggest someone go ahead and try to confirm the FDA "findings"! FDA finds H5N1 bird flu in half of tested samples but confirms flash pasteurization kills virus

June 30th 2024 Mobile command centres sent to bird flu outbreak, equipped with a fake PCR test and Shotguns to cull your Chickens

June 30th 2024 This is the one glaring omission from this election’s endless debates The real conspiracy of silence in this election is on the pandemic

June 30th 2024 John Snow, Asiatic Cholera and the inductive-deductive method - republished The person-to-person spread of cholera: Lecture 2.

Trust the Evidence
John Snow, Asiatic Cholera and the inductive-deductive method - republished
In the last post, we summarised Snow’s life. In today’s post, we follow Snow’s description of the cholera epidemics of his time. Subsequently, we describe Snow’s deduction on the incubation period and the problems defining stable numerators and denominators…
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June 30th 2024 Far right wins first round in France election, final result uncertain, exit polls show

June 30th 2024 The "EU Defense Line" of the 4th Reich Is The Latest Euphemism For The New Iron Curtain

June 30th 2024 This is fake news. Agrivoltaics is very well known and used around the world. ‘I don’t want an industrial site where cows used to be’: The farmers under threat from solar developers

June 30th 2024 How to Lie With Statistics - Bill Gates. "The Ultimate Uncertainty": Nearly Half (38%) Of EV Owners Want To Go Back To Gas-Powered Cars; or 62% Want An EV. And 90% who own a Tesla, their next vehicle will be a Tesla. And, 70%+ of Gen Z want an EV. This report is actually proof of how "Americans" don't want EV's from traditional auto. That's besides buying a Tesla in 20 Republican states is still lllegal, after 15 years... and low-cost Chinese EV's could see a 100% tariff. So, in a Communist State, is where the Government decides what you get to buy or decide to ban.

June 30th 2024 In a separate study of Young people in the U.S., 55% of Youth want their next car to be an EV.

June 30th 2024 How to Lie by Exclusion of Information. Chevron and friends have clear-cut half the Amazon for "Bio-Diesel" and use-up 1 Billion Bushels of food per year that are turned into Ethanol and burnt in gas tanks. So, lets just talk about the sacred Joshua Trees... California: Thousands of Joshua trees are being shredded onsite to make room for solar panels

June 30th 2024 How We Can Stop EV Charging Cable Theft For Good? Go Wireless Charging and put it under the Pavements.

June 30th 2024 How Anti-EV FUD Spreads So Easily: A Dissection

June 29th 2024 The “One Health” Agenda

June 29th 2024 Experts Agree: RFK Jr. Won the CNN Presidential Debate

June 29th 2024 The Crisis of Democracy and the New Right

June 29th 2024 Magical, Mysterious, And Sometimes Dangerous Food Ingredients That Are Impossible To Pronounce. They are linked to many chronic diseases like cancer, and many other issues, including depression, and anxiety, and may contribute to cognitive decline. They may even be addictive

June 29th 2024 Taliban (Masked men on horses carrying guns with no bullets) Power-Grab Over Opium Production Sparked Surge In Fentanyl Use

June 29th 2024 If ‘trans’ is a vaccine injury, what other dysphoria could vaccines be causing?

June 29th 2024 Here are some of the bizarre things happening in the “new normal”

June 29th 2024 Heil Homo Hitler! This Pride Month, Why Are Some Historical Figures Being Falsely ‘Outed’ as Gay But Not Others?

June 29th 2024 The Conservatives are paying the terrible price for Britain’s lockdown amnesia

June 29th 2024 Lets shut down Edison's Milking Machines...So far, state or federal officials have reported that only three people in the United States have been infected from the cows. Two of the infected farm workers suffered conjunctivitis, otherwise known as pink eye. The third victim also experienced a cough (all caugh's are Bird Flu, don't ya know)

June 29th 2024 Cow Vaccine Side Effects: “In both cases they infected the udders directly through the teats and in both cases the animals got sick. They showed clear signs of disease such as a sharp drop in milk production, changes in milk consistency and fever.”

June 29th 2024 Lies: "That means even just a small splash of milk can spread the disease,"

June 29th 2024 Renewable Energy 44.7% of EU Electricity Production in 2023 — Now #1!

June 29th 2024 The US Government is manufacturing and stock piling human vaccines for bird flu

June 29th 2024 SCAMDEMIC 2: BIRD FLU


June 29th 2024 FEMA Camps for American Dissidents

June 29th 2024 Trump would withdraw US from Paris climate treaty again, campaign says, otherwise they'll send in another NICE attack, like the one before Cop21.

June 29th 2024 China Hits Back at Trump's Trade War Threats During Biden Debate as Trump threatens to raise prices on all Imports by 10%. That money will go directly into Government coffers so that they can all go to Cabo - Ted Cruz

June 28th 2024 Lies: 'Concerning' Bird Flu Study Finds Surfaces Contaminated for a Long Time

June 28th 2024 The Bird Flu Test is Fake, and Emergency Use Only. US to test dairy products including ice cream and butter for H5N1 bird flu virus

June 28th 2024 Woodcock and Marks at FDA forced Krause out from vaccine products to ram through full FDA approval to justify the Biden vaccine mandates

Vinay Prasad's Observations and Thoughts
Woodcock and Marks at FDA forced Krause out from vaccine products to ram through full FDA approval to justify the Biden vaccine mandates
In revealing testimony in front of the House judiciary committee, Philip Krause, former Deputy Director of FDA vaccine products, testified that he was relieved of duty on COVID19 vaccines because the Biden administration wanted to rush FDA approval so they could push forth their fall 2021 vaccine mandates. Here is the key section…
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June 28th 2024 This is the real conspiracy of silence in the election Lockdown was a catastrophic error. Our failure to confront it is a danger to democracy

June 28th 2024 The Supreme Court’s Disappointing Verdict in Murthy v. Missouri

June 28th 2024 An outbreak of E. coli in the UK is due to salad leaves; or is it?

June 28th 2024 All Roads Lead To Rome

June 28th 2024 Republican's Cheer! Supreme Court Allows Crackdown On Homeless (for Jesus)

June 28th 2024 How Amazon caved in to White House pressure to suppress vaccine-critical books

June 28th 2024 It’s Darkest Before Dawn. It’s been a painful four years watching the experts, backed by power, dismantle all the foundations of the good life, and yet not be held accountable for the results.

June 28th 2024 Did Fauci Admit That School Closures Were a Mistake?

June 28th 2024 Victory! Grand Jury Finds Sacramento Cops Illegally Shared Driver Data

June 28th 2024 Exposed: How The Rockefeller Oil Foundation Aim to Force Us into Smart Gulags


June 28th 2024 Scientist Wants To Implant Prisoners With Mind Control Chips | Dot-Connector with David Icke

June 28th 2024 3 Oil Companies & 3 Polluting Carmakers Among Top 10 Recipients of Green Funds! WTH?

June 28th 2024 USDA to Bribe Dairy Farmers up to 90% for Bird Flu

June 28th 2024 Danish "Health Authority" Sundhedsstyrelsen has no scientific evidence showing "HPV" even exists

Christine Massey's "germ" FOI Newsletter
Danish "Health Authority" Sundhedsstyrelsen has no scientific evidence showing "HPV" even exists
Greetings and Best Wishes, In April I published a failed freedom of information response from Denmark showing that the “experts” at Statens Serum Institut have no scientific evidence showing that "HPV" even exists let alone causes cancer. An earlier…
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June 28th 2024 Large analysis finds that for healthy adults, taking multivitamins daily is not associated with a lower risk of death. That's because all "vitamins" are synthetic poisons

June 28th 2024 Tourists warned to ‘expect queues for a year’ as Hitler's 4th Reich EU prepares to take fingerprints, just like Trump's Biometric Entry-Exit System. EES will capture biometric data (fingerprints and facial images)

June 28th 2024 Protesters Have Gathered Outside Dr. Fauci’s Book Event in Culver City. Sooner than later these people will never be able to show their face in public.

June 28th 2024 Supreme Court Chevron Doctrine Ruling

June 28th 2024 20 Ways Oil Companies Are Laughing All the Way to the Bank Under Biden

June 28th 2024 More fake and staged wars by the oil companies to jack up oil prices. U.S. crude oil heads to third straight weekly gain as fears grow of Israel-Hezbollah war

June 28th 2024 Big oil companies fail climate goals and profit from war

June 28th 2024 EU leaders pick von der Leyen for second term as Commission chief to the 4th Reich

June 28th 2024 Google Translate adds 110 new languages using AI in largest ever expansion

June 28th 2024 Tesla Expo 2024

June 28th 2024 Trust us, we make your drugs. If you could examine all the ingredients in all the medical drugs and vaccines in the US, you’d discover that 70 to 80% come from foreign manufacturers.

Jon Rappoport
Trust us, we make your drugs
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June 28th 2024 Joe Biden Catches a Cold “Biden’s entire closing statement is the political equivalent of the blue screen of death. It’s just one long frozen glitch.” — Sean Davis, the Federalist

Clusterfuck Nation
Joe Biden Catches a Cold
Maybe ninety-seconds into last night’s long-awaited debate spectacle, the consensus must have jelled among the woke-and-broken news media mavens that their champion, “Joe Biden,” was not quite killing it out there at the podium. CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash acted like witnesses at a ritual sacrifice. And afterward, the CNN post-mortem panel seemed genuinely shocked that months of playing pretend had skidded to such an ignominious finish…
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June 28th 2024 The Presidential Debate between 2 cats in bags

Jon Rappoport
The Presidential Debate between 2 cats in bags
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June 28th 2024 The cause of cholera and its mode of communication were then unknown. Still, they were thought to be caused by miasma, a Greek word used to indicate noxious vapours originating from rotting organic matter, sewage, and rubbish left lying in unswept streets and accumulated in homes.

Trust the Evidence
John Snow, Asiatic Cholera and the inductive-deductive method - republished
This is the first of a series of posts telling the story of Dr John Snow, a pioneer anaesthetist and epidemiologist. After a brief biographical sketch, we shall follow Snow in his investigation of the mode of transmission of cholera in Victorian London, his premature death and the near oblivion to which his work was consigned for over 50 years, and its …
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June 28th 2024 What Really Happened at the WHO? The Pandemic Treaty was NOT defeated. Negotiations will resume on July 17-18, 2024. The amendments to the International Health Regulations WERE adopted. Big Pharma won. We the People have work to do!

James Roguski
What Really Happened at the WHO?
The “Pandemic Treaty” was NOT defeated. The 10th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be held in hybrid format July 16-17, 2024. They hope to reach consensus on the “Pandemic Agreement” before the end of 2024. The amendments to the International Health Regulations WERE adopted…
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June 28th 2024 US Senate committee probes oil producers on price collusion with OPEC

June 28th 2024 Government met oil and gas representatives every day in 2023, analysis suggests

June 28th 2024 Among incredibly stupid court opinions, overturning Chevron takes the cake

June 28th 2024  Rep. Thomas Massie: CDC And FDA Employees Must be Held Accountable 6/26/24

Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
Top 100 Love Songs Preformed by Chief Justice
Top 100 Love Songs Preformed by Chief Justice w/ Top 300 Wedding Songs & Top 300 Love Quotes for Lovers ft 1:Corinthians:13 performed by Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0