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Disease X, a vaccine to infect you, is the next scamdemic, plannedemic planners warn (

Nikola Tesla's Wireless Non-Radiative Induction Powered Kitchen Coming in 2024 (

May 22nd 2023 Pandemic 3.0: Moscow quarantine 16 city districts amid fake bird flu outbreak

May 22nd 2023 Moscow, the tip of the spear in the Covid Hoax, Nuke Hoax, Space Hoax, ICBM Hoax... introduces quarantine in 16 city districts amid bird flu outbreak

May 21st 2023 Hitler's EU agrees to bird flu vaccination whiles 75% of countries will reject imports of vaccinated birds. US, remain reluctant mainly because of the trade curbs this would entail.

May 21st 2022 Scientists use creativity, vigilance to brace for Disease X

May 19th 2023 Fake News as birds are culled, story blames it on the flu. LDC to begin vaccinating birds with poison.

Fauci & WHO "Disease X" (Zika) Vaccines to purposely infect you!

Sea-Monkey Zombie Cryogenic Vaccine is the “Infection” by Chief Justice

Disease X & Zika HCT Vaccine published at NIH on 12/19/19, same day 1st Covid case is reported from China. HCT vaccines deliberately infect you. March 13th 2018 Ecohealthalliance & Fauci: WHO is worried about Disease X and you should be too

The optimal timing for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines within the first year after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) is poorly understood.

Bone marrow transplant (hematopoietic stem cell transplant) (HPSCT) involves the administration of healthy hematopoietic stem cells in patients

Cells derived from elective abortions have been used in vaccine research for decades, including for Covid-19 vaccines.

ASH-ASTCT COVID-19 Vaccination for HCT and CAR T Cell Recipients: Frequently Asked Questions

Smart Cordless Kitchen Appliances at CES 2023 - YouTube

Smart Wireless Kitchen Appliances Up to 2200 Watts At CES 2023. Thanks to the power transmitters you can use your electronic devices in every corner of your kitchen conveniently and wirelessly.


Non Radiative wireless power transmission has no EMF. See the definition of "non radiative". If there is "no loss"; then where is the excess EMF? The "EMF" your talking about is blasting in your face from the spark plugs in your gas car, and can be detected for miles. "For energy conservation, the circuit drives power into the field and the field by induction drives power back into the source circuit and hence there is no loss of energy." "shown that using the low frequency range in power transfer technology produces negligible radiation"

March 21st 2023 Induction, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways. . .

Zero Point energy is defined as the point where in non radiative induction wireless power transfer from a standing wave is at it's maximum.

Nikola Tesla stated that the most important development of his is 'standing waves'... 'but no machine as of yet has been developed to create these waves" - Nikola Tesla. They are also refered to as zero point, scalar and lamb waves; and are the phenomena in non radiative wireless power transmission where the patent cite 'power is maximum at 90 degrees of normal, perpendicular to the surface, where power transfer is maximum.’ Sources @

And, I posted a video in June 2013 citing Eric Dollard, that the receiving component was based on Negative Resistance, and in combination with an RCA hydrogen spark gap transformer, at the zero point. The center of the node, at the receiver, in the system of loops and nodes. While also embedding the J. Hettinger Patents that 'made wireless power possible'; who Nikola Tesla cites in the March 1920 Electrical Experimenter. Noting the phenomena of High Tension Radiant Beams, Negative Resistance and Mercury Vapor receivers... Thus, solving worldwide, er long distance, line of sight, wireless power transmission, more than 5 years before a copy of the March 1920 Electrical Experimenter (Science and Invention) even hit the Internet.

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Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0