Trump Censorship Program: Fauci admits censorship of Chris Edwards March 13th 2016 by Cambridge Analytica; Rise Of The Jedi Podcast Dec 26 2019 & Tesla Leaks 2.0 February 25th 2020 "Covid Hoax" Post!
The Committee tacitly acknowledges this by requesting documents dating back to 2019, even as it frames the inquiry politically as a “Biden Administration censorship” problem.
June 20th 2024 The Trump Censorship Program… The censorship of dissenting Covid narratives started all the way back in late January-early February 2020, with Fauci implicated in the censorship as early as February 2, 2020. The Committee tacitly acknowledges this by requesting documents dating back to 2019, even as it frames the inquiry politically as a “Biden Administration censorship” problem.
August 16th 2022 RISE OF THE JEDI PODCAST EPISODE 6 PT1 - CHIEF JUSTICE OF NUREMBERG 2.0 AT NUREMBERGTRIALS.NET PREDICTS ALL PARTS OF COVID HOAX ON HIS RISE OF THE JEDI PODCAST ON FACEBOOK & YOUTUBE TIME STAMPED **12/26/19 1AM** CHRISTMAS DAY’S-EVE (and the same hour George Washington was Crossing The Delaware) predicted the entire Covid Hoax just hours before the fake virus was given a name (SARS-COV2) reported from China time, December 27th 2019.
1) New World Order, Great Reset, Tesla vs Gas, Free Energy, Controlling Countries w/ Food & Energy, Staged Wars, Lockdowns /w Walmart Open, Presidential Directives, Emergency Orders, Vaccine BioWeapons, BioTerror, Fear, Crisis, Order out of Chaos, Invisible, Phantom Virus, Forced Injections, Quarantine, FEMA Camps, Darth Vader & Stormtrooper Masks, Fake News, Fake Science, Information Wars, Cancel Culture, Military Industrial Complex, Scientific Technocratic Elite, Sovereign Countries & Companies (Pfizer), Government is God, Fiat Currency...
June 10th 2024 Facebook Parent Meta Agrees to Settle Cambridge Analytica Scandal Case back in 2016 for $725 Million
(SNIP) From the June 20th 2024 Article: The censorship of dissenting Covid narratives started all the way back in late January-early February 2020, with Fauci implicated in the censorship as early as February 2, 2020
What happened just before February 2nd 2020? From the Nuremberg 2.0 Coronavirus Daily News Timeline in 2020
(SNIP) Chris Edwards of and Nuremberg 2.0 pubishes this on Facebook, January 30th 2020 #VACCINES The WHO Immunization Agenda 2030: a Global PhRMA Strategy calling for 150 mandatory vaccines and 500 new vaccines for 2030 --
(SNIP) From the June 20th 2024 Article: According to the US Government’s COVID-19 Response Plan, starting on February 28, 2020 “all federal communication and messaging” about the pandemic had to go through the Office of the Vice President, which housed the Task Force, which was led by the National Security Council.
What Happened On February 25th-28th 2020? Chris Edwards publishes the Treatise called the “Coronavirus Hoax” on February 25th 2020. Days to weeks after February 25th 2020, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, David Icke and Congress questions Covid-19 as a “Hoax”. (REMOVED BY FACEBOOK)
66.6 Ways Covid a full-blown Hoax by Chris Edwards on February 25th 2020 (REMOVED BY FACEBOOK)
October 11th 2020 Predicted by Tesla Leaks on February 25th 2020. There are no Covid19 isolates and no Covid19 test. (REMOVED BY FACEBOOK)
Coronavirus Hoax Full Post, February 25th 2020 with Updates by Chris Edwards (REMOVED BY FACEBOOK):
February 25th 2020 Trump declares emergency over Coronavirus Hoax
February 25th 2020 Tesla Leaks publishes the 10 Contentions for a "Coronavirus Hoax" on Facebook -- "CoronaVirus" & "Test Kit" Hoax to stop Tesla Giga Shanghai Part 1: 1) Coronavirus Hoax was invented the day after the Rise of the Jedi Podcast Launched, December 26 2019 AND December 30th 2019, same day Tesla Giga Shanghai began production Tesla delivers first China-made cars from $5bn Shanghai factory. 2) Coronaviruses are types of viruses?? 3) Viruses are too small to see with a light microscope — only seen with Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) detector in a scanning electron microscope 4) See these examples of HIV imagery. If some images are colored for scientific purposes, and others altered for aesthetic reasons, how can a viewer tell the difference? #NASA #PHOTOSHOP 5) October 2017, A method for accurate quantitation of virus particles has long been sought, but a perfect method still eludes the scientific community. 6) There is only 1 claimed "real" photo of Coronavirus in Google Images 7) Coronavirus originated by an "illegal" "fish market" in China. OH SURE!! 8) Sounds like Long John Silvers & Walmart have a hand in this one; to "stop the wildlife trade"? A "wet market" in Wuhan, China, is catching the #blame as the #probable source of the current coronavirus outbreak that's sweeping the globe. 9) All pathogens can be killed with UV lights in the air, on surfaces and in water (Nikola Tesla) 10) All pathogens can be killed by purifying the blood with electric fields (John G Trump, MIT, 1978)
February 29th 2020 Trump [Launches Coronavirus Task Force]( with gas station owner Mike Pence.
February 29th 2020 #coincidence Tesla short-sellers get an assist from coronavirus
February 28th 2020 "Do you think Coronavirus is a Hoax? Democrat gets in heated exchange with Pompeo at hearing -- Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
March 17th 2020 Facebook blocks Ron (Jedi) Paul's Video Report "The Coronavirus Hoax"
March 16th 2020 CNBC, Cramer that Corinavurus and QE Infinity is the New, "New World Order"
March 16th 2020 Coronavirus Hoax |Dr Ron Paul
Facebook/Cambridge Analytica vs Chris Edwards & Nikola Tesla
October 20th 2021 D.C. Attorney General Will Drag Zuckerberg to Court for Privacy Lawsuit over Cambridge Analytica. A special report was prepared by Tesla Leaks and posted on Facebook immediately after the March 18th 2018 date of the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook Leak; in the *Tesla Leaks Facebook and Website 13000 Page Archive time and date stamped archive; Cambridge Analytica admitting that they launched the Facebook disinformation campaign. Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal - Wikipedia March 18th 2018 admits to starting right after Tesla Leaks 1.0 was launched on Facebook ion July 4th 2014, Christopher Wyle was hired by Russia, Lukoil, Chris Wyle etal to stop Tesla.
A description by the World Economic Forum of the Historic Oil Price Collapse started the weekend after July 4th 2014, at $107 BBl "Headed to $200 BBl" - Fox News; the same day the Tesla Leaks Blogspot was launched; July 4th 2014, and has had over 15,000 like's and share's, and Tesla Leaks 2.0 Facebook Group was restarted February 9th 2016, when CNN reported that Oil Prices were at $26.67 Bbl and "Diving Below $18 a BBL"). The data for Tesla Leaks 1.0 was previously backed up, and in combination of the Tesla Leaks Blogspot data, Launched Tesla Leaks 2.0 in June 2016. As predicted, none of this could stop the results by Motor Trend on July 10th 2019 declaration that the 2012-2013 Tesla Model S (the first the use the Nikola Tesla A/C Induction Motor) was the Best car over the past 70 years.
‘I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool’
On the same day, posted on the Tesla Leaks Facebook Group, March 18th 2018: The Cambridge Analytica Files. ‘I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool’: meet the data war whistleblower. Or, as Wylie describes it, he was the gay Canadian vegan who somehow ended up creating “Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindfuck tool”. Now, 28-year-old Christopher Wylie goes on the record to discuss his role in hijacking the profiles of millions of Facebook users in order to target the US electorate. In Wylie’s stash, including a pitch made by Cambridge Analytica to Lukoil, Russia’s second biggest oil producer. In an email dated 17 July 2014, about the US presidential primaries, Nix wrote to Wylie: “We have been asked to write a memo to Lukoil (the Russian oil and gas company) to explain to them how our services are going to apply to the petroleum business. Nix said that “they understand behavioural microtargeting in the context of elections” but that they were “failing to make the connection between voters and their consumers”. The work, he said, would be “shared with the CEO of the business”, a former Soviet oil minister and associate of Putin, Vagit Alekperov. “It didn’t make any sense to me,” says Wylie. “I didn’t understand either the email or the pitch presentation we did. Why would a Russian oil company want to target information on American voters?” - Now meet "Nikola Tesla" Leaks! -- : This is the original and first compilation of "Tesla Leaks", first post compiled on July 4th 2014, the day of the beginning of the oil price collapse and posted on Blogspot on November 5th 2014. They are the anniversary of dates of Nikola Tesla's destruction of his Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island, and the former the date approved for Tesla's "Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy".
On the Same Day, posted on the Tesla Leaks Facebook Group: Mar 18, 2018, 2:18 PM
October 20th 2021 Facebook/Cambridge Analytica vs Chris Edwards & Nikola Tesla Pt 2
TESLA LEAKS - WIKILEAKS OF NIKOLA TESLA. Learn the Mystery & the Magic in the 1000 Inventions of Nikola Tesla
Classes are taught by Chris Edwards, the editor in chief of Tesla Leaks. They are designed around the Nikola Tesla patents describing the apparatus, system, art of, manufacturing methods, vernacular, phenomena and the magic of his inventions. Thus, turning the magical, into the conventional reality of natural laws. The courses will include content published over 13 years including the official Tesla Leaks Facebook Group 2.0 & Tesla Leaks YouTube 1.0, Tesla Leaks YouTube 2.0, Tesla Leaks Blogspot, Rise Of The Jedi Podcast Facebook Page & Rise Of The Jedi Podcast YouTube.
(Tesla Leaks 1.0 and all associated pages were removed by Facebook without warning in March 13th 2016. The 10,000 admin posts and Tesla Leaks 2.0 Group Posts PDF for Tesla Leaks 2.0 PDF were removed by Facebook without warning on January 5th 2021. Rise Of The Jedi Podcast Facebook Page PDF admin and associated posts were also removed by Facebook. The associated Gmail & YouTube the these accounts are also blocked from uploading new video's. All of the above pages, video's, pictures etc. were all back up in their entirety before deletion and have been recreated in blog posts here on the website or now made available for download as PDF above)