Dr Sam Bailey, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Tom Cowan, Reiner Fuellmich all bite-the-dust as "Truthers", "Anti-Vaxxers" & "No-Virus" Stooges for the New World Order
Chief Justice's "Truther" Dirty Dozen ft #1 Dr Joseph Mercola + White House Whistleblower Disinformation Dirty Dozen #1 Chief Justice #3 Mickey Mouse
July 9th 2024 Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth. It asks why millions of reported deaths starting in 1918 were blamed on a "virus" when there were numerous other environmental factors involved, including the mass deployment of deadly chemicals during World War 1. https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/exploding-the-spanish-flu-myth
In the above video, Dr Sam Bailey, presents the idea that the invention of electricity, by Nikola Tesla, the electric fields could be causing the Spanish Flu, and all other plannedemics since the invention. First of all, if that was the case, wouldn't -everyone in the world be sick-? If electricity or “5G causes Covid-19”? - Alex Jones. It couldn’t be the vaccines, the wars, the chemical biowarfare, the poison pills, the petro-chemicals, the pesticides, the synthetic “vitamins”, the gas stations or the dope your smoking…, It’s electricity! Now, get back into your 5 mile deep coal mine pit and get on digging!!
February 22nd 2022 Spanish Flu Hoax - Empty Hospitals, Masks, Quarantine, Vaccine's & Fake Cures https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/spanish-flu-hoax---empty-hospitals-masks-quarantine-vaccines
So I guess were down to "0", Zero "truthers" in the entire World. Andrew Kaufman is pushing fake cures https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/binary-weapons-poisons-fake-cures-used-for-world-de-population like Zeolite, which is made of nano aluminum and nano "silica" glass; https://shop.andrewkaufmanmd.com/products/zeohealth-zeolite-pure-capsules which would cause the same side effects as vaccines. https://sciencedirect.com/topics/materials-science/high-silica-zeolite
Tom Cowan, pushing "Chlorine Dioxide", which is a weapon of chemical warfare, and Turpentine, one of the fake cures for the Spanish Flu, and Methylene Blue; one of the many poisons in your food mandated by Codex Alimentarius. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/codex-alementarious-synthetic-vitamins-gmo-removes-nutrients You like "Meth", Mr Cowan? Meth accelerates the poisons through the cell wall. https://bitchute.com/video/eIh3UkQNEngK/
Now, Dr Sam Bailey, pushing electromagnetic fields causing illness. First of all, if that was the case, wouldn't -everyone in the world be sick-? If electricity or 5G causes Covid-19? - Alex Jones. Where's all the sick people in the hospital from EMF? So, it's the EMF that's making you all retarded, not the fact that your plain stupid?? I haven't seen one person "sick" in public, in 4 years. Why isn't the "EMF' and 5G making me sick? I haven't gotten sick in over 30 years. How did I get natural immunity from EMF and 5g?? https://teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla/articles/nikola-tesla-electrified-schoolroom-brighten-dull-pupils
Electricity—“The Greatest of All Doctors”: An Introduction to “High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes” by Nikola Tesla, as VP of the IEEE in 1899 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=771078
Fact is, your body runs on electric currents, the Sun is an electric current, the Ionosphere has an electric charge, Thunderstorms... Did you die in that last rain storm too? Have you ever heard of Electroculture? https://washingtonpost.com/home/2023/08/30/gardening-electroculture-explained/ And, 5G etc. are non-ionizing, can cannot affect charge-transfer in your body. By definition. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/5g-causes-covid19-or-symptoms-conspiracy-or-nikola-tesla-wireless
There is no clinical study you can point to, where a cell phone or hair dryer is causing your "Cancer"; while excluding all other things. Besides, any "Cancer" diagnosis is going to be based on a fake test, with a known false-positive rate. You're cancer is caused by petro-chemicals in your air, water and food, the Gas Station, and from the poisons your taking from the Rockefeller Foundation. You know, the guys that run Chevron/Exxon/Texaco, the United Nations and all the poisons at the "Hospice-tal". Where the living go to die... Ths Hospice. So yes, were down to Zero, 0, Nada, Nadie.
There's no such thing as a "truther" or "patriot" or "MAGA". When the MAGA people, better than 98%, buy Ford 150 trucks that are made in Mexico, with 150 out-sourced suppliers of parts, and Tesla, on the other hand, is the #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 Most American Made automobiles; that 98%, and in some cases 99.99%, spew nothing but fake BS about EV's and renewables, that can be and have been disproven in 1/2 second. Tesla PR Department Debunking Tesla FUD (Fear|Uncertainty|Doubt) (teslaleaks.com)
The "patriot" is the one that goes into other countries, steals their oil, “takes the money too” - Donald Trump; kills everyone and then runs dope from Afghanistan to all the women and children of their country. Trump Says We Should ‘Keep/Steal the Oil’ When ‘We Obliterate Somebody’ (FOR JESUS!) https://www.bitchute.com/video/guGhg0M3Al1h/
No, not even Dr Mike Yeadon. Dr. Michael Yeadon Warn that EMF - 5G can cause Covid-19
No, not even the fake Nuremberg 2.0 "truther"; Reiner Fuellmich. Microwave Radiation Can Facilitate Mind Control and Mass Shootings - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. The TV isn't mind control. The mass shootings aren't fake and staged; it's the "Microwaves"! https://oneplace.com/ministries/counter-culture-mom/listen/microwave-radiation-can-facilitate-mind-control-and-mass-shootings-dr-reiner-fuellmich-1077269.html
January 26th 2022 Chief Justice's "Truther" Dirty Dozen ft #1 Dr Joseph Mercola https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/chief-justices-truther-dirty-dozen-ft-1-dr-joseph-mercola
July 29th 2023 White House Whistleblower Dirty Dozen #1 Chief Justice #3 Mickey Mouse https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/white-house-whistleblower-dirty-dozen-1-chief-justice-3-mickey
The Dirty Dozen Exposing Covid-19 Hoax: #1 Chief Justice Wanted for Predicting 13 points of "The Great Reset" Dec 26th 2019 1AM; within hours of "novel" Covid & 10 points of "Coronavirus Hoax" on Facebook Feb 25th 2020 with 1100 likes; removed by Facebook on January 5th 2021.
August 16th 2022 RISE OF THE JEDI PODCAST EPISODE 6 PT1 - CHIEF JUSTICE PREDICTS ALL PARTS OF COVID HOAX 12/26/19 1AM predicted Covid Hoax hours before the fake virus was given a name (SARS-COV2) from China, December 27th 2019 https://bitchute.com/video/CoYNr5FxEQrQ/
#13 Boobie Prizes shared by Santa Claus for taking the experimental Jab from Fauci & Easter Bunny for acting in place of a lab rat for mRNA Chimera's for Vaccines:
#2 Bugs Bunny wanted for 6 magical incantations such as giving experimental mRNA to Gossamer the Monster, Covid-19 bug spray repellent used on Vampire Bat : like Ivermectin, the active ingredient in RAID & ROACH MOTELS. Then, by mixing the magic words to "abraca-pocus" and "hocus-cadabra", Bugs causes the Count to become a mixture of human and bat body parts. Just like the Chimpanzee protiens and Moth DNA is in Covid Vaccines. Just like in the movie “The Fly”.
#3 Mickey Mouse wanted for impersonating an mRNA lab rat, Mickey was recently deemed non-essential and replaced with Tony Fauci's rat "models" used in Vaccinology.
Now, replaced by the FDA with "Immuno-bridging", where they no longer require clinial studies on Covid Vaccines. And with the "Animal Rule" & "No Informed Consent"; no animal testing is required; not even mice; nor do they have to be informed that they are actually being transmuted by Pfizer to a Guinae Pig.
#4 Bigfoot wanted for illegally breaking social distancing guidelines with an un-registered, un-vaccinated sea-horse; and wanted for giving Covid-19 to the Lock Ness Monster. Then, in 2023, during the Climate Lockdowns, the Oceans Boiled-Over - UN. and cooked them into something that tasted like Chicken. This is the last know picture of Bigfoot and Lock Ness Monster together. RIP.
#5 Elon Musk and drone army wanted by Space Farce for breaking lockdown orders, flying UFO's without a license and future auto-immune related Covid-disabled parking violations. Elon Musk calling the lockdowns "Fascist" and will evade arrest in his UFO.
#6 Chupacabra, who was infected with Covid-19 by sniffing Cujo's droppings, is wanted for a no mask violation. It and was last seen in the forest, by itself, taking a crap for a portrait pose for the paint-up artists. Cujo was captured and is now the Covid sniffing dog adopted by Joe Biden for use on visitors to the White House. Cujo is now been euthanized with Remdesivir-Cyanide; like Grandma, in BAAL Gates' "Killing Granny" and a fast track to BAAL Gates & UN's "Final Solution". Now replaced with with a virus Smoke Alarm dection system for BAAL Gates Pandemic Firing Quad.
#7 Ghostbusters staff wanted for killing the Ectoplasmic Covid-Puft Marshmellow Man by "crossing the streams" and entrapping Ghosts using an illegal CERN "Neutrana Wand"; the particle accelerator generally used to manufacture Covid vaccine's by smashing CRISPR computer generated proteins together at CERN.
#8 Marvin the Martian wanted for being in possession of an illegal CERN, Immodium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator to destroy Earth (Competing with Klaus Schwab's Great Reset)
#9 Rand Paul wanted for using illegal Covid-Bat Guano from his Coal mines for fertilizer. When of course, the Covid-19 Bat Guano came from deep in a coal mine in East or was it West China Fish Market? Or Mr. Paul, was it's genetic sequence "leaked" digitally from the "gain of function" Bio-weapon labs that manufactures the same sequences for computer generated synethetic vaccines? (No, not the Psyop term "Vaccine Evolution" by Project Veritas. "Purposeful Poison" is a more scientific term".
#10 Ted Cruz wanted for shooting a duck with a shot-gun at the end of his Cruz Commander commercial with Phil Robertson for a presidential election run by trade-secret Dominion Voting Software. Then, 28 days later, the duck was diagnosed with Covid-19, just like the guys that died from a shark attack, shot in the chest, run over by a bus, fell out of an 8 story building, run over by a steam roller and death by "Climate Change". All certfied as death by "Covid-19". The deaths were identified using a used Chinese Anal Swab or extracted by it by orders of Darth Vader, using the Empire's IOT Terror Droid. Every part of this is, highly unethical!
#11 Donald Trump wanted for breaking social distancing and masks guidelines; even their usual masks at The Fappening & Epstein Island, in order to kiss Rudy Giuliani who is wearing a wig, a dress and even no underwear. "The first thing I do is grab them in the pussy. Or..."
#12 Alex Jones wanted for "bad acting" by impersonating a sterilized Gay Frog; and therefore breaking LGTBQ-F ethics rules in the vaccine "Woke" community.
While simultaneously not speaking as a Human, and couldn’t speak of the Atrazine sterilant is a listed Adjuvant in some Covid Vaccines, Herbicide, Gas & Melamine in Baby Formula https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/alex-joness-gay-frogs-hoax-atrazine-from-dow-chemicals-fuel
#13 Can Big Bird & The Muppets Legally Give Medical Advice to Children on Covid Vaccines? (NurembergTrials.net) https://www.bitchute.com/video/4qUQoy0CRizS/
Booby-prizes go to the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus for their generous contributions to the Coronavirus Hoax. Toni Fauci said he gave Santa Clause the first experimental Covid Jab, himself.
For Easter, the White House is still funding DARPA, CERN & CRISPR who's "scientists" are working long and hard to save lives by turning a chicken egg into a bunny rabbit with experimental mRNA Gene Therapy.
Top Secret: From the Office of Joseph Goebbles, Propaganda Minister (O.S.S)
White House advisory on combating Health Mis-information with Emergency Infodemics, Dis-Information, Fake-News & "Beliefs":
July 16th 2021 White House turns up heat on Big Tech’s Covid ‘disinformation dozen’. A Facebook spokesperson told CNN Friday the company had shut down some pages and groups belonging to the dozen or so people identified by the CCDH but would not say what pages. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/16/tech/misinformation-covid-facebook-twitter-white-house/index.html
March 13th 2021 Disinformation Dozen Test Facebook, Twitters ability to curb facts about the Coronavirus Hoax https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996570855/disinformation-dozen-test-facebooks-twitters-ability-to-curb-vaccine-hoaxes
July 12th 2020 World Health Organization has declared an ‘infodemic’ of misleading information about the COVID-19, which poses a serious risk for public health (World Health Organization, 2020a). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7404621/
WHO How to report to social media sites misinformation online that you "believe" is false. Note: 56% of people "believe" in Aliens from planet Plypton! https://www.who.int/campaigns/connecting-the-world-to-combat-coronavirus/how-to-report-misinformation-online
How to respond with fake news when your Coronavirus Plannedemic is exposed:
Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep & US DOS wrote a report on Operation Lockstep; for public policing policy called #lockstep; a prison term. The US Department of State is policing the population policy 1999, NIH. - Rockefeller Foundation is the founder and funder of the World Health Organization.